Syracuse Post Game


Jolly Good Fellow
Man I won’t get over this one for at least two weeks.

We were out coached. Their coordinators outsmarted ours. Period.

Took us too long to throw the ball around. I understand the need to run the ball, but we had no creativity when it was obvious to everyone (except Faulkner obviously) that we couldn’t run it in this team.

I truly don’t understand our dedication to the bubble pass. Also, why are we not putting the ball in Boyd’s hands more? I thought Faulkner wasa TE guy. Boyd looks like he could be a weapon.

Santucci needs to do some self reflecting also. Way too committed to cover 2 and way to committed to “keeping the play in front” . Meaning… nowhere near aggressive enough.

Overall defense did NOT cost us the game. Our offense never got rolling.

A ton to learn from but hopefully they figure it out within the next two weeks. We have to open the playbook up, Trust king to throw the ball when needed, get aggressive on D, and find some freaking urgency in our 2 minute offenses!



Jolly Good Fellow
I’m trying to decide if the irrational level of agitation with CBK is a symptom of Tech being competitive again and raising expectations or if it’s a function of some people not being sold on him as a coach and confirmation bias is setting in.

Kind of shocked by all this to be honest.
Reminds me of the many who want to fire Brian Snitker. Georgians are legendarily fickle. Around 2020 some on sports radio questioned whether Kirby was on the hot seat.

Every coach makes decisions that look questionable especially with the help of hindsight.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
If anybody on this board agrees with not taking that penalty, you should be banned from giving any opinion about anything for the rest of the year. That was peewee level, asinine dumassness.
Did you all not watch the defense give up multiple 3rd and long? We had a better chance stopping them on one 3rd and medium than giving them two chances for the 2nd and long. JMO
Of course hindsight is easy, but in this situation even that doesn't guarantee that we'd have stopped them from getting the first down.


Jolly Good Fellow
Did you all not watch the defense give up multiple 3rd and long? We had a better chance stopping them on one 3rd and medium than giving them two chances for the 2nd and long. JMO
Of course hindsight is easy, but in this situation even that doesn't guarantee that we'd have stopped them from getting the first down.
Agreed. I think giving them ANOTHER second down rather than 3rd and long would have been…. “Peewee level asinine dumassness” 😂


We don't quite suck as much anymore.
Mt Juliet, TN
Did you all not watch the defense give up multiple 3rd and long? We had a better chance stopping them on one 3rd and medium than giving them two chances for the 2nd and long. JMO
Of course hindsight is easy, but in this situation even that doesn't guarantee that we'd have stopped them from getting the first down.
With what I saw from our D, it wouldn't surprise me but you won't make decisions because you don't think your defense can defend a 2nd and 23 for 2 downs.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Notre Dame is beating Northern Illinois by 1
Cal is beating Auburn.

There is so much parity in college football outside of 4-5 teams that I find it funny we are overreacting to getting beat by a very talented Syracuse team.

Key made some terrible decisions but the world isn’t ending yet..
... And NIU wins it.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Bad offensive play calling, bad run execution, no pass rush, soft DB coverage, reliance on our middle LB to cover good receivers, poor run blocking, bad clock management, both lines got pushed around, allowed 3rd and long conversions. The game wasn’t really in doubt after the first couple of possessions.
I think execution's more the problem than the play calls.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Can we please drop the bitching about not taking the chop? Earlier in the game we took a hold that put them with 20 to go and McCord immediately picked up the first down. The way the game was going we gave ourselves one play to make a stop rather than requiring two to make a stop. The problem with the 7% stat is that it assumes those are our chances as a defense rather than the average of all defenses. What about how we played makes you think they wouldn’t pick up 25 in two plays? At least with one play maybe they screw up or we make a play.

We lost the game in the first and second quarters. We were playing catchup the rest of the way. In the third quarter we ran 8 plays…8!!! That’s ridiculous. It’s a miracle we even had a chance. I’d much rather have one play to get a stop than play some silly stat game at the end like that.

Bottom line is we lost because we thought we could push them around and it turns out we were wrong. We should have switched to throwing down field much earlier, but we didn’t.

Oh well. Flush it and move on. The Louisville game is a bigger deal.

I think too many people forget the bolded part above. Facts are facts.