Is Collins nasty enough to be a HC ?


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
All I can say when I look at that resume is no thanks, not for me. I moved around some in my career ( 5 times) but I wouldn't want any part of that. I wouldn't bother to unpack 90% of my stuff in that lifestyle. Here's hoping that he is successful and can stay on the Flats until he decides to retire.


Helluva Engineer
All I can say when I look at that resume is no thanks, not for me. I moved around some in my career ( 5 times) but I wouldn't want any part of that. I wouldn't bother to unpack 90% of my stuff in that lifestyle. Here's hoping that he is successful and can stay on the Flats until he decides to retire.

That's a typical coach lifestyle. It's the main reason I got out of coaching...3 moves in 3 years was enough for me.

Deleted member 2897

Many people (not me) think Coach Cutcliffe is an excellent head coach. I just happen to think he’s an arrogant ******* and trouble maker. But, to those who think he is a good coach - they actually spend a lot of money over there on recruiting too - they spend significantly more on football than we spend. Duke is 0-3 in the ACC. If they finish dead last, this will be the 13th year in the last 26 where not only did they finish last in one division, but last in the entire conference out of all the teams.

Prior to this year, we’ve had 2 years out of the last 25 where we were below 0.500 in ACC play. There are many different combinations of teams that can be successful when you look at recruiting, coaching, funding, assistant coaches, and cultures. There are teams with sub par talent that succeed and teams with sub par coaching that succeed. I haven’t seen anything yet to chip away at my optimism that we can be an 8+ win team as early as even next year.


Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
Guys Fact he has a 7 year contract
The players like me
He still needs to learn
He will be as good as his assistant coaches ( which we only have so much money to use )
I really think he loves Tech
Unless Tstan plans to leave no matter what he will be given the 7 years if real bad than 6.
Some want to see him yell get pissed off grab and yell at the players who mess up.
Fact he is not that type of coach and he will not do it'
so we only have one thing we can do ( unless you are will to give Tech 8 million a year.)

Support him and the players


Helluva Engineer
@Vespidae You get it. Not every phenomenal coordinator becomes a great HC. Not every great HC was a good coordinator. Some people are better at leading and others following. Let’s hope CGC has found his niche. I’ll keep reminding everyone, the alternative is not pretty. We’re mired in the crap for a decade if this experiment does not work. I’m not sure how many more GT HCs I got in me. Kinda hoping it’s a long tenure so I don’t have to go thru this more than a couple more times.
This is going to appear to be an attack on Georgia Tech, but I have been a fan for a long time and it isn't. But when Collins describes Georgia Tech as his "dream job", well, he is either playing to the house or he has low expectations. Tech is a good job, not a dream job.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
This is going to appear to be an attack on Georgia Tech, but I have been a fan for a long time and it isn't. But when Collins describes Georgia Tech as his "dream job", well, he is either playing to the house or he has low expectations. Tech is a good job, not a dream job.

People with vision can make it happen. As I have said before, people when I was a youngster thought you would be crazy to coach in Tallahassee or Clemson or Eugene, Oregon or Miami. But there are men who went and turned them into dream jobs for others. I say who wants to take over at OSU or Bama or Clemson (now)? You can't achieve anything there that is going to impress anyone. It's already been done. I found out in my career you always wanted to take over the department, plant or division that had underperformed rather than overperformed. Much easier to make your name that way. I suspect Collins sees it that way at GT. (Not saying it's guaranteed to do it). But I do like he has been here before so he WAS in a good place to evaluate the pros and cons unlike someone like CPJ who had not. Disclaimer: this is NOT a CPJ vs CGC statement.


Helluva Engineer
People with vision can make it happen. As I have said before, people when I was a youngster thought you would be crazy to coach in Tallahassee or Clemson or Eugene, Oregon or Miami. But there are men who went and turned them into dream jobs for others. I say who wants to take over at OSU or Bama or Clemson (now)? You can't achieve anything there that is going to impress anyone. It's already been done. I found out in my career you always wanted to take over the department, plant or division that had underperformed rather than overperformed. Much easier to make your name that way. I suspect Collins sees it that way at GT. (Not saying it's guaranteed to do it). But I do like he has been here before so he WAS in a good place to evaluate the pros and cons unlike someone like CPJ who had not. Disclaimer: this is NOT a CPJ vs CGC statement.

Agreed about the taking over a wining program, just ask Gene Bartow what it was like to take over from a legend. CPJ came to GT to prove his offense would work at the highest level and he proved that. But, unfortunately, he didn't have the administrative help he needed to capitalize on 2014 and it hastened his departure. Once ADTS got in, CPJ was smart enough and man enough, to realize that he had done all he could and felt a fresh face with energy would really help the program. CPJ is a Tech fan and hopefully one day get the appreciation he earned while here.


