Publics perception of the program


Ramblin' Wreck
I dunno. FSU beat them when they were "good." How much cache did that get them at the end?
True statement, but I think the entire country had it out for FSU because of Jameis and because they barely eeked out wins against Boston College, NC State, etc.

Also, I guess I am thinking of beating them early as more of a short term gain to boost us in the polls. Over the long term, everyone will know what you are made of by season's end.


Ramblin' Wreck
Davidson, NC
I think it's about time we, as fans, stop acting as though we don't belong on the same field with some of these teams. This year's team has gotten past that and it should carry over to next year. Don't worry about the schedule - just line up against 'em and play!

So true. We just trucked a very good Miss St team in the Orange Bowl, and our offense was good to great against some of the best defenses in the country. I don't see a game next year that isn't winnable. I don't expect to go undefeated - that's almost impossible for any team. But I expect we'll be in every game, and I'm certainly not "scared" of any other teams.


Jolly Good Fellow
Fairmont, North Carolina
che90, you make some good points. It seems like every year it's the same thing with some fans. They always put every other team ahead of what our team can do. Like I said last year let them play the games and we go from there. When we lost Attaochu some fans thought know one could replace him and freeman had a good season. We can say after the Carolina game they started holding their own. Let's see what the guys coming in can do before we say what they can and can't do.