This might have been discussed

Tech First

Jolly Good Fellow
Barrow County Ga.
Does Butkner kick ball short at times on purpose or does he just not get a good kick. My concern is that we are in danger of giving up a big play when he does. Does anyone know?


Southeastern Michigan
Does Butkner kick ball short at times on purpose or does he just not get a good kick. My concern is that we are in danger of giving up a big play when he does. Does anyone know?

Is that even a serious question? Think about the number of variables that go into a kick.

Angle of the ball on the tee, location of laces
Air pressure of the ball
Age of the ball
Outside air temperature
Angle of leg to ball
Angle of foot to ball
Leg speed


Ramblin' Wreck
I think it's something he's working on adding to his arsenal. A good high kick to one of the corners caught at the half-yard line is the best kickoff.

He's got the touchback thing down pretty good.


Southeastern Michigan
I think it's something he's working on adding to his arsenal. A good high kick to one of the corners caught at the half-yard line is the best kickoff.

He's got the touchback thing down pretty good.
From here
the average return by team ranged from almost 30 yds a return to as low as 16. (I would like to see the average for returns from in the endzone and what the risk.reward is)
It seems to me the risk/reward would dictate putting it out of the endzone every time.


Ramblin' Wreck
Ohio State has produced some pretty good kickers in recent years and they specifically work on pinning teams in the corner. Minnesota even used it against them at one point with a razzle dazzle play. (ranked 11th with kickoff return defense average of 17.6 yards)

For our team I think out of the endzone is good as well because we don't have the depth on special teams to just beast teams in that phase a team like Ohio State does, but for Butker who might have NFL aspirations it's a tool he needs to add with consistency when needed.

We have only had 26 kicks returned this season which is pretty remarkable considering how many points we score. It also aligns with our "No BIG PLAYS ALLOWED!" philosophy.


Southeastern Michigan
Ohio State has produced some pretty good kickers in recent years and they specifically work on pinning teams in the corner. Minnesota even used it against them at one point with a razzle dazzle play. (ranked 11th with kickoff return defense average of 17.6 yards)

For our team I think out of the endzone is good as well because we don't have the depth on special teams to just beast teams in that phase a team like Ohio State does, but for Butker who might have NFL aspirations it's a tool he needs to add with consistency when needed.

We have only had 26 kicks returned this season which is pretty remarkable considering how many points we score. It also aligns with our "No BIG PLAYS ALLOWED!" philosophy.
I would really like to see a stat on average kick return starting out in the endzone......I have seen so many that only make it to the 15-20..seems like the odds would favor taking a knee and the 25 yardline...another interesting one would be yards returned vs starting position on the field....


Helluva Engineer
I think coaches tell them to kick high or long. and sometimes they just screw up. Like the kicker that kicked it out of bounds for some team the other day and the other team came back and scored. Can't remember the teams involved, but the coach's face was priceless.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
I can pretty much guarantee you he is attempting to blow it through the end zone every single time, unless game situation dictates otherwise, like 5 seconds left squib kick, or on side kick. Guess what? He doesn't hit it perfect every time.