Rational Off-season Discussion Thread


Helluva Engineer
Hopefully, contributers to this thread will assume the following:

1) We aren't firing CPJ.
2) We aren't bringing in Brent Venables to run the defense.
3) "Demanding better" is not a SMART goal for improving our football program.

(I'm going to try very hard to ignore posters who don't operate under those assumptions)

Now that we've cleared those three up, I would like to discuss:

1) QB --> I think CPJ may have been surprised by the early success of TqM running the ball. The kid won the job outright, and was a warrior this season. His performance left something to be desired in the read, pitch, and passing game. Could anyone see a move back to AB with maybe some return duties thrown in, in favor of LJ taking over? Tough to unseat a senior starter at QB.

2) AB --> A CL/QS tandem might be the most experienced starting unit we've ever had at the position and should be a strength of the team. After NC, who will round out the 2-deep?

3) WR --> I am concerned. BS is a warrior, consistent but not devastating blocker, and will no take the top off the D. Can JC become that guy? Sample size is very small. Which of Adonicas Sanders and Jair Hawkins-Anderson stayed at WR? Howell and Philpott??

4) PHIII should win the Walter Camp. So there's that...

5) IF we lose CTR, will TD follow? How bout the Swillings? I do think we've improved our D recruiting in the last couple years. How do we utilize that talent (or is it simply waiting in the wings)?


Jolly Good Fellow
1) I would love for us to move on to LJ and move TQM to Aback, but I would also like for us to have a couple packages for TQM at QB to keep defenses off balance. Think of it as out of unique take on the wildcat formations at other schools. A lot of this is dependent on LJ ability to make reads so we'll have to see what kind of progress he makes in this area in the spring/fall.

2) Lynch and Qua both really need to take a step up in their blocking. I said it a couple times, but one of the unsung loses to the team from 2016 was Isiah Willis. He didn't light up the stats, but he was by far our most consistent blocker. Go back and watch a lot of the big runs by Lynch in 2016 and chances are Willis is the Aback taking out the defender on that side of the ball.

3) WR - Losing Jeune is going to hurt a lot. Dude was consistent from start to finish. Camp looks like he could pick up where Jeune left off. Philpott transferred out.

4) PHIII has done an amazing job, we just need to do a better job of covering his kicks to bring his net up. Hopefully the 10th coaching spot will go to a special teams guy

5) No clue, but I think we have a good chance to keep them if they see themselves getting playing time next year.


Helluva Engineer
On roof, this assumes that he's gone an not just releived of his Cooardinating duties. We are getting an extra on field assistant next year. We coudl feasibly see a DC hire and a move of roof to another position liek Assistant head Coach in charge of recruiting and LB coach. It just depends on if roof wants to retire from tech a coach.


Helluva Engineer
1. I just want us to have an open winner take all competition. I think that might prevent a fall transfer. The odd man out moves to AB.

2. Jarrett is my guess. As others have said we need to commit to blocking the edge. We didn’t get the job done there this year. I would not be surprised to see some transfers out of our AB crew.

3. I think Camp will be good, but Jeune will be tough to replace. BS will be our goto guy,

4. Agree

5. With TD I think it depends how it was handled. I don’t think the Swillings leave, unless things totally come off the tracks. Just a guess on my part, I don’t have any inside information.


Helluva Engineer
1. I'm in favor of moving Taquon. He's incredible with the ball in his hands, but I personally don't think he did a great job of running our base offense and our passing offense was really bad. I think he'd probably improve in the read and execution aspect next year, but I'm not sure he's going to become that much better of a passer. All that said, we have to get him involved in games...punt/kick returns, AB, receiver...anything to get him touches...we need to be creative her.

2. The AB blocking was pretty bad, and it killed our outside game, but so was that of the tackles. Losing Klock and Marshall was a lot worse than we thought it would be. I think this only gets better with experience...getting Marshall back is going to be a huge help, but we need the AB's to improve as well. Maybe one of the younger guys that steps up to replace JJ can make some noise

3. Amen to that...I think Camp has the potential to be really good. Brad can block really well, but I get frustrated seeing him drop what should be easy catches. Having a really dynamic receiver is critical to our success. I think I've posted this before, but it's no coincidence that our best seasons occurred when we had Demarius Thomas and the Smelter/Waller combo. How many times did we run a smoke route this year (could be a QB issue, as well, but still). Hopefully Camp can step up...or maybe one of the younger guys...Sanders or Dolphus.

