The "missed assignments" issue


Helluva Engineer
Sigh....Defenses havent "figured it out". But DCs did what they are paid to do. They recognized that this year's team couldn't handle blitzes and make Ds pay for it. So we saw more blitzes. And we rarely made em pay for it.

I don't always agree with WC, but when he's right, he's right.......


Helluva Engineer
Just for curiosity, I went and looked...

Georgia Southern's offense vs UGa 11 first downs, 6-16 4rd down conversions, 233 yds rushing (ypr 4.4), 44 yds passing, turnovers 1
GT offense vs UGa 17 first downs, 2-13 3rd down conversions, 194 yes rushing (ypr 4.7), 82 yds passing, turnovers 3

I would not say that Georgia Southern did any better than we did...nor did we do any better than they did. We should do much better than Ga Southern, though. It is an indictment of GT football in 2015.

Let's see what 2016 brings.


Helluva Engineer
I have to disagree about 'clutch'. Yvon Joseph, Cremmins basketball center in the 80's was a much better free throw shooter in the last few minutes than earlier in the game. Godsey was a 4th quarter machine. I remember some discussion when he was playing about how much better his completion percentage was in the 4th qtr. Scott Sisson, with one exception, made every important late kick, but he missed more early. Pressure motivates some people, cripples others.
A coach told me once, about "pressure" in key situations, that those players did not react to pressure, but to excitement.. Maybe that explains it: the game is less fun until everything is on the line, and then their fun begins. I have seen instances of greater animation in those situations, but whether the guy knew anything I don't know. But he was a successful basketball coach.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
Just for curiosity, I went and looked...

Georgia Southern's offense vs UGa 11 first downs, 6-16 4rd down conversions, 233 yds rushing (ypr 4.4), 44 yds passing, turnovers 1
GT offense vs UGa 17 first downs, 2-13 3rd down conversions, 194 yes rushing (ypr 4.7), 82 yds passing, turnovers 3

I would not say that Georgia Southern did any better than we did...nor did we do any better than they did. We should do much better than Ga Southern, though. It is an indictment of GT football in 2015.

Let's see what 2016 brings.

Alabama, TN and UF were the only offenses which earned more yards/play against georgie than us in 2015. We were not great, or even very good, but our biggest offensive problem in that game was still turnovers.

FWIW, La-Monroe, SCar, SouthernU, and Tenn were the only Defenses that gave up more yrds/play to georgie than we did.


Helluva Engineer
Alabama, TN and UF were the only offenses which earned more yards/play against georgie than us in 2015. We were not great, or even very good, but our biggest offensive problem in that game was still turnovers.

FWIW, La-Monroe, SCar, SouthernU, and Tenn were the only Defenses that gave up more yrds/play to georgie than we did.

and my guess is it will repeat in '16--pretty much the pattern of PJ's team here at Tech


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
I felt the same way about him (Joe) and thought he was a liability this year which is surprising because he played really well and with some fire at the end of last year.

You seem to watch a lot of film and have a pretty good grasp on line play. Can you comment on why you think Joe was playing so much more than Shamire late in the year. Was Shamire playing that poorly when he actually did get in or was it just that he was a senior and PJ trusted him more IMO? I think we would've been better off with Shamire in there with as much as we struggled establishing the dive, but again, that's my opinion based on what I saw from my seat. The VT game was especially frustrating for me. I watched 92 whip Joe the whole game and it seemed like Shamire didn't even get a shot to play.
While I do watch a lot of DVR replay and study what is going on in the interior, I would stop short of saying I have a "good grasp". To me having a good grasp is knowing what the OL responsibilites are when the DL shifts / shades or the A gap gets blitzed. I don't really know that stuff. I think I recognize when there is an obvious bust, like two OLs (or an OL and an AB) taking the same guy while somebody else comes through untouched, but I couldn't tell you who was wrong necessarily. I can tell when a guy is getting beat with speed, pad level, or just physical dominance and stuff like that. I recognize good balance, leverage, hand work and footwork when I see it. I feel I understand a lot of the nuances of our blocking plays by design, just because I am so used to seeing who goes where on what plays that I recognize when we change it.

Why was Joe playing more? Well, I think Shamire had a head injury that forced him out a game or so and he just lost his spot. Personally, I think Shamire does a better job than Errin at G. IF he gets serious this off season we will have something. If he doesn't, well.....


Helluva Engineer
There has not been a coach's call in show or a press conference this year when Paul Johnson didn't say something about the unusually high number of missed assignments. From my memory, this has never been a big issue in past years, not even the first year when it was all new. PJ has stated that some of it has to do with players who have barely practiced at the position being in games. But he's also said it was across the board this year.

