I have a theory that I may have shared here before. In athletes, coaches, business hires intrinsic talent is important but we give it too much weight, like you can line everyone up from best to worst and it's absolute. In this way of thinking, when a hire or a draft pick performs way over or under expectations the only failure is you assessed that person wrong, they weren't who you thought they were. I believe that, in reality, the onboarding process and the resulting trust and fit make an enormous difference. Navy Seals turned management consultants make a ton of money telling managers it's not their fault, their team members are crappy and will always be crappy until you get better ones. Posts (fonts?) here often disregard the development process of a coach, coaching staff, and his relationships. Whatever Key may lack on the "absolute talent" axis versus other coaches, what he has proven in foundation, fit, and trust with athletes can likely not be matched.