4. Harvin is a stud, for sure. He's probably the best punter we've ever had and has an NFL future...but I really hope we don't have to use him all that much next year. If we don't hire a special teams coach then I might call into the show every week and ask why we won't do it...I don't care if CPJ lays into me every time. I've never seen a team as clueless as we are in every ST unit. Hopefully this is something we plan to address with the staff. Odd how much better it got the last time we hired someone to coach this area...remember all the blocked kicks and punts, for example?

5. I'm not sure on TD. Usually kids follow when their dad is let go...the NCAA has also been pretty consistent about granting immediate eligibility, IIRC. But given that Roof played here, he might stick around. The other thing to note is that Roof is getting older, too. Maybe he doesn't want to coach too much longer...if he doesn't go coach somewhere else I don't see why TD would leave. If the Swillings left I'd be REALLY surprised. I never got recruited to play a D1 sport, but I wonder how tied to coaches these kids truly are. In this case, they're playing for their dad's Alma mater, and it's not like he's the coach being let go. I agree on the D talent. Swilling is only one example, but I think we've been recruiting better on that side of the ball. Only time will tell for sure, but now that the secondary is turning over you're going to start seeing more of those guys at that level for sure. BJS should start next year.


Helluva Engineer
1) I would like to see JJ at QB, imo his ceiling is the highest. Of course he needs to make the right reads and not try to much when nothin is there, if he can do that I think he can be very very good. In this case I would like TM at Aback.

2) We should be fine at Aback. I just hope our guys mix up the cut blocks with drive blocks.

3) I think WR we will be ok, imo we have some BIG play guys at that position. Guys who can take the top off of a defense.

4) PHIII should pick up right where he left off.

5) I'm hoping we get aggressive, exotic and just plain out nasty on the D this coming up year.


Helluva Engineer
1. Until we commit to developing an actual passing game, and I mean schematically, LJ doesn't make sense. JJ might but either way we're not moving the only QB we have with experience to another position.

2. No idea, but we have to do a better job at getting the ball to our a backs. And I'm not talking about option pitches. We need dedicated plays to get them involved.

3. Unless it's a BeBe or Smelter level WR I really don't pay attention when we lose WRs. Next guys up will block about as well and none of the WRs we had this year were significant difference makers with the way we pass.

4. Dude is a boomer.

5. Doesn't matter. Our best chance of improving next year on D is with Papa Roof. Without him, and most likely with him, our D will continue to be what it has the entire time under Johnson.


Helluva Engineer
Hopefully, contributers to this thread will assume the following:

1) We aren't firing CPJ.
2) We aren't bringing in Brent Venables to run the defense.
3) "Demanding better" is not a SMART goal for improving our football program.

(I'm going to try very hard to ignore posters who don't operate under those assumptions)

Now that we've cleared those three up, I would like to discuss:

1) QB --> I think CPJ may have been surprised by the early success of TqM running the ball. The kid won the job outright, and was a warrior this season. His performance left something to be desired in the read, pitch, and passing game. Could anyone see a move back to AB with maybe some return duties thrown in, in favor of LJ taking over? Tough to unseat a senior starter at QB.

2) AB --> A CL/QS tandem might be the most experienced starting unit we've ever had at the position and should be a strength of the team. After NC, who will round out the 2-deep?

3) WR --> I am concerned. BS is a warrior, consistent but not devastating blocker, and will no take the top off the D. Can JC become that guy? Sample size is very small. Which of Adonicas Sanders and Jair Hawkins-Anderson stayed at WR? Howell and Philpott??

4) PHIII should win the Walter Camp. So there's that...

5) IF we lose CTR, will TD follow? How bout the Swillings? I do think we've improved our D recruiting in the last couple years. How do we utilize that talent (or is it simply waiting in the wings)?
1) At QB, I would like to see LJ, JJ or TO take over if TQM can't improve his passing. If he does improve then I think that he will and should stay at QB.
2) At AB, I think that either Jarret or Gantt will be the 4th AB, but only if TQM stays at QB during the off-season.
3) At WR, I think that we are set here. Stewart is an outstanding blocker and I believe that he will improve next year. I am really excited to see what Camp can do as a starter. I think that Dolphus will see the field a lot too especially in the red zone. Anderson and Sanders are both speed threats so I imagine that one will move to AB and the other will be the 4th receiver.
4) PHIII has been fantastic and I fully expect him to win at least one Ray Guy award before he is gone.
5) I am not sure what will happen here as I think that TD knows the opportunity that he has at Tech and his father knows it too. I am not concerned one bit about the Swillings leaving. BJS will get a lot of playing time next year and will probably be a starter by the end of the year and Tre will have a chance to win a job in the secondary during the spring. To utilize the talent more, I would like to see us have some specialized packages for certain players or substitute more during the game.

