Hi foggy, I remember you and your girl friend coming to my house to pick me up. I enjoyed the recruiting party as I met some of the people who I had communicated with on both the Hive and Stingtalk. We both posted a lot in those days. Good to communicate with you again. We were two of the many who wanted to give Chan a chance. There was a group that wanted him and Braine ousted before Chan coached his first practice with the team. Chan was a good man, but not a great coach. Toward the end of his career at Tech, I believe he was too loyal to his assistants and did not want to replace any of them although some were not so good. Hope to see you on the board often, and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year on my birthday. By the way, all is well for an old codger. I don't look back because something may be gaining on me. My wife is also doing well except still having to put up with me.