Memory lane


Helluva Engineer
I'm not sure if there is a thread for this already, so forgive me if there is. I think it would be cool to hear some of everyone's best memory's as tech fans. It doesn't have to be just related to football or any other sport, just needs to be tech related. I will start with a quick story. Me and my dad went to Home Depot recently and I stayed in the car, as I was waiting on him I saw a guy get out of a truck with a gt sticker and he had a gt hat on, so I rolled down the window and said what's the good word. At first he stopped looked around, I realized he had no clue where my voice came from so I stuck my head out and said it again. This time he answered and quickly came over to the car. He looked at me and said why was Jesus not born in Athens? I had not heard this joke so I Said idk, he replied with "they couldn't find three wise men and a virgin". He then just turned around and walked off without saying another word LOL. I love being a tech fan!


Helluva Engineer
I'm going to say that so far, my favorite may have happened this past year in Athens. (ironically enough)

We lived and died a dozen times in the second-half. The outcome was one of the most thrilling sports memories I'll ever have. But, it was what happened after the game that I may remember just as much. We had parked in a friend's driveway and walked to Sanford Stadium. The trek back to the car was a mile.

At least 3 times, UGA fans would stop and roll down their windows. We braced to be harassed, and I reminded my wife to just keep walking and us get back to the car safely. But, every time the UGA folks would look at us and say some version of, "That was a heck of a game. You guys got us today!!" Or, "Hey, you guys took it to us!"



Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
I'm going to say that so far, my favorite may have happened this past year in Athens. (ironically enough)

We lived and died a dozen times in the second-half. The outcome was one of the most thrilling sports memories I'll ever have. But, it was what happened after the game that I may remember just as much. We had parked in a friend's driveway and walked to Sanford Stadium. The trek back to the car was a mile.

At least 3 times, UGA fans would stop and roll down their windows. We braced to be harassed, and I reminded my wife to just keep walking and us get back to the car safely. But, every time the UGA folks would look at us and say some version of, "That was a heck of a game. You guys got us today!!" Or, "Hey, you guys took it to us!"


Very nice, surprising, but nice!


Helluva Engineer
Smart football fans know when u r getting shelled on your home field and have no hope to stop anyone. And realize those turnovers were BS.

Typically thats only 15 percent of the athens fans (being nice). But even the dumbarses realized it. Lol.


GT Athlete
There are SO many, but off the top of my head...

There are countless non football memories that come to mind (most of which can't, and shall not be mentioned here).

Football: Athens '08, Athens '14, OB '14, Clemson '11, Criminoles '08, Clemson '09, ACCCG '09, Miami '08, Clemson '14...just to name a few.

bass ackwards

Georgia Tech Fan
A good friend of mine (uga season ticket holder) gave me his tickets to the GA/GT game for my 30th bday. I wasn't looking forward to it because I had a good idea what was going to happen, but I went anyway. My wife (a uga fan) was 7mo pregnant at the time with our first child. The weather sucked, but we braved it out. It was 2008. Dwyer breaking ankles... Nesbitt dishing it out... Roddy tiptoeing the sideline...knowshon getting caught in mid-air on the goal line. It was quite the memorable day.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
I'm not sure if there is a thread for this already, so forgive me if there is. I think it would be cool to hear some of everyone's best memory's as tech fans. It doesn't have to be just related to football or any other sport, just needs to be tech related. I will start with a quick story. Me and my dad went to Home Depot recently and I stayed in the car, as I was waiting on him I saw a guy get out of a truck with a gt sticker and he had a gt hat on, so I rolled down the window and said what's the good word. At first he stopped looked around, I realized he had no clue where my voice came from so I stuck my head out and said it again. This time he answered and quickly came over to the car. He looked at me and said why was Jesus not born in Athens? I had not heard this joke so I Said idk, he replied with "they couldn't find three wise men and a virgin". He then just turned around and walked off without saying another word LOL. I love being a tech fan!
I had forgotten that one. #THWG


Jolly Good Fellow
Herndon, VA
My favorite tech memories:
  • Passing EE3250 on the second try
  • Graduating
  • Attending the UVA game in 1990 with my mom
  • Watching the UGAg game in 2014 with my folks
Augusta, GA
Taking my dad to the '74 game in Athens, only the 2nd Tech game he had ever been to. At halftime with Tech having a commanding lead, because of the miserably cold and rainy conditions, I suggested that we leave. My dad wouldn't have any of that; he said he was enjoying it too much to leave. I never felt so close to my dad as I did that day in Athens. THWG!!!


