The season can start now... Midline Thread


Jolly Good Fellow
Did we run much midline with TM last year?
No. From what I remember we ran much more trap. I do have a question. Did we run trap a lot the last year and a half because Devine had issues getting to the 2nd level on Midline. I'm not criticizing anyone or even saying causality but I noticed that about the time he started playing more it appeared to me we ran mid line less. I admit fully that I could be remembering things incorrectly. Does anyone have any opinions on this or remember things differently?

Longestdays did the frequency seem down the last year and a half? Did Devine actually have issues getting to the 2nd level?
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Helluva Engineer
I don’t care what we run, I just want positive yards. And maybe to look good in the new unis while doing so


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
I don’t care what we run, I just want positive yards. And maybe to look good in the new unis while doing so

I'll take wins over anything else. They render all other discussions (recruiting, uniforms, positive yards, passing efficiency, schemes, etc.) moot.


Helluva Engineer
You know we always ran the midline ( when i played) with a wrap block against the shade offset look, ( guard pulls around and leads for the b-back or qb through the whole). It is a little slower hitting of a midline though, but sometimes i've wondered if it wouldn't be a decent change for when the backers are firing to the mesh.


Jolly Good Fellow
Except for the last one, I don't care what offense we run, we would have been killing the other team. The offensive line fires off the ball and drives LOS back 3 yards.

You might be right about us winning when we run midline. But I think it's inverted - we run midline because we are blocking well up front. And if we are blocking like that, we are probably going to put a lot of points up.

What's been killing us against teams with good DL is their ability to have one of the guys we are supposed to block beat it and tackle the BB, which frees up the read key to attack the QB. When you can have 2 DL shut down the BB and the QB, our whole offense falls apart. (But so does everyone else's)
Just a point about our line getting to the second level. Defenses are now holding our lineman and not allowing them to do so. That is why we are not breaking off the longer runs as much. CPJ should report this and get it called as a penalty, much like other coaches warn about our cut blocks.


Helluva Engineer
SW Florida
What's been killing us against teams with good DL is their ability to have one of the guys we are supposed to block beat it and tackle the BB, which frees up the read key to attack the QB.

Right. Mid-line gives us the option not to block that Tackle up-front when he's killing us and we can't ever seem to actually block him...



Jolly Good Fellow
Right. Mid-line gives us the option not to block that Tackle up-front when he's killing us and we can't ever seem to actually block him...


lol except against Clemson (especially Clemson) and Ugag we have two problems - their DTs and DEs are so athletic that if we option one of them he can hit the BB, but if QB pulls it he will let go of BB and chase down the QB. OR, one of the other Dline we aren't optioning will beat his block and blow up the BB so the read key is free to attack the QB directly.

I do think the other problem we are really running into a lot is Dlinemen holding our Oline who are trying to get to the second level. It keeps the middle completely clogged and then the LBers and Safeties are free to come downhill.

The first problem there's just not a whole lot you can do with in my opinion. Maybe some screens to help keep the Dline at home?

The second problem seems like a golden opportunity to run play action and use all 4 WRs and ABs in route concepts.