Imo college football need to have a lot more regulations to even the playing field. I have a family member who is a Bama fan and he said he has not watched a game before because Bama was just blowing the other team out, I understand you can’t make every team even and this will still happen some but you can definitely even some things out. It just becomes boring to watch. I think there should be a cap on what a coach can be paid, as well as a cap for the entire coaching and support staff at a college, the coach could decide how much to spend per coach or support member, but he would have that cap. A kid should be able to sign at any point in his senior year, and only get out of it if the head coach is fired or leaves. No grayshirts so a team cant over recruit. All these things imo would change college football majorly and make it ten times more competitive. Oh, I almost forgot, there should be someone who can be over a region and pop in at any school at anytime to make sure the kids are actually being student athletes and not skipping class, he can make sure the support staff isn’t on the field helping coach or doing anything else illegal ect. And someone that doesn’t mind cracking down on the obvious cheating schools out there.