North Carolina Hires New DC - Geoff Collins


Helluva Engineer
Per the rules here, please take note of this one:

4. No personal attacks on current or former coaches or GTAA staff, to include the AD. Again, critiquing is acceptable, epithets like ‘clown’ or ‘used car salesman’ or their ilk are not kosher and will not be tolerated.

The use of POS and MoBS violates this one. I get that Collins isn't well regarded at all, but please refrain from resorting to expletive to insult him, even if it's in the form of an acronym.

What? We cannot personally insult CGC?


Ramblin' Wreck
Obviously very few people would defend him at GT Head Coach...including me. But don't discount that he was a decent DC at Miss. St. and Florida. I think he will improve UNC's defense. Hopefully I am wrong.


Helluva Engineer
Even if that were true, I don’t think I would say that publicly.

Ahem, if I were a head coach….

I would have team goals, built around discussion and input from coordinators as much as possible but with the final say.

Coordinators would report to me and explain what they are seeing / doing with regard to goals. Would give them a free hand to manage their responsibilities with a few caveats. 1. I might question a particular approach or decision for clarification or redirection. 2. Ask what help they need. 3. Explain that, at the convenience of their coaching schedule, I would like to come in to coach a particular technique or reinforce a particular philosophy we are imparting. 4. Would reiterate my offer of support in anyway that is helpful.

Beyond that I would need to know virtually every detail of what all coaches are doing, not to micromanage, not to look over their shoulder, but to be knowledgeable of what is happening as I am the person ultimately responsible. I would work constantly on building a staff that works as a team. Every coach would be given a chance from spring practice all the way to bowl season to address a team meeting, sharing from the heart whatever they think will help the team.

During games I would leave OCs and DCs alone, assuming that we are all on the same page with game plan and preparation that we’ve spent hours on. My role would be game management, timeouts, and those moments when adjustments require we get off script and into uncharted territory.

But I’ve never coached, other than a girl’s flag football team in college. 🤣
Iow, you'd be Bobby Dodd.


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
Obviously very few people would defend him at GT Head Coach...including me. But don't discount that he was a decent DC at Miss. St. and Florida. I think he will improve UNC's defense. Hopefully I am wrong.
Hard to say. At MSU, defense gave up 376.1 yds/game in the year before he took over. Under his leadership, the next two years were 338.2 and 407.7. At Florida, the year prior was 308.2. The next two, under his leadership, the results were 289.2 and 277.0.

Modest. But you’d have to look at the schedule at opponents to get a better look. Dan Mullen, when GC quit to take the Florida job, was incredulous, basically saying, “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”

Randy Carson

Helluva Engineer
Apex, NC
This is going to be an interesting matchup next year in Chapel Hill.

TFG will want to prove himself against his old team. Presumably, CBK knows how TFG thinks on D, but TFG will be facing CBF & CCW. I think we have the edge, but it's gonna be entertaining.



Helluva Engineer
He was hired to make the “greatest transition in college football”. Collins used those words, but that was what he was interviewed and hired to do. The contract was for the coach who was making the greatest transition in college football, and Collins was the puzzle piece that filled the empty hole.
It was my belief during a lot of that first year "greatest transition in college football", "no offensive lineman over 265 pounds" talk that TFG was parroting things that he was told by the big boosters. He sounded like a --several of the phrases that had gotten posts deleted a few years ago-- but I don't think he was writing the script. He was just saying things to keep the big boosters happy. (At least the big boosters who were in his ear)


Helluva Engineer
Trying to find out from my source who was helping Mack with this hire, i.e. what search firm. The guy I know would NEVER recommend Collins. He basically gave me the detail of how the 2022 season would go and that Stansbury would go with Collins as the same time. The only thing I can think is that we beat UNC twice with Drake Maye at QB and Mack was somehow impressed with our D in those games and he went about hiring who he wanted on his own with no search firm help?? Nothing else makes any sense. I don't care how good of a DC he is, the stench on him is still stinking at this point. I can't imagine the UNC fans are happy about this. From Chizzick to Collins?? Two very poorly performing head coaches who were good to very good DCs, but Collins is a laughingstock in college football. Shocked by this. Truly shocked. I wonder how long his contract is for? 5 years? 6 years? Maybe he and Stansbury can have a nice lunch date and laugh at the havoc they caused to Georgia Tech. #MofBS :ROFLMAO:

Suddes is the Assistant AD and football GM at UNC. I am sure he put in a good word


Helluva Engineer
Was reading this thread waiting for someone to say this. I never saw any evidence that Collins could build a defense or a program. As you point out, he usually followed good coaches or came into established programs. And usually left them a little worse for the wear.

As one of our moderators suggested, there is also no evidence that Collins learns from his mistakes because he would first have to admit them. If he strolls into Chapel Hill like he’s all that and a bag of chips it could set UNC back as a program for several years.

And, to be clear, I wouldn’t wish Collins on anyone except the dawgs.
As I said before, UNcheats deserves him for their cheating on academics all those yrs with almost no penalty.-and of course they came down on that poor woman who outed them. Scuzballs. all.

The Doddfather

Ramblin' Wreck
Per the rules here, please take note of this one:

4. No personal attacks on current or former coaches or GTAA staff, to include the AD. Again, critiquing is acceptable, epithets like ‘clown’ or ‘used car salesman’ or their ilk are not kosher and will not be tolerated.

The use of POS and MoBS violates this one. I get that Collins isn't well regarded at all, but please refrain from resorting to expletive to insult him, even if it's in the form of an acronym.

Ok, so we aren’t allowed to insult the guy by using the acronym used by a former coach? I personally take offense to the fact that we can’t personally attack a guy who personally cost our program millions of dollars. Even though the coach that our former coach referred to as the minister of bull s personally will never read any messages on this board. Got it.


Jolly Good Fellow

UNC feeling like they need some kind of inside edge with Tech. That’s….something.

You know your friend so maybe you can answer. Is he just being brave about this hire? Whistling past the graveyard? Does he think Collins is somehow the reason UNC can’t beat Tech?

What do you make of this? Inquiring minds want to know. Also wonder if his response is typical for loyal tarheels trying to be supportive of the program or he is more the exception.

Four examples come to my mind.

We hired a head coach from Virginia to be DC at Tech and some of their fans both warned us and were happy he was gone.

We hired a basketball coach from Memphis and their fans were happy he was going. Same thing happened with the coach we hired before him.

We hired a football coach from Temple and their fans were jumping up and down he was gone.

To be fair, not all these were necessarily bad hires for Tech, and none of these other hires compare to the abomination we hired from Temple, but I am struck by how the fans of the receiving school always think “this time will be different” and all this coach needs is a change of scenery.
The examples of HC to DC that come to mind all seem to be a bust. I really don’t expect TFG to be an exception.