Team Character


Ramblin' Wreck
But we took advantage of the situation and won the game. It COULD happen again, although I am not really expecting it.

agree. We ran the ball well enough (Days had just under 100 yards, and we hit 250+ yards but also had 100 in the air) to give the team a fighting chance at winning, and it was a close game even with DW in the game, but once he went out that game was flat out gift wrapped to us. I don't think i can name any game in recent memory that had 2 pick sixes much less had two pick sixes and lost. Was beyond a doubt my favorite game to be at as a student

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
We got a chance against Clemson. The main thing is not to come out flat. We just can not get behind the chains against them and expect to be competitive. We must matriculate the ball right down the field on a consistent basis. While I personally do not expect to beat Clemson, I think our coaches and players do and that is what is really most important.

Go Jackets!

LOL. I have to admit that I LOL'd when that ACC commentator misused "matriculate" that way yesterday.


Helluva Engineer
BFE , south carolina
thank god we didnt have the same announcers we had last week. i wanted to strangle them.

when they talked about illegal blocking they insinuated that our coaches taught our plaers to chop block on purpose. "something going on there''. grrrrrrrrr

and i thought it was WAY fitting that the only chop block penalty that occured was against miami if i remember right. THE LOOK ON RICHT'S FACE was priceless.


Helluva Engineer
The difference between the 1st and 2nd half was remarkable. There can be no question this team will fight, fight and fight some more. The kind of character reflected by the Tech SAs reflect on the coaches recruiting the type of young men we should always be proud of and support 100%! Great win Jackets!!!!

A very kind comment, but it probably has more to do with playing a team with poor depth (Wake) as opposed to playing a team with good depth (Miami).


Helluva Engineer
If he's out, we got a shot. But from what I've been reading, Kelly Bryant will be back. Dabo said he was ahead of schedule. Bryant is a true dual threat, the other guys not as much and they're a bit green
Boy, I sure hope not. The guy was knocked unconscious against the Orange and has a concussion. If he gets an0other blow like that from us next Saturday, it could mean the end of his career. Also, when you've been knocked out like that, you are more vulnerable to being knocked out again. There's a reason why it's normally a couple of months between prize fights.

But if Dabo is irresponsible enough to put him in, I don't expect him to be anywhere near as effective. I doubt they'll let him run much and without him the Tiggers don't have much of a running game. I think we have a good chance. This squad is as talented as the 2011 unit that beat Clemson when they were ranked 5th. Let's just play well and see what happens.


Ramblin' Wreck
A team will take on the personality of the head coach and coaching staff. That along with the fact that most of our guys aren't the 4 or 5 star premadonna but has had to fight to get where they are is imo the reason we never quit.

Do we have a chance to beat Clemson? Heck yeah we do. The game is played on the field not on paper. Never tell a team they don't have a chance to win. You never know what a man is capable of when he puts it all on the line for the man next to him. Our society could take a lesson from that!