Next JeT?


Ramblin' Wreck
Lest we forget, the worst mistake Johnson never made: moving Tevin Washington to Aback, as I remember. It was Washington who said no, he came to Tech to play QB and he was going to play QB. Imagine the possible consequences had he been moved. But maybe the larger point is that it demonstrated a player can stand up to Johnson and not be banished to Athens.
I think CPJ is very reasonable when working with players on changing positions or not. One thing for sure he's not going to listen to anyone on this board in determining that nor should he. That's the way you get fired.


Helluva Engineer
CPJ has always said he'll make suggestions to a player if he thinks it'll help the team and it will get the player on the field sooner...but ultimately he'll leave it up to the player. Most guys see that they might never play the position they were recruited to so they move to see playing time. Tevin was hard headed enough to believe in himself, and he worked hard at his craft, and ultimately became the starter. One thing is certain about the QB position, and history has proven this to be true, even if the QBs we sign don't end up playing QB, they do end up having VERY productive careers at other positions (if they don't transfer or get kicked off the team):

Jaybo Shaw: Key QB backup, Transfer to GSU
Tevin Washington: Eventual 2.5 year starter
Synjyn Days: Backup QB, AB, BB - Honorable mention All ACC RB
Jordan Luallen: Transfer to Cincy
David Sims: Backup QB, 2 year starter at BB
Demon Smith: Moved to DB first fall camp, key secondary reserve and part time starter throughout career.
Vad Lee: Key backup QB, 1 year starter, transfer to JMU
Dennis Andrews: top backup AB, probable starter for 2015 - dismissed
Ty Griffin: Redshirted, showed ability to produce with ball in his hands, transferred to Oregon

As you can see from the above, CPJ recruiting QBs for our system benefits more than just the QB position, and those scholarships are pretty much never wasted on someone buried in the depth chart.


Jolly Good Fellow
Okay, since it's in a thread title, I have to make an observation. As an abbreviation in recent GT football discussion, I'm pretty sure that "JeT" began as a reference to Jemea as opposed to Justin, "JuT."

Lol I seriously thought we used JeT b/c JT has jet speed...but since there's no "e" in his name, we capitalize the "J" and the "T". And of all the people to ruin this false perception of mine, it just had to be an AE.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
Lol I seriously thought we used JeT b/c JT has jet speed...but since there's no "e" in his name, we capitalize the "J" and the "T". And of all the people to ruin this false perception of mine, it just had to be an AE.

Well, there's no doubt that's how people are using JeT now


Helluva Engineer
If the recruit from Ala that chose Tenn( to play WR) was our first QB choice for '16, I have some concern going forward.Jordan is definitely a work-in-progress at best and maybe really a WR.Ratliffe will probably never see the field if his injury was as bad as reported. C Campbell would best be as a great WR. We have to have someone quickly to get in here to learn and back-up JT in '17 if we expect any sort of high level performance in '18.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer

Justin effin' Thomas = JeT

Jets = Fast

JeT = Fast

Kinda like how we use to say JfN...for Josh f'in Nesbitt

Just a nickname people...but of course this is a GT board and people have to ruin it by overanalyzing everything. :)

Why do you find it necessary to say what's going on inside the minds of others?


Helluva Engineer
I think CPJ is very reasonable when working with players on changing positions or not. One thing for sure he's not going to listen to anyone on this board in determining that nor should he. That's the way you get fired.
Are you telling me I have used tens of billions of brain cells and neurons trying to help the man out and he's not even listening?


Helluva Engineer
I am going to be more than pleasantly surprised if Ratliffe shows up in January and is medically cleared to play football. And, if he is neurologically recovered to a skill level necessary to play on the D-1 level...and can shake off the rust/inexperience of missing a year or so of football. It could happen. But, in my mind I'm not allowing myself to count on it.


Jolly Good Fellow
After watching the video, I love this guy. he would be perfect for our offense. Not as fast as JeT (but who is), but man, he would be another bruiser from that QB position. I see another Nesbitt clone whose arm projects to be better.

We seemed to do quite well with Nesbitt....

I dunno, he seems a step slow to accelerate as a major-conference Flexbone QB. Just from looking at the highlights, it seems he outran some defenses, but some he couldn't, and had to resort to passing or trucking people. He might be more well suited to a shotgun/power zone type team (think Northern Illinois). Track speed will come with age, but not necessarily a better first step. Josh Nesbitt had a very fast first step IMO.

ED: Don't get me wrong, he will likely at least make a heck of a D1/Top 25 backup based on the arm alone. Accurate, zippy, catchable. Very fine passer especially for a junior.
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Helluva Engineer
What if--
--someone who checked in last night--and was signed at another position--
arrived and looked so much like a QB (and had played it in h.s.) that the coaches began to consider some reps at QB just to see?


Helluva Engineer
What if--
--someone who checked in last night--and was signed at another position--
arrived and looked so much like a QB (and had played it in h.s.) that the coaches began to consider some reps at QB just to see?

AJ Gray? TaQuan Marshall?

Would not surprise me one bit considering what they did at QB in HS and what's going on with Ratliffe. QB is the most important position in football, so you've got to turn over every rock to find a good one. If it doesn't work out at QB, they can always move back. However, if it does work out, you've found an answer for an important question.


Ramblin' Wreck
What if--
--someone who checked in last night--and was signed at another position--
arrived and looked so much like a QB (and had played it in h.s.) that the coaches began to consider some reps at QB just to see?
I think Christian Campbell would be the most likely out of this class to play QB. His HS offense was very similar to Tech's. That would make it easy for him to get over the learning curve. It's very possible others will get chances at QB as well though.


Ramblin' Wreck
A thought: we need not, like lickers of nads, wonder when the next hero comes to deliver us.

CPJ is a strategist, and we have seen him run this offense with 3 completely differently talented qbs: nesbitt, washington, and now thomas. The offense is the same. And yet also very different. You even saw this when byerly took over in the dook game.

So maybe the next JeT will be born 8 years from now, who knows. But I have confidence the next winning QB(s) are in the pipe right now.

The foolish man builds his house upon shifting sand, and places the cornerstone over sinking ground.

The engineer places the cornerstone upon solid rock when there is rock, and sinks piles into the mud where there is mud, and displaces a volume of water greater than the volume of his structure when he builds on water.

Here endeth the lesson