That should be Geoff’s last game as head coach


Helluva Engineer
Atlanta GA
Georgia Tech's Geoff Collins experiment needs to end

(Via AJC News)
Well, it’s Mark Bradley. He’s always gonna poop on us. Sometimes he’s right to do so, but sometimes he’s not.

In that respect, Mark’s a lot like my cats. Sometimes they are going to poop in the litter box where it belongs, and sometimes they are going to poop on the floor. No matter how many times the make it in the box, it doesn’t excuse all the times they drop their poop on the floor where it does not belong.

Also much like Mark, my cats tend to butt-smear their poopy asses on the floor well away from their designated litter box. Bad Mark! Bad, Bad, Bad!

(I must at this point apologize to all cats for comparing them to Mark Bradley.)


Helluva Engineer
I didn't realize he's b
I think there are a few good options, pun intended. I like Mike Houston at ECU, Jamey Chadwell at Coastal Carolina, Dan Mullen would be interesting, I would love a guy like Malzahn. but he wouldn't leave UCF for Tech.

I think Monken would be interesting, but the optics would be impossible to overcome.
we should have reached out to Malzahn when pj left, he ended up leaving auburn the next year. Would have been a great fit here.

If Mullen were interested; I would love it. Dude is a legit QB guru and would be a great get. Maybe he’s enjoyed his vacation, and is ready to get back to work.


Helluva Engineer
There is no value in throwing 3 mil down the toilet for nothing. It'd be better to spend that on the next coach, not on Collins.
It's $3m to signal to fans and supporters that we're serious about winning football games and that this is unacceptable. Nebraska just spent $7.5m extra to fire Frost simply to signal to fans not to give up hope in the program and that drastic times call for drastic measures. Let's see that same fight out of Stansbury/GTAA and begin the HC search now before other HC openings become available.


Ramblin' Wreck
Milton, Georgia
As we left the game today we wondered what is next for CGC after the end of the year. BTW, he sold his home in Buckhead.

After the booing before halftime, something you rarely have heard at Tech over the past 40 years I have attended games, it is pretty clear the fan base is disgruntled and this is his last year at Tech. Especially after reading the posts on this forum.

He likely will not get a P5 head coaching job again. Perhaps a DC job somewhere. But he is kryptonite. Sorta like B*** L****.

So do you go to your new home with the buyout, kick back and retire early. That seems like a positive ending after what he has done to our beloved Tech football team.

No to Scott Frost, he is kryptonite like CGC.


Helluva Engineer
Apparently Nebraska made that decision, just saying the dead man walking leaves a total vacuum with a hyperactive transfer portal, is an interim coach worse or better?

And Nebraska can afford to throw money away. We can't. Collins was a cheap hire. Pastner was a cheap hire. Gregory was a cheap hire. Going cheap is what landed us with Hewitt's contract. We don't have the money to be stupid.

t's $3m to signal to fans and supporters that we're serious about winning football games and that this is unacceptable

Want to send an actual message that you are serious about winning? Pay the next coach 6 mil a year. Because paying Collins 3 mil to go away early and turning around and hiring a coach for a bottom third conference salary isn't sending the message you're serious about winning. It's sending the message you are bad at spending money.


And Nebraska can afford to throw money away. We can't. Collins was a cheap hire. Pastner was a cheap hire. Gregory was a cheap hire. Going cheap is what landed us with Hewitt's contract. We don't have the money to be stupid.

Want to send an actual message that you are serious about winning? Pay the next coach 6 mil a year. Because paying Collins 3 mil to go away early and turning around and hiring a coach for a bottom third conference salary isn't sending the message you're serious about winning. It's sending the message you are bad at spending money.
we got what we paid for. he was like the 9th or 10th highest paid coach in the acc when hired. and here we are and it’s not hard to see what got us here


Helluva Engineer
Atlanta GA
And Nebraska can afford to throw money away. We can't. Collins was a cheap hire. Pastner was a cheap hire. Gregory was a cheap hire. Going cheap is what landed us with Hewitt's contract. We don't have the money to be stupid.

Want to send an actual message that you are serious about winning? Pay the next coach 6 mil a year. Because paying Collins 3 mil to go away early and turning around and hiring a coach for a bottom third conference salary isn't sending the message you're serious about winning. It's sending the message you are bad at spending money.
But that’s the problem, isn’t it? We ARE bad at spending money. What potential coach in the entire cosmos hasn’t figured that out already?


