New in '15: Cottrell brings threatening speed


Helluva Engineer
He said he had “no clue” what jersey number he will be given. “I wore No. 5 (in high school), but I know I won’t be able to get that one.”



Helluva Engineer
Man...I'm really excited about the group of ABs we have. This is the fastest and most dynamic group CPJ has recruited at AB. Don't be surprised to see CPJ throw the ball more, and specifically more to the ABs because those guys will be mismatches for the LBs. Think of how we utilized Godhigh and Orwin. Add JeT's proficiency in the passing game...WOW.

Gonna be fireworks pretty soon for our offense.


Helluva Engineer
Man...I'm really excited about the group of ABs we have. This is the fastest and most dynamic group CPJ has recruited at AB. Don't be surprised to see CPJ throw the ball more, and specifically more to the ABs because those guys will be mismatches for the LBs. Think of how we utilized Godhigh and Orwin. Add JeT's proficiency in the passing game...WOW.

Gonna be fireworks pretty soon for our offense.
We may throw it better, though with the receiver losses it's questionable, but more? With that record-setting run game? Why? Years ago Johnson was quoted as saying his "optimum" offensive game would be 350 yards rushing and 150 passing. That's just about where he is.


Helluva Engineer
When JT gets in a better groove with his A backs throwing the football, look out. Granted, the TD throw to Waller in the Orange Bowl was open and when you have 6 foot 5 open at the goal line, hit him. But as we all saw and have seen, Bostic was running free down the seam. And on the last pass JT threw, the heave out of bounds near the goal line just before Synjyn's last TD run, there was an A back open in the back of the end zone. I mean no one within 15 yards open.

Remember the TD throw to Peeples against MSU in Starkville a few years back? Just wait until JT sees that seam route open every time on play action.

Good points, Techster, in your above post. Instead of all the hand wringing over who is going to catch the ball, maybe our opponents should be worried about who are they going to cover. Because anybody left alone, even for a second, is a threat to break one.


Helluva Engineer
Flower Mound, TX (75022)
Seeing who is returning and watching highlights of this class it is awfully hard to keep my glasses from turning rose colored. I have been watching the 1990 games and if we had a D close to that D we can make the playoffs.


Helluva Engineer
We may throw it better, though with the receiver losses it's questionable, but more? With that record-setting run game? Why? Years ago Johnson was quoted as saying his "optimum" offensive game would be 350 yards rushing and 150 passing. That's just about where he is.

Cause that's what I want to see! C'mon man, don't you know CPJ does what the message boards want him to?

In all seriousness, don't let CPJ fool you. The guy likes to put the ball in the air more than GT fans suspect. IT's just he never had the weapons in the passing game like he does now (and his early years at GSU and Hawaii). We're never going to sling it around 30+ times a game, but don't be surprised to see JT pass for over 2,000 yards soon...which he was close to last season. Remember early 2011 season when Tevin, TEVIN, was just obliterating defenses and putting up insane passing numbers? That's what we can do to teams, even the good ones, when this offense is really humming. The ABs we've signed recently will be a BIG part of that.

Yaller Jacket

Ramblin' Wreck
Following up on swampsting's point, I hope Snoddy can be more of a pass target. If the corners take the wide receivers as they usually do and Snoddy can get out of the backfield without being bumped too much, he should be able to beat anybody deep.


Ramblin' Wreck
Man...I'm really excited about the group of ABs we have. This is the fastest and most dynamic group CPJ has recruited at AB. Don't be surprised to see CPJ throw the ball more, and specifically more to the ABs because those guys will be mismatches for the LBs. Think of how we utilized Godhigh and Orwin. Add JeT's proficiency in the passing game...WOW.

Gonna be fireworks pretty soon for our offense.
I agree. We might lose a little production at WR but our AB passing game should be as good as ever. Qua searcy (converted from WR) and Clinton Lynch (recruited as a WR out of HS) both have great hands. Combine that with their speed along with the speed of the other ABs and JT will have a field day passing to them.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
Cause that's what I want to see! C'mon man, don't you know CPJ does what the message boards want him to?

In all seriousness, don't let CPJ fool you. The guy likes to put the ball in the air more than GT fans suspect. IT's just he never had the weapons in the passing game like he does now (and his early years at GSU and Hawaii). We're never going to sling it around 30+ times a game, but don't be surprised to see JT pass for over 2,000 yards soon...which he was close to last season. Remember early 2011 season when Tevin, TEVIN, was just obliterating defenses and putting up insane passing numbers? That's what we can do to teams, even the good ones, when this offense is really humming. The ABs we've signed recently will be a BIG part of that.

