Spain trip


Jolly Good Fellow
My conclusion after crawling through Twitter and team websites is that there's no easy way to figure out which opponents are common. Tech describes all four teams as "Spain All-Stars" or something generic like that. I suspect that all the teams that played in Valencia played the same academy team, though the names varied, but in Madrid and Barcelona I have no idea.

I only saw 2 reported losses from teams playing in Spain so far. One by LSU, which shouldn't count because they rescheduled to play the Dominican Republic team which was training in Spain, and one by UCF (2 point loss).


Helluva Engineer
Surely these teams have names and their records against college teams can be determined. Just my thoughts, maybe it's not so simple.

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Helluva Engineer
I'm excited for the season to start, more than usual. The next 2 years will be huge for the program. Pastner either wins with this old roster and attracts attention from recruits or he doesn't and Tech is forced to bite the financial bullet and fire him.

Team should be much better from a year ago. Though recruiting has been a disappointment, Pastner found a way to add a couple of good shooters in Price and Parham as well as a much needed energy guy in Usher. The fact that coach is optimistic this team can go from bottom of ACC to tournament team says something. He is no longer tied down with dumb lawsuits and can finally move forward and focus on coaching. With 7 upperclassmen on this year's roster and 9 in the next, it's win now or never.

I think Moses Wright can be this year's Ben Lammers most improved player. He showed glimpses of what he can do at the end of last year. If he takes it up a notch, this team can be very dangerous.


... yet you/we can't find them on the internet... So I agree, not so simple.
These may not be permanent teams or have ever played together before this summer. From an AJC article after game2 "The Spanish team, made up of professionals selected by the Spanish Basketball Federation, included many of the same players that Tech faced on Saturday in its first exhibition."


CJP sure has a way with interviews. In takeaway 5 he talks about "seeing things" , then takes the team to a nude beach (allegedly no one knew), felt the need to talk about "staring", provided a little too much detail, and then concluded "You didn’t even notice it.” .........I'd bet his family dinner conversations are fun and entertaining
5 takeaways from Georgia Tech’s trip to Spain


Helluva Engineer
I watched the games on Flo. Announcers were brutal and the video was comical. Sometimes they would broadcast 90 seconds of video of the ceiling while the game was going on.

The opponent rosters were clearly fluid. Some guys played for both teams in games 1 & 2. These were nothing more than a decent rec league team. Nothing to be gained by analyzing game performances, but the practice time is huge and the bonding experience should play dividends as well


Helluva Engineer
These guys are better than rec league but I agree you aren't going to learn anything trying to parse through rosters and try to figure out matchups, etc. It was a rec league type of game in that there wasn't anything resembling ACC level intensity / scheme / talent. It was about practice, bonding and ability to send recruits pictures/videos of what playing for GT is like. Beyond that there are a couple of things thaenot are hopeful for next year but certainly not definitive at this point. Those are the play of Shembari and Cole. If Shembari has returned from the scrap pile that would be really helpful - especially if CJP wants to play more man defense. And as I am not totally sold on Moses yet, having Cole as a realistic option at either the 4 or 5 is really helpful. Throw in Usher looking like what we hoped he would be and those are enough good things.

I am still hoping to see Banks get a consistent 15-18 foot shot as that will help make the Princeton set effective. Won't know that till the lights go on. Otherwise glad they had fun and that no one got hurt. Successful trip.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
That was the case with the first two teams that we played in Barcelona, but the two teams in Madrid were much better.

The final team consisted of club players there were a few levels down from their top level and were much better. If you watched the final game, it was clear that they were more skilled.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Was nice to get the 3-pt stats. 34.2% for the team is fine. I bet Price's 3-pt shooting was much better his last 2 games than his first 2 (he hit 1 three his first 2 games and then 5 his last 2).
Clemson shot 31.9% in winning the World University Games last month and Pitt shot 34.2% on their 3 game swing, Pitt was interesting because they were so reliant on one player to hit threes. Ryan Murphy went 12-24 in 3 games, the rest of the team went 13-49. So you take out one player and you really put a hurt on their offensive spacing. Whether Murphy, coming from New Mexico JC and prior to that Charlotte, can be anywhere near that effective against ACC level defenses is an open question right now. They would be an interesting team to play a diamond and 1 against when Murphy is on the floor.

I wish they told us how many assists guys ended up with. It was mentioned that Usher had 12 assists in the first 2 games.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Oriental, NC
I don't think these games tell us anything about the relative strength of this team versus anyone on our schedule. It's real value is that our guys got a chance to spend some really good time together doing something they all love to do. And, they got to do it in Spain. While they all wanted to win, there was not much pressure until the final game. When it came, they responded well.

Remember, everyone who played against these "all star" teams came away with a bunch of lopsided wins. The fact that the teams are not really teams makes it even less meaningful.


Helluva Engineer
Finally got around to watching Game 4.

What a brutal first half. Missed layups, silly mistakes. Came out looking focused in the second half, cutting hard, played crisply on both ends, changed floors well. Outscored them 60-39 in the second half

Canned 8 triples in the second half

Alvarado goes 9-9 in the fourth quarter from the line

Shout out to Dan Taylor, the team looks fantastic physically.