Problem is if you're applying to an entry-level role with a GT 3.0 GPA and someone from Michigan or Cal or somewhere is applying with a 3.75 GPA driven by things like "Tech professors took great pleasure in making the questions on the tests way harder than they needed to be. They were not representative of the homework problems or the material we went through in class." then you have to hope and pray that the employer you're applying to has bothered to learn that one particular school has their grades mean different things.
By my time at GT 20 years ago, though, exam questions and homework questions (and sample exam questions, for that matter) were all about the same, though, so I don't think it's the same problem it once was.
(Though, also, none of my employers or myself, when doing the hiring, are paying more for GT grads vs other candidates who do just as well in our interviews and have the same level of work experience, but we aren't holding your GPA against you, so it evens out that way too I guess? The benefit of a GT (or other top school) for our processes is that we'll be at the GT career fair and such so you can get your foot in the door vs the blind applications.)
Or just give Masters degrees if what you're testing for is mastery