Is it Possible


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
for a team to finish with a record like ours, with the HC being perceived as having done a good job? What say you all? I am curious to know, and if so, what would have to have been the circumstances?

Keep in mind, I am not making the statement that CPJ did a good job. I am just wondering. Can you separate the quality of the HC's performance from the won-loss record?


Helluva Engineer
for a team to finish with a record like ours, with the HC being perceived as having done a good job? What say you all? I am curious to know, and if so, what would have to have been the circumstances?

Keep in mind, I am not making the statement that CPJ did a good job. I am just wondering. Can you separate the quality of the HC's performance from the won-loss record?
It would have to be a coach's first year and the program he had taken over would have to have been a humongous pile of steaming crap for a long time.


Helluva Engineer
If you watched every game like I have then you can see that it's the players inability to do anything right and whoever is coaching the o-line needs to be fired.


Helluva Engineer
I tend to take a longer term view than most, so I would say yes overall. I tend to think that he will make a run at the playoffs, and while this year is disappointing I think we are headed in the right direction. I am okay (regardless of the record) as long as I think the program is headed in the right directon.

I have led teams (professional life) that performed great one year, followed by a bad year due to retirements, turn over, and a bad market. If you graded me on that year alone, I should have been fired. If you graded me on that year and the previous 5, I looked pretty darn good.

For this year alone I think he made the best of a bad situation. The only thing I fault him for is not realizing the deficiencies of our O line in camp.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
It depends on whose perspective you consider...the fans, the money guys, the Hill, or the players. I think each group will have a different answer.


Helluva Engineer
I doubt any coach who finished with a record like ours would think they did a good job. Unless you're Savannah State or something, or there were some absolutely catastrophic events or circumstances, it's hard to say 3-9 is a "good job". And this definitely does not apply to the 2015 Georgia Tech football program.

I think the perspective of the fans, the money guys, the Hill, and the players is the same - CPJ didn't do a good job this year. But that doesn't mean he should be fired. It's okay to think we could have been better coached and still want to keep our coach!


Jolly Good Fellow
PJ is a good coach. What I think he failed at this year is not having enough upperclassmen ready to play. We had too many holes in the classes at important positions. Injuries certainly played a part in it but usually you see improvement throughout the year. I didn't see any this year. Team got worse as the year went on.


Helluva Engineer
What if he did?

Maybe he did, but I was going off of his comments from later in the season where he said he thought the O line and the defense would carry the team early on. I don't know Paul, so I don't have any insight on what he knew going into the season. I was just going off of public comments he made.


Helluva Engineer
Good question. Put another way, is there ever a possible scenario where the w/l record is beyond the coach's control? The answer is yes and the scenario is very close to what happened to GT this year.

That said, I don't think coach is completely void of responsibility in this year's record. There are probably some things he could have done better. He'd be the best one to ask about that, not the knuckleheads (me being one) on this board.

As far as the OL goes, it did not play well this year, as we all know. However, it is my firm belief that our O is more interconnected and interdependent than most, if not all, other offenses. When one unit struggles, it almost assuredly means the other units will suffer to some degree, as well.

I really think the poor play by our "skill" guys: Bbacks, Abacks, wr's........... all of them, had an accumulatively negative impact on our OL and it's ability to execute assignments. Iow, their job was made significantly HARDER by the incompetence of the skill groups. If "incompetence" is too strong a word, insert inconsistency, if you like.

Maybe the term should be amended to "unskilled" guys until they prove otherwise. ;)


Helluva Engineer
I doubt any coach who finished with a record like ours would think they did a good job. Unless you're Savannah State or something, or there were some absolutely catastrophic events or circumstances, it's hard to say 3-9 is a "good job". And this definitely does not apply to the 2015 Georgia Tech football program.

I think the perspective of the fans, the money guys, the Hill, and the players is the same - CPJ didn't do a good job this year. But that doesn't mean he should be fired. It's okay to think we could have been better coached and still want to keep our coach!

I don't think there are any excuses to be made, but would our injury situation nearly be "catastrophic" levels? We have plenty of places we can improve, but our injuries this year were anomalous.


Helluva Engineer
I think it's hard to segregate this season from others, and when we consider some of the things he can't control and look in the broader picture, I think it makes at least some sense that many (including me) think he did okay, all things considered. This isn't intended to mean he was perfect, but I do think he did okay, and I expect us to be better next year. 1-6 in one possession games is a staggering number that I know I keep coming back to.


Jolly Good Fellow
I think it's hard to segregate this season from others, and when we consider some of the things he can't control and look in the broader picture, I think it makes at least some sense that many (including me) think he did okay, all things considered. This isn't intended to mean he was perfect, but I do think he did okay, and I expect us to be better next year. 1-6 in one possession games is a staggering number that I know I keep coming back to.
I have a belief that coaches win and lose close games. Yes the difference could be a player error but isn't that about coaching?
We hired CPJ because he was a difference maker. The man truly is an offensive genius. My expectations are extremely high for CPJ. ( this was not true of the previous coach)

Considering that, even with all the injury issues, I think we should have done better. Not a stellar season but definitely not a full on collapse.

If you look at our roster next year we are loaded in all places except defensive line which is more than adequate. The other hole could be the back up QB. I expect us to have a good to great season next year. Not rose colored glasses just based on the personnel.

CPJ needs to take a hard look in the mirror. Definitely changes are needed. I am more focused on the scheme. Especially offensive line blocking( I don't want to hear our senior guys say they are confused....that is a coaching issue) and our passing reason at all not to run these out of the gun enabling JT to get a better view of the field and call out potential blitzes. Neither of these require a major overhaul.


Helluva Engineer
Was the run last year just as much due to coach as the failure was this year? Team

How are they separated since he got a major contract?.

I trust coach will fix this to look a lot like 2014. The guys played hard during tough schedule and coach said he will fix it.

The real measurable and trackable question for engineer types (who like numbers ) follows:. How many losses in 16 define fixed? For me 5 is max and one cannot be gsu. I would be very happy with 4, but would get very unhappy above 5? What are your number scenarios.

In a general sense the words "folks they can't stop this offense " needs to be said about us when we play someone besides Mercer. (Wasted 1500 miles driving & good fishing time to see alcorn and tulane high school play us).

We should all be there for non high school games no matter who is coaching the gold and white. I and bride will be right behind bench screaming. = go jackets .


Helluva Engineer
I have a belief that coaches win and lose close games. Yes the difference could be a player error but isn't that about coaching?
We hired CPJ because he was a difference maker. The man truly is an offensive genius. My expectations are extremely high for CPJ. ( this was not true of the previous coach)

Considering that, even with all the injury issues, I think we should have done better. Not a stellar season but definitely not a full on collapse.

If you look at our roster next year we are loaded in all places except defensive line which is more than adequate. The other hole could be the back up QB. I expect us to have a good to great season next year. Not rose colored glasses just based on the personnel.

CPJ needs to take a hard look in the mirror. Definitely changes are needed. I am more focused on the scheme. Especially offensive line blocking( I don't want to hear our senior guys say they are confused....that is a coaching issue) and our passing reason at all not to run these out of the gun enabling JT to get a better view of the field and call out potential blitzes. Neither of these require a major overhaul.
Not to be trite, but your beliefs are wrong. Performance in close games is largely a function of luck. The best teams aren't magically better in close games; they just play fewer of them.