Would you say I am correct

Tech First

Jolly Good Fellow
Barrow County Ga.
in saying that our bend but don't break D worked pretty good last night. Almost to perfection. Of course the main reason it did is because we were able to put enough pressure on at the right time to keep them honest and get an occasional turn over. What are your thoughts?


Ramblin' Wreck
in saying that our bend but don't break D worked pretty good last night. Almost to perfection. Of course the main reason it did is because we were able to put enough pressure on at the right time to keep them honest and get an occasional turn over. What are your thoughts?
I don't like it, but it was enough to win. Id rather run a scheme that challenges the opposing players to make plays, not try to limit them from big plays. Id prefer to press up the corners some and not have the zone as deep.
But hey, it wasn't dominate or pretty but we made it work. I'm proud of the defense right now.


Helluva Engineer
No I hate watching it. We could've won that game by 5-7 TDs but our defense didn't get any pressure on Dak. That hail marry shouldn't have had a chance but we never got any pressure during that drive. I would rather us never bring less than 4 and most of the time I would like to see us send 5-6


Ramblin' Wreck
Colorado Springs, CO
I thought in the second half when we started some different stunts and brought more pressure that was good stuff. next year we will have some very good cover DB's so that kind-of pressure will be even more effective. Our boys came to hit last night!! They came to play. And even though they gave up 600+ yds, if the fumble would have stood (which it should of) and the hail mary didn't happen, we would have just killed them. Our redzone schemes worked extremely well.

Yaller Jacket

Ramblin' Wreck
Well, it's hard to argue with it when it works. Ted likes to manage the game, or so it seems to me. He takes into account the score and what our offense is doing. I like more pressure too, but most of their passes were short and quick, and more pressure might not have helped. As it was, they got only short gains and we tackled the receiver quickly. It killed some clock. And they struggled in the red zone when everything was tight because they couldn't run the ball on us.

Like everybody, I'm hoping that before 2015 kicks off we have a better pass rush out of our front four. That would change everything.

Tech First

Jolly Good Fellow
Barrow County Ga.
Well, it's hard to argue with it when it works. Ted likes to manage the game, or so it seems to me. He takes into account the score and what our offense is doing. I like more pressure too, but most of their passes were short and quick, and more pressure might not have helped. As it was, they got only short gains and we tackled the receiver quickly. It killed some clock. And they struggled in the red zone when everything was tight because they couldn't run the ball on us.

Like everybody, I'm hoping that before 2015 kicks off we have a better pass rush out of our front four. That would change everything.
I really think with the limited quality personal that he had. Roof did a good job with what he had after UNC. Before that I believe he was trying to find out what he had so he could know best what to do. No I prefer pressure and all that goes with it but I do believe what we saw last night was a very good example of coaching with the limited personal he had. Just my opinion.


Ramblin' Wreck
I thought we did a fantastic job considering the lack of depth and injuries that piled up in the game. The D put the O in a position to win, that's what you ask for. We might have given up some yardage on short passes, but our tackling was good so there were not any big breakaways. Really good playing all around.

danny daniel

Helluva Engineer
I thought we did a fantastic job considering the lack of depth and injuries that piled up in the game. The D put the O in a position to win, that's what you ask for. We might have given up some yardage on short passes, but our tackling was good so there were not any big breakaways. Really good playing all around.

After the O got the lead the GT defense helped the O run out the clock. All those short MSU passes while they were behind just helped us out with running out the clock. The GT defensive play in the second half was perfect for the situation However it only works well when the O can keep scoring.

worthco jacket

Georgia Tech Fan
Albany, Georgia
in saying that our bend but don't break D worked pretty good last night. Almost to perfection. Of course the main reason it did is because we were able to put enough pressure on at the right time to keep them honest and get an occasional turn over. What are your thoughts?
Well, a lot of people are not going to like this but to me a veteran quarterback like Dak is just salivating at the thought of having teams commit to an all out blitz. He wants to gun it, gunslinger style and not be patient which is what is required when facing read and react zone type defenses. Just my two cents. Others more knowledgeable may disagree. Under the circumstances I think Roof did the right thing.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
I thought we did a fantastic job considering the lack of depth and injuries that piled up in the game. The D put the O in a position to win, that's what you ask for. We might have given up some yardage on short passes, but our tackling was good so there were not any big breakaways. Really good playing all around.

Need to make sure that the adjustments to continued to take place, especially after the injuries made a big difference. TEAM WINS!


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Bend but don't break? I will say this. The 600 yards we gave up are a little deceiving. There was 50 on a Hail Mary. Then, late in the game when we were up a good bit, we backed off, rushed 3 and tried to keep everything in front and burn clock. It is frustrating to watch, but it had the desired effect. They turned it over on downs a couple times after good drives and we got them to burn clock. There were a lot of empty yards gained out there for MSU. Blitzing is certainly an alternative, but I ask you, what would you be saying today if they had a couple run outs late because we brought the house, bringing the outcome of the game into question? Generally speaking, I think we need to stay more aggressive too, but I also understand what we were trying to do last night.