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Oriental, NC
I was in Paris on Bastille Day last year. At the fireworks show at the Eiffel Tower that afternoon, my wife & I spread our blanket on the grass to listen to the music. We were part of the thousands doing the same thing. We noticed two young women sitting nearby with Myrtle Beach water bottles and asked them if they were from South Carolina. They answered, "Yes, but we are in college in Atlanta. We're doing a year abroad as part of our Georgia Tech degree." We chatted for a while and, as we said our good byes, I asked a simple question, "What's the good word?" Their response was classic. Right there in Paris, in front of maybe a hundred thousand people, they stood and said, loudly, those beautiful words, "To Hell with georgia!"
A good friend of mine (uga season ticket holder) gave me his tickets to the GA/GT game for my 30th bday. I wasn't looking forward to it because I had a good idea what was going to happen, but I went anyway. My wife (a uga fan) was 7mo pregnant at the time with our first child. The weather sucked, but we braved it out. It was 2008. Dwyer breaking ankles... Nesbitt dishing it out... Roddy tiptoeing the sideline...knowshon getting caught in mid-air on the goal line. It was quite the memorable day.
That was a good day. I think I will watch the DVD. Again.


Ramblin' Wreck
Standing on the Hill one night in the Spring of 1974 along with a couple of thousand other naked Tech guys during the streaking craze as Dean Dulles led us in singing Rambling Wreck.
I'm not sure if there is a thread for this already, so forgive me if there is. I think it would be cool to hear some of everyone's best memory's as tech fans. It doesn't have to be just related to football or any other sport, just needs to be tech related. I will start with a quick story. Me and my dad went to Home Depot recently and I stayed in the car, as I was waiting on him I saw a guy get out of a truck with a gt sticker and he had a gt hat on, so I rolled down the window and said what's the good word. At first he stopped looked around, I realized he had no clue where my voice came from so I stuck my head out and said it again. This time he answered and quickly came over to the car. He looked at me and said why was Jesus not born in Athens? I had not heard this joke so I Said idk, he replied with "they couldn't find three wise men and a virgin". He then just turned around and walked off without saying another word LOL. I love being a tech fan!
There are so many memories--great and not so great. I am partial to the 1969 victory over Georgia 6-0. We had lost five in a row, Dodd had been gone three years, the mutts had beaten us 47-8 the year before and we were 3-6 going into the game. We basically had no chance. It was my second year in the Student Section. A big win.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
My favorite Tech memories, in no particular order:
• Being at BDS with my husband, mama, & daddy one crazy, foggy night watching us beat UGAg
• Passing drown-proofing, without drowning
• Graduation day. Not just because"I Got Out" but because my grandparents came all the way from Brooklet Georgia to watch me walk across the stage.


Jolly Good Fellow
Atlanta, Georgia
I'm going to say that so far, my favorite may have happened this past year in Athens. (ironically enough)

We lived and died a dozen times in the second-half. The outcome was one of the most thrilling sports memories I'll ever have. But, it was what happened after the game that I may remember just as much. We had parked in a friend's driveway and walked to Sanford Stadium. The trek back to the car was a mile.

At least 3 times, UGA fans would stop and roll down their windows. We braced to be harassed, and I reminded my wife to just keep walking and us get back to the car safely. But, every time the UGA folks would look at us and say some version of, "That was a heck of a game. You guys got us today!!" Or, "Hey, you guys took it to us!"

Just saying, the last two times tech has beat uga, I was at the Athens games. And I'll add that I had the same experience, me and my buddy were decked out in yellow, and uga folks were great sports about it after. They even took a picture for us with the field in the background.


Georgia Tech Fan
Fish game vs ND. Goose 3-0. All memorable.
The best was sitting in Sanford watching Shawn Jones destroy UGA.


Helluva Engineer
My overall favorite Tech memory was watching Will Bynum make the layup in the Final Four to send us to the championship game. Football wise though, I'm not sure. There have been several.


Helluva Engineer
gosh 1998 at UGA; well before the game me and a buddy found the stadium mounted big screen camera that shot live onto the bigscreen jumbo tron in the endzone. I put him on my shoulders and we were able to get a big live screen shot of the "to hell with georgia" red letter inset from the technique that they print. It was a live on the jumbotron in the stadium for a bit until the AV guys realized it and cut the camera. LOL a bit of fun before a game.

good memory...but gosh he is a good one 1996 my freshman year, it was 2nd quarter. I get a phone call from my dad. He said..."hey I just interviewed a tech alumn and he currently is a TA for physics" I said oh yeah? Cool, hope he was a good candidate. My Dad says, yeah i told him you went there and you will never believe what he told me? I said, what, that they purposely try to fail the bottom 1/3 of the physics class to make it hard on us? My Dad goes, holy smokes how did you know? I said, its tech dad. He says, listen...just get through, don't worry about the GPA, just get through....I won't put any pressure on you. I thought that was the coolest