I’ll just leave this here…


Helluva Engineer
My best friend is an FSU alum. My good buddy across the street is an FSU alum. My son is starting his freshman year at FSU this weekend and I am moving him in during the freaking football game. What kind of school schedules freshman dorm move-in during the most important football game of the year? We are going to trounce these bitches.


Helluva Engineer
My best friend is an FSU alum. My good buddy across the street is an FSU alum. My son is starting his freshman year at FSU this weekend and I am moving him in during the freaking football game. What kind of school schedules freshman dorm move-in during the most important football game of the year? We are going to trounce these bitches.
That is insane😂😂 what a not cool situation on so many levels.

If I presented you with the ability to make the future happen and secure a Tech win over FSU, but only if you help your son move into his dorm at FSU on gameday, what would you do?

You better bust a$s on moving day, sir. 😂

But foreal, take a break when we are closing out the 4th with a victory.


Ramblin' Wreck
My best friend is an FSU alum. My good buddy across the street is an FSU alum. My son is starting his freshman year at FSU this weekend and I am moving him in during the freaking football game. What kind of school schedules freshman dorm move-in during the most important football game of the year? We are going to trounce these bitches.
So...you're starting the move-in at 5am? Gameday starts at 9am, I trust you will have it wrapped by then.

Heisman's Ghost

Helluva Engineer
Albany Georgia
It is obligatory to watch this every time someone posts it.
No matter how many times I watch this, I can't quite see the actual block by someone in the line. I have seen a clip on Paul Johnson starting to signal time out and then deciding to just let him go. Funny. I bet the Austin twins have a great time at family get togethers rehashing that play.


Ramblin' Wreck
Evergreen, CO
I have a bet with my son. After the Jackets whip the Criminoles, he’ll have to where a GT tshirt all day Monday on his FSU campus and no cutting classes.
On the one hand, that sounds awesome.

On the other hand, FSU fans being as they are, it might be dangerous to his health.

I hope he weathers that storm okay - and that you get at least 1 picture. 😁


Helluva Engineer
I texted my son‘s roommate for a favor. I asked him to follow my son around campus as he’s wearing that GT shirt all day. He’s a former high school defensive lineman so I think he’s up for the job.😂


Helluva Engineer
I texted my son‘s roommate for a favor. I asked him to follow my son around campus as he’s wearing that GT shirt all day. He’s a former high school defensive lineman so I think he’s up for the job.😂
That’s perfect fatherhood right there!
1. “Son, decisions have consequences.”
2. Quietly do everything you can not to allow those decisions to have lasting repercussions.

Richland County

Jolly Good Fellow
My best friend is an FSU alum. My good buddy across the street is an FSU alum. My son is starting his freshman year at FSU this weekend and I am moving him in during the freaking football game. What kind of school schedules freshman dorm move-in during the most important football game of the year? We are going to trounce these bitches.
Great call on the trouncing!! They punched first. We punched back and never quit punching. Like CBK said we came here to get into a fight.