There is a tide in the affairs of men

DC Bee

Ramblin' Wreck
Springfield, VA
If it wasn't labeled "In case you were wondering"... It may get a few more looks.

Maybe. I just thought it was comical when I posted it a month ago, now there are serious inquiries. I suppose it will be our collective responsibility to bump the thread every week or so. Sometimes it pains me to know exactly how much time remains until our gridiron warriors take the field again.


Ramblin' Wreck
I want to remind everyone (who may have forgotten) we haven't won in our house this century against ugag.....!?!?!

My boy has not been able to experience the mutt hurt in BDS.

Well dangit I want him to this year!!
That game is circled on alot of calendars for alot of reasons.

Especially on mine, like in 99 ( also a 51 48 squeeker) I will be there yelling THWG!!

I predict your boy will experience the mutt hurt at BDS this year. No doubt ...THWG!!