I might be the only one, but I think that this could be a 10 win team next year if the passing game developers more and if we hire a ST coach to improve the coverage units. We also need to make a change at DC and become more aggressive. My top 5 choices here would be McColloum, Kelly, Grinch (WSU), Gibson (WVU), or Sawvel (WF).


Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
5) IF we lose CTR, will TD follow? How bout the Swillings? I do think we've improved our D recruiting in the last couple years. How do we utilize that talent (or is it simply waiting in the wings)?
First I really don't think you lose CTR maybe a few other coaches. But lets say we do, Will TD follow ? Depends on how CPJ and or Tech handle it . So I'll say 50-50 .

How about the Swillings ? Reading what they said when they sign at Tech they will stay.

I do think we've improved our D recruiting in the last couple years. How do we utilize that talent (or is it simply waiting in the wings)? First improve our D recruiting, first to me it take a couple of years to know if we did. Something people seem to forget if you sign 24 at the end of 4 years you are doing great if 50% are still with the school.
I would like to see more OL and DL signed every year. If you think you need to sign 4 sign 6 .


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
4. Harvin is a stud, for sure. He's probably the best punter we've ever had and has an NFL future...but I really hope we don't have to use him all that much next year. .

Harvin is really good...but I would not put him ahead of either Durant Brooks or Rodney Williams yet. Those guys are number 1A and 1B as of now (either order). Game changers. Field flippers. Punting prodigys. Pigskin projectiles. Prodigious production. Paramount players.


Helluva Engineer
SW Florida
#1 - open competition next year for QB and I don’t see TQM winning thr job unless he shows material improvement in the read/pitch and pass aspects of the job. It would not surprise me though that he does improve and won the starting job.

#2 - I’m not worried about our Abacks assuming improvement at QB.

#3 - I’m not worried about our WRs assuming improvement at QB.

#4 - I always root for the fat kids...

#5 - let’s have the problem first. In spite of the noise I won’t speculate here.



Helluva Engineer
The failure to mention the offensive line makes your "rational discussion" irrational. The lack of enough talented bodies there is the biggest problem on the whole squad. That, and the lack of defensive depth.

But, casual fans just watch the ball, so I am not surprised that you focus on offensive skill positions in your "rational discussion."


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
@SidewalkJacket - very good topics, well done. Really like setting the parameters. Hoefully most will follow them.

#1 Certainly think that is a viable and possible option (no pun intended). If Jordan would not have been gotten injured in Spring odds are high that he would have been the starter. (I'm not knocking TM) My hope is that someone is able to make the various run related reads better. Also would be nice to have a QB that (when pass protection is working) steps into the throw instead of falling back so often.

#2 edge blocking was a issue most of the season... need some more engaged / drive blocking instead of what is almost always a cut block.

#3 - going to be an interesting spring to see who steps up. JC seems to be the guy, but we should have a better feel the first half of April.

#4 - no doubt that PH was an overall bright spot this year and should b for 3 more years.

#5 - guess we'll know in a few weeks. Wish I had a crystal ball to give us the answer.
Last edited:


1) I think there will be an open competition for QB. I assume that we will not know who our QV will be until the first game of the next season. TM needs to work on his accuracy, big time. He has the skills in running. He also needs to learn how to pitch better.

2) I think the ABs, as a whole ran good. But, the blocking was horrid. Our edge blocking was about the worst I have ever seen in a CPJ era. I foresee; I lot of focus on the basics.

3) I think we need some serious help at WR. Stewart missed way too many catches. RJ has good hands, but his route running needs sharpened. One good freshman, can make all the difference.

4) The punter was about the ONLY part of our ST that wasn't cross your fingers, nerve racking. Dude has a serious good leg.

5) I think the risk is worth it. CTR is not getting the job done. I think we need a DC that is energetic and has a modern scheme. The bend but don't break defense is not doing it. At points, the defense lacked complete and utter emotion. I feel that we need to stop looking for washed up, has beens. Let's find an up and coming DC. I think you can move Roof to a head recruiter type position.

