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Helluva Engineer
With recruiting picking up steam, do you think some of the transfers:
Saw the writing on the wall
We're gently nudged out the door
Saw no playing time in the future
Got tired of CFB
Buckled under the academic pressure
Were not as good as we/they thought
Or just looking for more PT?
We will never know, but just speculating to myself.


Helluva Engineer
With recruiting picking up steam, do you think some of the transfers:
Saw the writing on the wall
We're gently nudged out the door
Saw no playing time in the future
Got tired of CFB
Buckled under the academic pressure
Were not as good as we/they thought
Or just looking for more PT?
We will never know, but just speculating to myself.
Technically you're speculating to everybody on this board :p


Helluva Engineer
With recruiting picking up steam, do you think some of the transfers:
Saw the writing on the wall
We're gently nudged out the door
Saw no playing time in the future
Got tired of CFB
Buckled under the academic pressure
Were not as good as we/they thought
Or just looking for more PT?
We will never know, but just speculating to myself.

All of that but we will never know in most cases. Which is what it should be. This is between the players and coaches. I think we as fans, including myself here,sometimes forget that this is all about them not us.


Helluva Engineer
This is just me, but if I had little chance of playing I would want the coaches to let me know. I don't think it is good to string kids along like some programs do. Let me know where I stand, and let me make the decision that makes sense for me.


Ramblin' Wreck
While everyone is focused on the players who transferred and hypothesizing as to why they left, only they will ever know for sure and that's okay. I wish them well and hope they don't look back years later and regret leaving.

Which is why I want to congratulate the ultimate team player who stayed, fought through injuries, did everything the coaches asked of him including moving around between both sides of the ball: Marcus Allen!

He has his degree, and every time he stepped onto the field he was productive from the B-Back spot and I really enjoyed watching a kid who displays the quality of truly being a TEAM PLAYER!

Makes you wonder why he Stayed while the Others left? At the end of the day you either become part of the team or not.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
While everyone is focused on the players who transferred and hypothesizing as to why they left, only they will ever know for sure and that's okay. I wish them well and hope they don't look back years later and regret leaving.

Which is why I want to congratulate the ultimate team player who stayed, fought through injuries, did everything the coaches asked of him including moving around between both sides of the ball: Marcus Allen!

He has his degree, and every time he stepped onto the field he was productive from the B-Back spot and I really enjoyed watching a kid who displays the quality of truly being a TEAM PLAYER!

Makes you wonder why he Stayed while the Others left? At the end of the day you either become part of the team or not.

Marcus also earned his degree in IE iirc. He had an extra incentive.

Deleted member 2897

I just got done researching some other schools boards (Michigan State, Virginia, Virginia Tech) we are chasing recruits over, to try and learn any new intel. Not much really out there. But in the process of scouring these places, I ran upon some interesting information that I didn't know. One was Virginia - one board Moderator had conducted an analysis, and including all reasons (early NFL, dismissal, transfer, etc.), over the last several years they have averaged a loss of 10 scholarship players per year. Another was Virginia Tech - on 1/17 they announced 5 players who were not coming back just on that one day. I'm guessing we're probably not all that different from other places in this day and age. Factor that in that we have a great incoming class, we're winning lots of games, and we have great health/depth/youth, that probably leaves a lot of guys realizing they won't see the field for at least multiple years out. I'd rather they stay and fight and get their degree, but if that's what they want to do, it is what it is. The upside is that the quality of our players will probably be much higher by being given the opportunity to chase bigger recruiting classes. The top teams like Alabama, Ohio State, etc. (not that we ever want to be them) seem to take 26-30 players every year.


Helluva Engineer
I just got done researching some other schools boards (Michigan State, Virginia, Virginia Tech) we are chasing recruits over, to try and learn any new intel. Not much really out there. But in the process of scouring these places, I ran upon some interesting information that I didn't know. One was Virginia - one board Moderator had conducted an analysis, and including all reasons (early NFL, dismissal, transfer, etc.), over the last several years they have averaged a loss of 10 scholarship players per year. Another was Virginia Tech - on 1/17 they announced 5 players who were not coming back just on that one day. I'm guessing we're probably not all that different from other places in this day and age. Factor that in that we have a great incoming class, we're winning lots of games, and we have great health/depth/youth, that probably leaves a lot of guys realizing they won't see the field for at least multiple years out. I'd rather they stay and fight and get their degree, but if that's what they want to do, it is what it is. The upside is that the quality of our players will probably be much higher by being given the opportunity to chase bigger recruiting classes. The top teams like Alabama, Ohio State, etc. (not that we ever want to be them) seem to take 26-30 players every year.
Interesting numbers. Thanks.


Helluva Engineer
BFE , south carolina
left out a couple....

-homesick and want to play close to home
-miss the girl friend they left behind and transferred to be closer to her.


Helluva Engineer
With recruiting picking up steam, do you think some of the transfers:
Saw the writing on the wall
We're gently nudged out the door
Saw no playing time in the future
Got tired of CFB
Buckled under the academic pressure
Were not as good as we/they thought
Or just looking for more PT?
We will never know, but just speculating to myself.
It would be nice if GT could land Malik Zaire;)

Deleted member 2897

No. He's going to the West Coast

I'm still laughing about the comment about snagging someone from Clemson. Clemson is the snaggers afterall.
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