Marcus Marshall


Milwaukee, WI
ball security, especially early in his career, was one of his big issues. Had he mastered that early, he would have gotten the work that went to Skov his freshman year.
And it's more than just running that go with that position. There's blocking too. If you block, you get the rock.
Marshall had a little bit of an extra gear over Mills but also Mills got called on to dig out 2 or 3 yards a time on short yardage situations - like fourth and short from inside our own 20 against UK in the Taxslayer Bowl. Don't know PJ would have felt as comfortable making that call with MM in there. But with Dedrick, it's like sitting with the dealer showing a 5.

It was vs the kentucky wildcats in the tax slayer bowl, just for perspective. You or I could've been at bb on that play; I doubt Paul was thinking about his legacy in that situation.


Helluva Engineer
Exactly this. DM was a pot head. I hope he has straightened out and makes a good life for himself, he was very young when he was at Tech. I also hope MM much success in the next level, lots of talent.

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Neither guy were model SA's. Both were heckuva runners. Silly debate this thread is.
My Take Marcus Marshall was better than Mills. Faster and a better blocker. I feel bad that someone got in his head to transfer. Fact is in 2017, TM etc were not supposed to be our starters. It was Mills, Marshall, and Mathew Jordan.


Helluva Engineer
Marshall was much better than Mills from what I saw. I never really got the Mills hype. Tough runner but no breakaway speed, which I always thought was needed at the position. I thought Marshall was going to be our next Dwyer... Anyway, this whole discussion that I’ve now joined in on is just digging up the past for no reason at all. I wish them both the best and appreciate what they did for our Jackets while they were here. Looking forward to watching the long list of talented guys we have at RB in 2019. I think we have a well rounded group. Griffin, mason, and Howard make a pretty solid top 3 and we have some talent behind those 3 as well like Amerson and Malloy.


Helluva Engineer
Marshall was much better than Mills from what I saw. I never really got the Mills hype. Tough runner but no breakaway speed, which I always thought was needed at the position. I thought Marshall was going to be our next Dwyer... Anyway, this whole discussion that I’ve now joined in on is just digging up the past for no reason at all. I wish them both the best and appreciate what they did for our Jackets while they were here. Looking forward to watching the long list of talented guys we have at RB in 2019. I think we have a well rounded group. Griffin, mason, and Howard make a pretty solid top 3 and we have some talent behind those 3 as well like Amerson and Malloy.
Depth is only as good as guys are a) healthy and b) happy. Benson is exhibit A and Marshall is exhibit B.

Then there’s c) grades and d) rules violations. These 4 things can decimate good depth in a heart beat.


Jolly Good Fellow
I was scared that the one MM/DM debate would break into individual threads and of course it happened:

Is it a bad take that I think it's lame to bash 18-20 year olds that have either screwed up or are unhappy with their current situation at Tech & want something else? Tech simply isn't for everyone. I know when some of y'all when to Tech, there was always that one friend that you hoped made it through and didn't (or it took a couple of years to get by).

Then comes a dude(s) that think that they can discredit a kid(s) without even knowing anything about them and post negative stuff on a message board.

I know at least 10 tech alumni that didn't start at Tech or got kicked out and then got back in after some GPC classes. Tech is tough in a lot of different ways - and it kills me to see so many give a ton of kids hell for not making it through when even regular students can't make it through.

***Also, weed is just weed. It should be a big deal in the first place


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
I was scared that the one MM/DM debate would break into individual threads and of course it happened:

Is it a bad take that I think it's lame to bash 18-20 year olds that have either screwed up or are unhappy with their current situation at Tech & want something else? Tech simply isn't for everyone. I know when some of y'all when to Tech, there was always that one friend that you hoped made it through and didn't (or it took a couple of years to get by).

Then comes a dude(s) that think that they can discredit a kid(s) without even knowing anything about them and post negative stuff on a message board.

I know at least 10 tech alumni that didn't start at Tech or got kicked out and then got back in after some GPC classes. Tech is tough in a lot of different ways - and it kills me to see so many give a ton of kids hell for not making it through when even regular students can't make it through.

***Also, weed is just weed. It should be a big deal in the first place
... last comment is just wrong... Do some research... It does affect memory, etc. But I digress from the the OP...


Helluva Engineer
I was scared that the one MM/DM debate would break into individual threads and of course it happened:

Is it a bad take that I think it's lame to bash 18-20 year olds that have either screwed up or are unhappy with their current situation at Tech & want something else? Tech simply isn't for everyone. I know when some of y'all when to Tech, there was always that one friend that you hoped made it through and didn't (or it took a couple of years to get by).

Then comes a dude(s) that think that they can discredit a kid(s) without even knowing anything about them and post negative stuff on a message board.

I know at least 10 tech alumni that didn't start at Tech or got kicked out and then got back in after some GPC classes. Tech is tough in a lot of different ways - and it kills me to see so many give a ton of kids hell for not making it through when even regular students can't make it through.

***Also, weed is just weed. It should be a big deal in the first place

Amen to all that, and I didn't even go to GT. What is crazy to me is it's the folks who are supposedly all about the SAs, the guys who are so offended by the mere thought of processing or what-not...they are the first ones to sling mud at SA's over innuendo, silly college mistakes, or because a guy transferred because he simply wasn't happy with the environment. Sad.


Helluva Engineer
MM vs DM. Just different kind of runners. BOTH are VERY good RBs for GT.

DM is the guy that's going to consistently get you 3-5 yards a pop, and he'll pop off 10-25 yards breaking tackles and negotiating space every now and again. There's value in that, and that's why CPJ started him. DM gave us the best chance to "stay on schedule". He's a battering ram, and his style is a little more old school in that his best attribute is his powerful running style. He's going to break tackles, and one defender is NOT going to stop him:

MM, IMO, was one of the more gifted runners we've had in terms of explosiveness and creating runs. He's going to break off long's just a matter of when, not if. You have to live with a carries that are 0 yards, 1 yard, 2 yards, etc. His style makes it a little harder to "stay on schedule", but he'll also give you a nice 20+ yard run more times than DM will. I think he got a LOT better in terms of "staying on schedule" when DM was suspended and he got more carries. Really good vision and ability to cut against the grain.

No need to disparage one to make your point about the other. BOTH were such good players for us.


Helluva Engineer
Vad Lee was WAY better than Tevin Washington, I just have no idea why CPJ kept him on the shelf so long


Ramblin' Wreck
I can't find any stats on it. But IIRC Marshall was prone to fumble at inopportune times. My impression was that it was Dedrick's sure hands with the ball that led to him getting A1 carries. So, Dedrick or Marshall being the better runner is/was a tight debate. But CPJ would not tolerate a BB that dropped the ball.

IMHO, CPJ should have punished DM with less carries/playing time after DM's suspensions, instead of giving him the starts as soon as he was back. Recognized MM with carries for his relative good behavior. Might have learned DM a lesson and/or kept MM in the fold. Hindsight is 20/20.

Good on Marcus to get a shot at the league. Best of luck to him.