Why do we have so many B-Backs?


Milwaukee, WI
I'm just curious. I understand how depth works, but for a position that only has one starter should we really be 6-7 deep there? I would think it's just going to lead to transfers or position changes, or both.

We currently have 6 or 7, correct?

Let me know your thoughts.


Helluva Engineer
Yes, I agree. Two things. First, I think you are right about movement between BB and AB this spring though who will move where is a puzzle. The obvious candidates to go to AB are Marshall and Benson due to their speed, but that's also a good reason for them to stay put. Second, after last year I expect the coaches will be right happy to have a lot of quality depth at all the skill positions on O, even if that means some people riding the pines. With what we have coming back at BB we shouldn't see much fall off even with - but Heaven forfend! - multiple injuries.

Well, like I keep saying, I sure am glad they pay Coach to think all this out. No doubt he's back in his office gloating about the raw talent we have on O and worrying about whether anybody will know who to block.


Helluva Engineer
I'm just curious. I understand how depth works, but for a position that only has one starter should we really be 6-7 deep there? I would think it's just going to lead to transfers or position changes, or both.

We currently have 6 or 7, correct?

Let me know your thoughts.
Perhaps listed at the position. But last season injuries consumed the position, and the fact is it was not long before we had no dependable Bback. Skov simply wasn't very good, and Marshall had fumbling and blocking issues. Probably good enough reasons to look six or seven deep but in reality we will be lucky if we get three deep. And luckier if the other guys can migrate to Aback.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
I'm just curious. I understand how depth works, but for a position that only has one starter should we really be 6-7 deep there? I would think it's just going to lead to transfers or position changes, or both.

We currently have 6 or 7, correct?

Let me know your thoughts.

I think that's a question we're ultimately better asking after Spring, or even after fall camp. I think we've been recruiting to the ignorance of what we've got after departure of top 3 B-
Backs in 2014. I think coach likes to have 4 scholarship B-Backs. Currently, I think we have 4 plus Mills (I'm not counting Kirvonte). I think we'll see significant competition this Spring. If Marcus doesn't win the starting position or if we think Leggett/Marshall/Quaide/Mills will be sufficient, then Allen might graduate and leave. That would give us a solid four with the possibility of one of them RSing. Otherwise, we could see one of them move to D.
Augusta, GA
Perhaps listed at the position. But last season injuries consumed the position, and the fact is it was not long before we had no dependable Bback. Skov simply wasn't very good, and Marshall had fumbling and blocking issues. Probably good enough reasons to look six or seven deep but in reality we will be lucky if we get three deep. And luckier if the other guys can migrate to Aback.
I disagree about Skov. Maybe I am in the minority, but I liked what he brought to the team.....IN SHORT YARDAGE SITUATIONS. He obviously was not going to break a big run, but he was good for those short ones, as long as he got some interior blocking. And then, of course, his injury limited him for about half the season. Nevertheless, it's nice to have a stable of B-backs this year.


Helluva Engineer
Idc if we are that deep we don't have one B back that has really proven himself and untill we do we need to keep recruiting B backs.


Helluva Engineer
I disagree about Skov. Maybe I am in the minority, but I liked what he brought to the team.....IN SHORT YARDAGE SITUATIONS. He obviously was not going to break a big run, but he was good for those short ones, as long as he got some interior blocking. And then, of course, his injury limited him for about half the season. Nevertheless, it's nice to have a stable of B-backs this year.
By short yardage, you must mean very short. As in two? Seriously, after being high on the xfer at the start of the season I finally had to admit he did in fact run with his head down and even had a hole been there -- cue the laughter -- he would never have found it.


Helluva Engineer
Idc if we are that deep we don't have one B back that has really proven himself and untill we do we need to keep recruiting B backs.
As the conductor was reputed to have said to the exhausted but exhilerated opera singer after 20 encores, "Keep on singing until you do it right."


Helluva Engineer
By short yardage, you must mean very short. As in two? Seriously, after being high on the xfer at the start of the season I finally had to admit he did in fact run with his head down and even had a hole been there -- cue the laughter -- he would never have found it.
Well, I take it back. Just found the season stats and he averaged four yards a clip. I am amazed because I swear I never saw more than two. I thought.


Helluva Engineer
Marcus Allen is an interesting case. CPJ made mention several times last year that our best BB was probably the one that couldn't stay healthy...alluding to Allen. I thought he ran well when he was on the field, but he was always too nicked up to stay on the field.

AB and BB spots will be hotly contested, and a lot of guys who would normally have started in past years will probably be sitting. It's better than the alternative...having to play someone because that's the only guy left.


Helluva Engineer
Gibson, GA
I think Allen drops down the depth chart a good bit due to his lack of physical tools compared to Quaide and CJ. I say the depth chart looks more like this:
1st- MM
2nd- CJ or Quaide
3rd- MA

Don't sleep on Dedrick Mills, he has spring and fall camp to get use to the offense and if he can out perform CJ and Quaide and break the 2-deep his redshirt will be burned. I believe Benson moves to AB.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
Mills is a great prospect.

I still hope Marcus Allen finally lives up to his potential. The guy was one of the most highly rated running backs we have signed over the last four years. He had 26 big time offers and there is a reason why FSU went after him hard. The guy has talent.

But the take away for me is that we have enough depth that we can find at least two good B-backs without any problem.


Jolly Good Fellow
Well, I take it back. Just found the season stats and he averaged four yards a clip. I am amazed because I swear I never saw more than two. I thought.

4 ypc for a BB in our offense sucks. PS had the worst per carry average of any starting BB we've ever had.


Helluva Engineer
I think Allen drops down the depth chart a good bit due to his lack of physical tools compared to Quaide and CJ. I say the depth chart looks more like this:
1st- MM
2nd- CJ or Quaide
3rd- MA

Don't sleep on Dedrick Mills, he has spring and fall camp to get use to the offense and if he can out perform CJ and Quaide and break the 2-deep his redshirt will be burned. I believe Benson moves to AB.
I would like to see CJ moved to a back, before his injury it was said he lacked the physical part to play b back.


Helluva Engineer
for me, whether true or not, my perception always seems to be too many RB on this team (both AB + BB) and not enough OL or DL folks....again, its my ongoing perception, whether true or not (FYI I am referring to recruited ship players not including walkons).

but 7 BB is def too many....


Helluva Engineer
for me, whether true or not, my perception always seems to be too many RB on this team (both AB + BB) and not enough OL or DL folks....again, its my ongoing perception, whether true or not (FYI I am referring to recruited ship players not including walkons).

but 7 BB is def too many....
Actually, your perception is not all wrong. Except then of course last year happened. And with no knowledge of the offense to speak of except what I see, it occurs to me that the load at Aback may have to do not only with the blocking they must do, but how far they have to run on every play to do the blocking. Even well-conditioned jocks can wear out.