Poll: What do you hope to see next season?

Which would you honestly prefer to see next season?

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Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
Bobby Dodd will be a ghost town next season. You can’t treat your customers poorly and sell a bad product and expect them to come back. It’s up to the coaches and players to perform to get the fans back. If they actually coach and circle the wagons to become a tough team then 2023 should see an upswing. But for 2022, the die was cast in those last 2 games.
We'll see. I'm not so sure you're right. You're projecting your feelings onto other season ticket holders. I doubt the needle moves much from other than we don't have uga at home, so we won't have all those uga fans buying season tickets to get 1 game.


Ramblin' Wreck
Milton, Georgia
How do I think next season will go? 2019 was disappointing, especially since the team looked so poorly coached. 2020 was Covid and so strange going to a game with masks. Not disappointing just supremely strange. I was at the Clemson game and I have not seen a worse Tech team performance. Even the blow out in 1978 by Notre Dame and the bottle throwing incident. However, I can chalk up 2020 to Covid and give the staff a pass.

Last year was the worst football I have seen in over 30 years of going to Tech football games. I have purged the BL years from my memory so that may be unfair. But my expectation became going to a game was that Tech would look unprepared and poorly coached. The only surprisingly great game was UNC. Had a great time with my kids at the game. The team looked well prepared and played well. Was it playing in MB? Expectations increased until the season progressed. The team regressed from the end of the UNC game. The last two games against talented opponents looked like the varsity playing the jv team.

I agree with those that believe this year is the litmus test. There must be win loss improvement, but also in game and preparedness improvement. How about a major upset?

I really hope there is a marked improvement, Tech goes bowling, and we become positive about the program.

I agree with sowega on season tickets holders. Next year I will be improving my seats since so many folks have moved on. Two in my circle of alumni have already cancelled their tickets. Maybe I will move down to the gold seats and get "free" beer.


Jolly Good Fellow
Since the vote is anonymous, my guess is that you are wrong.




Helluva Engineer
Can we have a third option. GT has a super successful season and someone hires GC away from us and we promote long who was actually responsible for the turn around?


Helluva Engineer
I guess my question is..... who really wants us to lose, just to fire Collins??? You hate him THAT much??? I get it... He isn't the best. However; I cannot root against the team, just to out a coach.
I personally cannot either.

On the flip side, isn't that similar to a coach "ripping off the bandaid" to install a drastically different system? Food for thought.


Jolly Good Fellow
What I would like to see is our team become competitive against stronger teams, win 7 games and the fans return. So far Collins hasn't achieved none of that. I admit I'm bitter. I hope Stansbury and Collins can turn this mess around. I'd like to wear my Tech football shirts around in public without smart comments being made.
The tshirt part will never change LOL not here In idiot dwag land.


Ramblin' Wreck
This is a fan board. Fans don't do ANYTHING more than cheer and hope. They have no input on what happens on the field or in the meeting rooms. So, "hope" is absolutely appropriate here. NO ONE on this board is going to get to see a laid-out plan by any coach, anywhere.
That's ok " buzz " you can hope all you want too. Everyone needs a little hope. BTW, how are things in my favorite city? I plan to be there in the in spring!.


Ramblin' Wreck
How do I think next season will go? 2019 was disappointing, especially since the team looked so poorly coached. 2020 was Covid and so strange going to a game with masks. Not disappointing just supremely strange. I was at the Clemson game and I have not seen a worse Tech team performance. Even the blow out in 1978 by Notre Dame and the bottle throwing incident. However, I can chalk up 2020 to Covid and give the staff a pass.

Last year was the worst football I have seen in over 30 years of going to Tech football games. I have purged the BL years from my memory so that may be unfair. But my expectation became going to a game was that Tech would look unprepared and poorly coached. The only surprisingly great game was UNC. Had a great time with my kids at the game. The team looked well prepared and played well. Was it playing in MB? Expectations increased until the season progressed. The team regressed from the end of the UNC game. The last two games against talented opponents looked like the varsity playing the jv team.

I agree with those that believe this year is the litmus test. There must be win loss improvement, but also in game and preparedness improvement. How about a major upset?

I really hope there is a marked improvement, Tech goes bowling, and we become positive about the program.

I agree with sowega on season tickets holders. Next year I will be improving my seats since so many folks have moved on. Two in my circle of alumni have already cancelled their tickets. Maybe I will move down to the gold seats and get "free" beer.
There are 20k of old schoolers that will be there no matter what…the problem is we are getting older and not being replaced …so that number will likely decline as “we move on to our reward” unless we win soon and provide position memories fir the next gen…I am hopefull!


Ramblin' Wreck
There are 20k of old schoolers that will be there no matter what…the problem is we are getting older and not being replaced …so that number will likely decline as “we move on to our reward” unless we win soon and provide position memories fir the next gen…I am hopefull!
that is a scary but accurate thought. I wonder what percent of our season ticket base is 50+ in comparison to other schools. If you look at the West Stands, it is a very senior group. I am certainly in that group as well. But the reality, with the makeup and location of our alumni, we aren't getting many fans from GT graduates. So the only way to significantly improve attendance is to get sidewalk fans which will require us to consistently perform at a high level. Without that, I am fearful our attendance will migrate towards Duke football.


Ramblin' Wreck
that is a scary but accurate thought. I wonder what percent of our season ticket base is 50+ in comparison to other schools. If you look at the West Stands, it is a very senior group. I am certainly in that group as well. But the reality, with the makeup and location of our alumni, we aren't getting many fans from GT graduates. So the only way to significantly improve attendance is to get sidewalk fans which will require us to consistently perform at a high level. Without that, I am fearful our attendance will migrate towards Duke football.


Helluva Engineer
Lets be specific :
I want to see good coverage at 3 seconds, 5 seconds and then a damn sack.

When we have a team backed up next to there goal line on third down , i do not want to see a delayed blitz and then a pass OVER OUR LB to a tight end who is running free. UGA, does this to us all the time

Deleted member 4558

I don't hope to see anything because I won't be watching. That said, I wish Georgia Tech football success particularly for the players. Having never played organized sports, I have no idea of the sacrifice these men make to play the game. This is, in my mind, stepping back from the emotional investment I have made since 1961 in GT football.

Heisman's Ghost

Helluva Engineer
Albany Georgia
I agree. 5 is the cut-off with me too. However; it matters who we lose to. If we lose to Western Carolina, than that's it for me. End of story. Nothing will save him, other than a bowl apperance. That's if, he doesn't get fired after the Western Carolina game. Sad part? I cannot say 100% that we will beat Western Carolina. I wished I could... I really wished I could. But, we do have to recognize, next year is a rough schedule. It's going to be one of the top 10 toughest...
Well, Ron Zook lost to Mississippi State and Gator AD Jeremy Foley fired him the following Monday with any further ado. He hired Urban and the result was a national championship largely with Zook players. Funny how these things work out sometimes.