Jolly Good Fellow
No I hate watching it. We could've won that game by 5-7 TDs but our defense didn't get any pressure on Dak. That hail marry shouldn't have had a chance but we never got any pressure during that drive. I would rather us never bring less than 4 and most of the time I would like to see us send 5-6
Completely agree with this quote! We shoulda won by 5 TDs.

Are you kidding me with 10 secs in a half we rush 3?????? Thought CPJ might fire rooF in Halftime for that DA move. It's like TR is my thinking some times. I understand we had no personnel this year but in certain situation you should always pressure and roof doesn't. How many times do I need to see 3 linebackers 8 yards off LOS doing NOTHING? Pee wer coaches know better.


Helluva Engineer
At the game it was clear that DAK was very often inaccurate with his passes - even with minimal pressure. They would be high, late low and sometimes they were caught. We had disciplined Rush by DL and lb that contained his ad lib rushing which made his incompletions costly.

If we face a good to great qb , he will get the ball to his receives ONTHE MOVE if we don't press him. They will score no matter what and we will wear out our defense.

i think it is logical to be very agressive on defense when you have our offense which grinds down the defense. Also grat for recruiting super stud DL players

For now on defense we have done fine ( post UNC) - in fact last night in third q the defense gave great effort and stopped msu. When they came off gt fans gave them great cheer. All the while coach pelton had them on bench and went face to face with each man - encouraging, demanding and coaching . It was awsome!

Look forward to coaches improving as much as possible - they have our guys giving it all and are playing as a team. We can all imagine how good the defense will be if we get someone like JT on defense.


Since we are talking about the D I feel the need to add this about one play in particular....the Msu toss sweep to the RB....Golden slipped the lead blocker and absolutely drilled the RB causing the fumble. Maybe the biggest play of the game...got me jacked up I can tell you that.


Milwaukee, WI
Roof did exactly what he's done the entire 2nd half of the season. He played EXTREMELY vanilla in the first half and then started firing blitzes in the 2nd half. This has been very obvious the last few games. I knew this going into the game, and my only gripe was not bringing pressure on the hail mary. The funny thing is that play doesn't happen in the 3rd or 4th qtr cause Ted wouldn't have let it happen simply because he would have brought pressure. I thought all he had to do was change his scheme 10 seconds earlier than usual to easily avoid that. I found it painfully ironic watching that play unfold screaming "Ted won't bring anyone and Dak will be able to lay one up here".

Dak missed a ton of throws last night too, he was off his game.

I can't really ***** about Roof's gameplan the 2nd half of the season. He produced an insane amount of game-changing turnovers in my opinion.

And who was that front 7 last night? Man our front was nasty as hell all night, I was shocked. Chunkong was huge. That play with him and Golden blowing up that option for the fumble was a thing of beauty. Rook had Dak dead in his sights for a big loss and I saw Jamal creepin up eyeing the pitch man, I was praying Dak made that pitch. Jamal blew it up. That was defense right there, fellas.


Milwaukee, WI
Since we are talking about the D I feel the need to add this about one play in particular....the Msu toss sweep to the RB....Golden slipped the lead blocker and absolutely drilled the RB causing the fumble. Maybe the biggest play of the game...got me jacked up I can tell you that.

Really got me jacked as well. I came out of my chair as soon as Rook had Dak in his sights. It was either gonna be a big loss by Rook or a missile by Jamal. It worked out perfectly. I'll be honest, I pretty much had a redneck moment and did the Muschamp "BOOM M'FER" in my living room as soon as Jamal laid the wood. I couldn't control it. My wife's friends were terrified.


Ramblin' Wreck
Colorado Springs, CO
Since we are talking about the D I feel the need to add this about one play in particular....the Msu toss sweep to the RB....Golden slipped the lead blocker and absolutely drilled the RB causing the fumble. Maybe the biggest play of the game...got me jacked up I can tell you that.
Not sure whether you saw it in one of the articles, but Golden said that Roof ran the play at least 50 times with the scout team. Golden knew what was coming because of Roof's coaching. this was just like the Clemson game on Stoudt's first interception. He knew it was coming. Can't emphasize enough that these guys were coached up and that is one of the key reasons our D got better and better as the year went on. Love it!


Georgia Tech Fan
Atlanta, GA
I thought in the second half when we started some different stunts and brought more pressure that was good stuff.
Why does it seem like we're always waiting for the second half to start blitzing? Why can't we come out of the gate doing it? Does Roof think the same bunch of 4 is going to suddenly generate a pass rush?