Helluva Engineer
Rome, GA
Honest question from a non GT follower is what is the next step and who is better? I was a massive option / CPJ fan and followed religiously those years but have largely been away and have just seen the dumpster fire unfortunately that seems to be there now.

I agree with others I see on here and the chat sometimes that it is going to be really hard today as college has gone into even more semi- pro ball now for GT to compete so seems like they need a unique style (which is why I thought CPJ was a really good hire at the time). Of course GT won’t go back that direction and the option has been largely legislated out of the hand at this point anyway so what else is there? I honestly don’t know if run and shoot is different enough than what everyone else runs to make GT hard to prepare for and play against. Is there anything else? Is anyone running a pro Style i formation set that would be different from the vanilla zone read shotgun system but could of course have a lot of passing and shotgun as well?

I understand Collins may just be bad and the results certainly seem to bear that out clearly but my fear is if GT hires an up and coming FCS guy or p5 coordinator or whoever I’m not sure they have a lot of success at GT now due to the current rule set and the semi pro nature of college football now. I understand that a better coach running the standard system should of course be a fair amount better but is a even a good coach going to be a perennial bowl team at GT today running the standard systems? I really don’t know but it’s an honest question from an outsider.
The expectations of the fans will come back down to earth. I think we realized our floor has and should be 6 wins and ceiling is 10 with an above average Head Coach and the dreams of waking up a sleeping giant were just dreams.


Honest question from a non GT follower is what is the next step and who is better? I was a massive option / CPJ fan and followed religiously those years but have largely been away and have just seen the dumpster fire unfortunately that seems to be there now.

I agree with others I see on here and the chat sometimes that it is going to be really hard today as college has gone into even more semi- pro ball now for GT to compete so seems like they need a unique style (which is why I thought CPJ was a really good hire at the time). Of course GT won’t go back that direction and the option has been largely legislated out of the hand at this point anyway so what else is there? I honestly don’t know if run and shoot is different enough than what everyone else runs to make GT hard to prepare for and play against. Is there anything else? Is anyone running a pro Style i formation set that would be different from the vanilla zone read shotgun system but could of course have a lot of passing and shotgun as well?

I understand Collins may just be bad and the results certainly seem to bear that out clearly but my fear is if GT hires an up and coming FCS guy or p5 coordinator or whoever I’m not sure they have a lot of success at GT now due to the current rule set and the semi pro nature of college football now. I understand that a better coach running the standard system should of course be a fair amount better but is a even a good coach going to be a perennial bowl team at GT today running the standard systems? I really don’t know but it’s an honest question from an outsider.
the problem is eventually you just don’t have the athletes to compete. we are stuck playing clemson and uga til the end of time, running the option was basically being content to lose those two games til the end of time. it was the right move to try SOMETHING, but collins wasn’t the coach.

he showed you can deliver a top 25 recruiting class, but you have to follow up or they all leave. obviously we need a coach that’s good at both recruiting and game day coaching but that’s gonna be hard unless we luck out on a g5 hire or we pony up the money.


Helluva Engineer
As we left the game today we wondered what is next for CGC after the end of the year. BTW, he sold his home in Buckhead.

After the booing before halftime, something you rarely have heard at Tech over the past 40 years I have attended games, it is pretty clear the fan base is disgruntled and this is his last year at Tech. Especially after reading the posts on this forum.

He likely will not get a P5 head coaching job again. Perhaps a DC job somewhere. But he is kryptonite. Sorta like B*** L****.

So do you go to your new home with the buyout, kick back and retire early. That seems like a positive ending after what he has done to our beloved Tech football team.

No to Scott Frost, he is kryptonite like CGC.

Heard that he sold his house recently as well. Heard it this week as a matter of fact.


Helluva Engineer
Atlanta GA
the problem is eventually you just don’t have the athletes to compete. we are stuck playing clemson and uga til the end of time, running the option was basically being content to lose those two games til the end of time. it was the right move to try SOMETHING, but collins wasn’t the coach.

he showed you can deliver a top 25 recruiting class, but you have to follow up or they all leave. obviously we need a coach that’s good at both recruiting and game day coaching but that’s gonna be hard unless we luck out on a g5 hire or we pony up the money.
You forgot to add “player development”. CPJ was pretty good at that, even with the increasing problems he faced with recruiting talent.

My biggest gripe about CGC is not his game day coaching, but the lack of player development that we’ve seen under his leadership.