This is going to appear to be an attack on Georgia Tech, but I have been a fan for a long time and it isn't. But when Collins describes Georgia Tech as his "dream job", well, he is either playing to the house or he has low expectations. Tech is a good job, not a dream job.
This may be hard to understand but not everybody wants to be King of the richest kingdom. Some people are just content with being a king.

Do you tell your wife you settled but if you could you’d score that hot chick down the street instead of her & you would in a NY minute?


21st Century Throwback Dad
North Shore, Chicago
This is going to appear to be an attack on Georgia Tech, but I have been a fan for a long time and it isn't. But when Collins describes Georgia Tech as his "dream job", well, he is either playing to the house or he has low expectations. Tech is a good job, not a dream job.
For someone born in Dekalb and growing up in Rockdale County, going to Tech games as a kid, who coached and went to grad school at Georgia Tech, it may well be his dream job. Who are you to judge someone else's ambitions?

Personally, I'm not taking it as an attack, as I agree that in today's world, there are very few that would consider GT a "dream job." It may well apply to Stansbury as well, and we were able to bring Key over from Alabama.


Helluva Engineer
Guys Fact he has a 7 year contract
The players like me
He still needs to learn
He will be as good as his assistant coaches ( which we only have so much money to use )
I really think he loves Tech
Unless Tstan plans to leave no matter what he will be given the 7 years if real bad than 6.
Some want to see him yell get pissed off grab and yell at the players who mess up.
Fact he is not that type of coach and he will not do it'
so we only have one thing we can do ( unless you are will to give Tech 8 million a year.)

Support him and the players
Geoff is that you?


Helluva Engineer
Hartselle, AL (originally Rome, GA)
This is going to appear to be an attack on Georgia Tech, but I have been a fan for a long time and it isn't. But when Collins describes Georgia Tech as his "dream job", well, he is either playing to the house or he has low expectations. Tech is a good job, not a dream job.

You would NEVER leave your "dream job". I can see this going 2 ways, and I hope it goes way #1:

1. He is successful in changing who we are (from CPJ's days) on the field with recruiting and unbelievable "coaching guys up". This leads us to success, including playing for multiple ACC championships. If this happens, a larger school with way more $$ to offer him and his assistants will swoop in and take him. I do NOT believe the GT job is so great that he will not leave for greener pastures. Heck, even Curry left.

2. He falls on his face - believe he will continue to do better in recruiting because he is a good salesman and he emphasizes it so much, but there is a limit (if he can stay top 30 for multiple years, that is awesome, if he can get us top 20 for 2 straight years, he is a recruiting "god"). If he does not have the success we all want to see on the field with W's, it will be because of the actual coaching acumen of him and his staff - again, I am hoping for #1.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
You would NEVER leave your "dream job". I can see this going 2 ways, and I hope it goes way #1:

This may be his dream job. And let's assume he is successful (your #1 scenario). I doubt he leaves for greener pastures as much as he leaves to avoid stagnation. In today's era, there is stagnation that occurs when a leader stays in place too long. True in business and in sports. People get tired of the same message from the same person. The days of a Woody Hayes or even a Frank Beamer are gone. Shelf life is 10 years or so unless you get to Saban or Dabo levels of success. Then there are simply no greener pastures than the one you created.


Helluva Engineer
You would NEVER leave your "dream job". I can see this going 2 ways, and I hope it goes way #1:

1. He is successful in changing who we are (from CPJ's days) on the field with recruiting and unbelievable "coaching guys up". This leads us to success, including playing for multiple ACC championships. If this happens, a larger school with way more $$ to offer him and his assistants will swoop in and take him. I do NOT believe the GT job is so great that he will not leave for greener pastures. Heck, even Curry left.

2. He falls on his face - believe he will continue to do better in recruiting because he is a good salesman and he emphasizes it so much, but there is a limit (if he can stay top 30 for multiple years, that is awesome, if he can get us top 20 for 2 straight years, he is a recruiting "god"). If he does not have the success we all want to see on the field with W's, it will be because of the actual coaching acumen of him and his staff - again, I am hoping for #1.


He's like Frank Beamer, Bill Snyder, George O'Leary & Joe Paterno and take a middling program and becomes the architect of a solid program. VT KSU UCF & PSU were not "dream jobs" to the masses when those guys took over their respected schools, but look what was built over time. Am I comparing CGC to any of them, no. But he could be compared to them over time, given that success happens.

Either way, I'm gonna cheer and root and pull for whatever team GT puts on the field.