All in all, I would like to see a change in the teams chemistry. The team looks like it was defeated before some games even started. Need to identify some team leaders and see some leadership on the sidelines. I rarely saw any. Which players were the team leaders? Not captains. The vocal team leaders? Anyone? Because, I sure don't know or totally missed it. I saw a team with 11 individual players on the field. Just my 2 cents.


Ramblin' Wreck
1) I've often expressed the opinion that I'd rather have the more talented, athletic kid on the field at QB than the one who's going to make the right reads more often but is limited in his ability to make plays. This year tested that theory for me. There were times when TM looked like JeT 2.0, and times when he looked like....the opposite of that. I expect a competition, but film work would show a QB that while often overmatched or overwhelmed, also didn't seem to always get a lot of help.

2. Lynch & Searcy would be in the convo as far as "best a-back group." I'd take Jones/Allen myself, but Lynch/Searcy can make plays. The blocking was bad pretty much all the way around. I think a focus on that is in order in the spring.

3. Excited to see what Camp does. I think the Brandon Stewart we see is the BS we're gonna get from now on. I appreciate his effort, but he's not the playmaker some here would have you believe.

4. PH3 was fantastic this year. I love it when punters become weapons, like Durant Brooks did when he was here. He changed games against Miami and Clemson in either '06 or '07 with his ability to pin teams back. Would be nice to see Pressley become like that.

5. I just don't see how CTR can stay after the collapse against Duke. I am much more discouraged with the defense's performance there than against top 10 u(sic)ga with multiple NFL level weapons on offense. The defense just gave up against Duke. Duke. If that means we lose a few kids, I'm ok with it. You can't ever let the tail wag the dog in these situations. I appreciate Roof's passion for Georgia Tech, but we've gotta get some fresh faces on this staff and some energy and intensity on the sidelines. I've heard the jacksonville St's DC named as a possible replacement. I like that. Kerry Cooks, DB coach for Oklahoma, would be a name that intrigued me. He's a top notch recruiter and is experienced without being complacent. Michigan LB Coach Chris Partridge would be a good hire. He's not super experienced, but is young and would bring fresh eyes to this personnel, where i do believe there is some young talent. That's the direction I'd look in. Find a guy who's been in for a bit, but hasn't had the opportunity to fully show what they're capable of.


Helluva Engineer
The failure to mention the offensive line makes your "rational discussion" irrational. The lack of enough talented bodies there is the biggest problem on the whole squad. That, and the lack of defensive depth.

But, casual fans just watch the ball, so I am not surprised that you focus on offensive skill positions in your "rational discussion."

Lol. Thanks for the input. Check my history (which is more extensive than yours) and you'll find I don't discount the OL when discussing our team. I'll also ignore the "casual fans watch the ball" comment.

These were topics I was interested in discussing today. I'd be glad to discuss the OL, as well.

I did not think the OL was a huge problem this year, other than a lack of depth. I think we have been snake-bitten with early departures, and there may be some credence to the argument that our blocking style takes more toll on our guys than a traditional system.

That said, if AM is able to return, and the Morgans can develop into quality backups, i think we'll be just fine at OL next year.


Helluva Engineer
We have to question what happened to our A backs this year. It was the Benson/Marshall show. I was expecting Lynch to have a big year. Marshall was often reluctant to pitch and blocking on the edge was not good this year. We didn't throw as much to them either. The offense was much more limited in several facets.


Jolly Good Fellow
We have to question what happened to our A backs this year. It was the Benson/Marshall show. I was expecting Lynch to have a big year. Marshall was often reluctant to pitch and blocking on the edge was not good this year. We didn't throw as much to them either. The offense was much more limited in several facets.

I won't name names, but one of the A backs seemed to be scared to death every time we ran the rocket toss to him. (Sweep)


Ramblin' Wreck
PHIII is not best punter we've had IMO, I think Durant Brooks was better. Before my time, but Rodney Williams was great, too.
At A-Back, Omahri Jarrett and Xavier Gantt will be getting carries.


Helluva Engineer
The issues with AB production were due to:

1) poor edge blocking
2) pitch relationship issues with TM
3) lack of TM having the savvy when running the option to use his eyes and hips to "sell" the keep before pitching. TW was a master of this.