It comes down to finding ABacks who can catch. If Cottrell can catch, I pity the opposition D. DBs moving forward in run support are in a hard place anyway. Add speed that can't be caught, and they're doomed.


Helluva Engineer
Cause that's what I want to see! C'mon man, don't you know CPJ does what the message boards want him to?

In all seriousness, don't let CPJ fool you. The guy likes to put the ball in the air more than GT fans suspect. IT's just he never had the weapons in the passing game like he does now (and his early years at GSU and Hawaii). We're never going to sling it around 30+ times a game, but don't be surprised to see JT pass for over 2,000 yards soon...which he was close to last season. Remember early 2011 season when Tevin, TEVIN, was just obliterating defenses and putting up insane passing numbers? That's what we can do to teams, even the good ones, when this offense is really humming. The ABs we've signed recently will be a BIG part of that.
I'm too lazy to research it -- and it is just too hot (from what I can see; I won't go in it) -- but the "early years" you refer to he was, I believe, OC for another coach, running that coach's offense? I tend to be an agnostic on it as long as it does not become run and shoot, chuck and duck, fire and fall back, all that stuff that turns the game ugly. But an offense that generated 159 plays of 10 yards or more (was that all rushing?) won't be shunted aside. Johnson seems the type of coach who thinks having to throw the ball just wastes another opportunity to run one of his beloved options, and it drives him batty. I can see a fast Aback running a switch route deep, but if we were going to throw to Abacks, last year was the year. Experience, speed and hands five or six deep.

Now, with this response I am telling Johnson to ignore your post. I'm sure he will call.


Helluva Engineer
I'm too lazy to research it -- and it is just too hot (from what I can see; I won't go in it) -- but the "early years" you refer to he was, I believe, OC for another coach, running that coach's offense? I tend to be an agnostic on it as long as it does not become run and shoot, chuck and duck, fire and fall back, all that stuff that turns the game ugly. But an offense that generated 159 plays of 10 yards or more (was that all rushing?) won't be shunted aside. Johnson seems the type of coach who thinks having to throw the ball just wastes another opportunity to run one of his beloved options, and it drives him batty. I can see a fast Aback running a switch route deep, but if we were going to throw to Abacks, last year was the year. Experience, speed and hands five or six deep.

Now, with this response I am telling Johnson to ignore your post. I'm sure he will call.

That bolded part is a misnomer. CPJ has always said he doesn't mind throwing the's just that the rewards of throwing the ball has to outweigh the option of, well, running the option! With what he has in JeT and the "new breed" of ABs who are pretty much as skilled as slot receivers (as @Gtech50 touches on), as well as the usual cadre of WRs we always seem to get in, all signs point to CPJ kinda revamping our personnel (recruiting more multi-purpose RB & WRs to play AB as opposed to pure RBs he has in the past) to pass the ball more. The running game will always be our dominant calling card, but CPJ will put the ball up in the air. We were historically great at running the ball last season because we were also pretty darn good at throwing it. The ability to hurt teams in the air played a big part in our ability to hurt teams on the ground (and vice versa).

CPJ was an OC in the early years of GA Southern, but he also ran the early version of what we know now as "his offense". He had Tracy Ham...look up his numbers. That's what JeT is capable of doing with the help of the guys we have and are bringing in.

Get excited, bro...our offense is setting up to destroy the opposition in ways we only dreamt of when CPJ first got here.


Helluva Engineer
When I looked at his highlites - speed out of cut and ability to set up and break off of blockers was obvious.
I hope he has some of the "see the future" factor that Justin Thomas has. With his speed it will turn a 1 yard gain into 3 yd gain, and could make a big gain a house call.

Question for guys with player statistics - besides Anthony Allen - how well have our backs done? Seems like they break for ten yds and seldom get a big gain?


Ramblin' Wreck
While CPJ had some great players like Dwyer, Thomas, and Roddy Jones when he arrived in 2008, the offensive line needed to be rebuilt from the ground up. Now this program has evolved to the point that there are quite a few pieces to plug in at WR, B-Back, and A-Back to go along with a returning veteran offensive line that has some quality depth expect the points and yardage to maintain very good numbers.

Toss in an outstanding playmaker at QB like Justin Thomas and the play calling sophistication of CPJ along with his halftime adjustments and this triple option offense has all the tools in place to keep the offense humming at a very high level.