So are there any theories as to why? Could it be that defenses threw different looks at us this year so that getting the right assignment was more complicated than in past years? I can't believe our coaches have forgotten how to teach, and I can't believe our players have suddenly become more forgetful than usual. There must have been more going on.
Football at Georgia Tech has always been a near run sort of deal. The difference between success on the Flats and failure is razor thin. We have, as I currently perceive it, two major advantages: A commitment to red shirting and player development. Quite frankly, there are seldom major busts in our recruiting for the simple reason that to be a major bust a recruit, by definition, has to be a much ballyhooed 4 or 5 star which has we all know is a seldom seen commodity around here. Secondly, we are perceived nationally as a major brand that is easy to pull for. Think about it, considering we are not a factory or major perennial top ten program we sure do seem to get a lot of TV exposure and often it is in the nature of a exciting game with lots of atmosphere and intrigue that would interest recruits, and unbiased fans. To wit, FSU this year, FSU last year, Georgia last year, Miami last year and any number of Clemson games. Back in the 90s, the coach at West Virginia before we were to play them in a bowl said this: "There is just something about that name, Georgia Tech" Anyway, off topic I know. Another advantage we should have is a complex offense not see often by opponents that is dependent upon execution more than talent. It is, I believe, the one way to counter our talent disadvantage while limiting opponents possessions and disguising, to some extent, a persistent weakness on defense. Assignments are paramount in this offense but it is not an offense for freshmen to pick up readily no matter how talented they may seem.

I am a b 2

Georgia Tech Fan
Didn't feel comfortable mentioning how huge (pc word ) devine and joe looked in white uni at nd. Wife said they should not wear white.

Tulane coach fired 4 days ago - he of the "hey we only have 9 men on the field" as gt back up goes untouched for 70 yd td.

Gt Coach I meet at nd said Tulane game did us no favors. Said we have not seen big boy ball football speed yet and we have 45 gt kids making their first road trip.

In 2016 Gsu to be a bit tougher than Tulane. Gsu seems to be on way to being a big boy..
Perhaps we should think about the last play of 2014 gsu game when our TO was so so dominating?. Wait WE WON ON the jt scramble pass play to smelter at the buzzer. Same coach I saw at nd said we are going to miss smelter last year he bailed us out last year.
I agree with your wife . I was thinking the same thing


Georgia Tech Fan
Let's see Saban and the new coach at GA had to game plan Ga Southern in '11 when Monken was still running a HS offense. That D has 4 1st round picks and the 7 remaining defenders all played in the NFL as well. As Nicky said, they ran though us like s**t though a tin horn. Point being when ANY O doesn't execute, doesn't follow their assignments and generally screws up most D are going to look pretty good. If the O is being run as it should be AGGRESSIVE will get your a** beat. AGGRESSIVE D against an option based attack is meat on the bone for this O when it's run cleanly.
You forgot to add Saban saying, "we could not stop them, we could not stop them, we could not stop them".


Helluva Engineer
Alabama, TN and UF were the only offenses which earned more yards/play against georgie than us in 2015. We were not great, or even very good, but our biggest offensive problem in that game was still turnovers.

FWIW, La-Monroe, SCar, SouthernU, and Tenn were the only Defenses that gave up more yrds/play to georgie than we did.
Interesting observations. I think our lack of possessions and plays really conflates how bad our offense looked at times. We didn't play near well enough, but I don't know if we were historically bad. The UGA game was more about us not converting points when we got to the UGA 35 yard line.

I am a b 2

Georgia Tech Fan
Interesting analysis and you watch a lot of film and I'm sure you are right about the speed and quickness. That's probably why we went with Bryan and Klosk to improve quickness. However it did appear at times it wasn't always quickness but confusion as well. What do you attribute the confusion to? I thought Devine could move some people and kind of feel sorry for him. In a pro offense I think he might be really good where you basically wrestle with the guy in front of you and are not required to move your feet as much. So where do you put a guy like Devine? Do you move him to tackle or defense? I am expecting some shakeups in the line and maybe go back to small and quick linemen. However 2012 line was too small and got pushed around too often so still need some meat.

t Bryan
g Burden
c Marshall
g Griffin
t Klosk
Interesting analysis and you watch a lot of film and I'm sure you are right about the speed and quickness. That's probably why we went with Bryan and Klosk to improve quickness. However it did appear at times it wasn't always quickness but confusion as well. What do you attribute the confusion to? I thought Devine could move some people and kind of feel sorry for him. In a pro offense I think he might be really good where you basically wrestle with the guy in front of you and are not required to move your feet as much. So where do you put a guy like Devine? Do you move him to tackle or defense? I am expecting some shakeups in the line and maybe go back to small and quick linemen. However 2012 line was too small and got pushed around too often so still need some meat.

t Bryan
g Burden
c Marshall
g Griffin
t Klosk
I do believe that is the right question. What to do with Devine. The experiment is over.lets play our cards right you can have mediocre hand and still win.there is nothing mediocre about SD. I'm with you I feel sorry for the big man.every football program has them ,I was under the impression football programs wanted them.ok gt runs a different style offense .so what was the plan when recruiting this style player?won't no big, good ,skilled lineman want to be recruited by us ,after seeing how this is playing out.I have faith somebody will figure this out before it's to late.