Music (??) at Bobby Dodd during game


Jolly Good Fellow
I confess my disdain for the music (?) at Bobby Dodd during the game is influenced due to my age but I have to say this about it: it was over the top OBNOXIOUS. It neared being painfully loud, a real annoyance almost to the point that I regretted arriving early and had to endure that actual torture. (It was turned up way past '11' ) Other (younger) people around me were making similar comments. I see others feel the same way about this on other GT message boards. PLEASE MAKE IT STOP.

Lil G

Ramblin' Wreck
We really do need a thread just for this and joined effort on taking it down or notch, or (god forbid) making it pleasant.

My girlfriend and I are younger, and I’ve hated it for years. Saturday was her first game, and it was one of the first things she mentioned.

It is absolute GARBAGE they storm our ears with.

I realize asking for fun singalongs, or just something with lyrics perhaps, may be asking for too much.
Maybe Tech is convinced the students love the chopped and screwed unintelligible club ~music~
But bringing it down 10 decibels would go miles for the fan experience.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
I know pro baseball is not the same but some ballparks absolutely put you in a great mood before the game starts with lots of familiar and singable tunes. It’s a nice backdrop while you munch your hotdog and looked over starting lineups. I guess I’m just thinking that if you want to bump things up a notch, and get the fans hyped up during the game, don’t wear them out ahead of time. No wonder a lot of people like to arrive late.


Jolly Good Fellow
How do we get this changed? "Lil G' above said it well...."It is absolute GARBAGE they storm our ears with." I remember thinking it is absolutely a deterrent to attending the game. It truly is so bad that it gives me pause about going to another game . I would think GTAA wants know about this. So how can we affect some change here?


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
How do we get this changed? "Lil G' above said it well...."It is absolute GARBAGE they storm our ears with." I remember thinking it is absolutely a deterrent to attending the game. It truly is so bad that it gives me pause about going to another game . I would think GTAA wants know about this. So how can we affect some change here?
I don’t think you can. A few years ago, I went to a stretch of games from BDS to Neyland to Ole Miss and several others and back to BDS. It struck me that many of the stadiums had not just similar bad music, but the same. My theory was that the smaller the program, the more likely they just buy a program managed by a “game experience vendor”.

Unless Tech wants to start paying to program its own content, I wouldn’t expect it to change. Batt has other priorities.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
I confess my disdain for the music (?) at Bobby Dodd during the game is influenced due to my age but I have to say this about it: it was over the top OBNOXIOUS. It neared being painfully loud, a real annoyance almost to the point that I regretted arriving early and had to endure that actual torture. (It was turned up way past '11' ) Other (younger) people around me were making similar comments. I see others feel the same way about this on other GT message boards. PLEASE MAKE IT STOP.
When you get the survey about game experience, complain about the excessive noise. Where I was sitting, in the north stands, we were running between 85 to 92 decibels. Mostly in the 88 to 89 range during the music.

When I have to literally be yelling so that the people to my immediate left and right can hear me, the music is too loud!


Helluva Engineer
We really do need a thread just for this and joined effort on taking it down or notch, or (god forbid) making it pleasant.

My girlfriend and I are younger, and I’ve hated it for years. Saturday was her first game, and it was one of the first things she mentioned.

It is absolute GARBAGE they storm our ears with.

I realize asking for fun singalongs, or just something with lyrics perhaps, may be asking for too much.
Maybe Tech is convinced the students love the chopped and screwed unintelligible club ~music~
But bringing it down 10 decibels would go miles for the fan experience.
We had one last year: Loudspeaker volume at Bobby Dodd


Helluva Engineer
I don’t think you can. A few years ago, I went to a stretch of games from BDS to Neyland to Ole Miss and several others and back to BDS. It struck me that many of the stadiums had not just similar bad music, but the same. My theory was that the smaller the program, the more likely they just buy a program managed by a “game experience vendor”.

Unless Tech wants to start paying to program its own content, I wouldn’t expect it to change. Batt has other priorities.
Your thinking is absurd. Of course it can be fixed.


Ramblin' Wreck
Poor sound quality is partially responsible for making the music sound so bad. Turning up any music beyond what the system and listening space can handle creates a bad listening experience.


Helluva Engineer
Tinnitus is an issue as well. It's already too late for me - I have constant tinnitus, now. I've learned to live with it. But I wonder how many decibels are generated by the over-amped muzak.
I would wager they're beyond acceptable limits for sound auricular health.
I think everyone in my generation has tinnitus. Way too many rock concerts when I was at Tech with the sound at the jet airplane level.


Jolly Good Fellow
We need to let the AD know about this issue. Everyone in my section was complaining. One “song” shouted the “F” word several times. Do not see why they cannot turn it down and throw in a few country or pop songs. Also, the one timeout where they played the history of Tech football and showed the 1990 UVA game was nice. I wish they did that 2-3 times per game. And what about just letting the band play during a time out every once in a while?


Helluva Engineer
Those who want to let our AD know about the problem need to focus on the volume issue first and foremost. The choice of music is a personal taste issue and less likely to be addressed. The volume issue is super easy to fix if they want to listen to their customers.


Helluva Engineer
I sit not far from @awbuzz . The volume wasn't a problem at my seats Saturday night. It has been some in the last few years, and I have complained about it. The volume has been loud. In addition to that, the mid frequencies 2-4k were much louder than the lower frequencies which made it ear piercing. It must be that the sound is different in different parts of the stadium. My big issue is that GT is a technology school inside Atlanta, which is has a lot of people and companies that work on large scale concert productions. Sound in Bobby Dodd is something that GT should be able to do very well. Should be able to do it better than any other school in the NCAA.

I didn't care for a lot of the music. But, I think the PA and video board were much better Saturday night than they have been in previous years. The video snippets were much better quality than they have been. I thought the "It's third down.. I'ts third down.. IT"S THIRD DOWN!!!!" chants with the jaws theme even mixed well with the band playing chords. I just wanted to point out that even if the sound is still too loud in some places, and even if the music isn't agreeable with some, the entertainment production of the game was much, much better than previous years. (At least in my opinion)