GT Athletics Budget


Helluva Engineer
That and even the state scholarships like Hope. Those do have an effect, too. Anytime a retailer knows there are subsidies the price will ultimately rise.
This in spades.

Any injection of cheap / easy capital will have an almost certain adverse effect on controlling costs.

Couple it with the notion that EVERYONE needs to go to college and demand is through the roof. Costs are certain to skyrocket.


Helluva Engineer
My husband co-oped, and was able to pay out of state tuition, and all his other expenses for the year on his co-op salary. Now tuition is 8x, housing seems about 4x, but co-op salary only up about 1.5-2x. My son is there now, same major, also co-ops, also out of state, but we've had to help out

Also the co-op program is not near as good as it used to be when it was on quarters.
I think many of us back in the day worked and paid our way through. I took joint enrollment my SR year of HS and graduated a quarter early with -0- debt.

Hard to do that these days. Back then, college was there to prepare you for your chosen profession. Today, it’s there to provide students an extended childhood while they struggle with what to do with their life and pile up major student debt. It is truly obscene.


21st Century Throwback Dad
North Shore, Chicago
Grad students are the ones hwo should pay more for athletic fees. MANY of the grad students are having their costs covered either by companies or countries (significant % are out of country), so they can probably afford it easily enough. Maybe make it something tied to state of origin (Georgia residents get a break, but not others). Let undergrads go for less money and build their fandom that way. Grad students don’t attend anyway….
Sounds like you were never a grad student. These students are not kids going to school, they’re adults trying to live off a stipend. They have less expendable income in general than undergrads.


Staff member
Sounds like you were never a grad student. These students are not kids going to school, they’re adults trying to live off a stipend. They have less expendable income in general than undergrads.
A lot of the foreign grad students I saw would show up at any symposium with food so that they could eat. There was no money in being a grad student

Jim Prather

Helluva Engineer
This is true! In grad school, I used to take my foreign roommates out to eat once/week so they could have something other than rice or noodles. Many of them were living on $20 per week


Jolly Good Fellow
The phd students and especially postdocs should one day realize the work they are doing is FAR more valuable than what they’re getting, like the athletes have.

It’s shameful how much $$ you would have to sacrifice compared to industry in some technical fields.

If a bunch of smart Physics PhDs are leaving to make big money doing masters-level stats crap figuring out what ads to show people… what happens to the quality of the long term fundamental research?
I’ve reread your response twice…not sure I understand your point, but that’s ok.

ECE is specifically looking for donors right now to help make stipends more competitive, recruits are struggling to afford the rising GT area housing costs. I enjoyed teaching PhD students and those research labs don’t function without them, they are the worker bees.


Helluva Engineer
I’ve reread your response twice…not sure I understand your point, but that’s ok.

ECE is specifically looking for donors right now to help make stipends more competitive, recruits are struggling to afford the rising GT area housing costs. I enjoyed teaching PhD students and those research labs don’t function without them, they are the worker bees.
I’ve worked with a lot of STEM PhD’s making way more than even most professorships in academia. Some of them doing, honestly, pretty zero-sum-game crap in terms of advertising attention wars. Not moving forward the state of the art. Good for them for turning their underpaid worker bee years into a lucrative career, bad for the future of those labs? They’re still worker bees, just highly compensated ones.

I think the incentives are just too messed up. Industry has money to burn optimizing dumb things. Academia has armies of people currently still willing to do grad work for them for low pay. So it’ll have to get worse before it gets better at the status quo.

I think a big part of it is that it’s hard to even actually quantify the problem. How do you tell if your research isn’t as good as it could be if you attracted the people who get paid well past 100k starting in industry? And if you can’t measure it how can you convince people to pay more for it?


Georgia Tech Fan
Well, I get to win the battle for the most up-to-date perspective here because I’m a current GT grad student.

I would say grad living is a mixed bag; I am extremely lucky to have gotten a Graduate TA position with a full tuition waiver and stipend. Others are… not so lucky. Tuition is 10k a semester for full time plus about 1k in fees (including the $140 / semester athletic fee under discussion.) If you don’t have an assistantship (which unlike other schools, is not at all guaranteed) or someone paying for you, you get massive debt and instant ramen. For that reason I really do not believe that GT should be raising any student fees for grad students.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
When I was there, it was $1,776 per quarter for out-of-state students, and $8XX for instate. That seemed reasonable. Turns out, everyone wants amenities. **** amenities, make the education affordable. Students need to learn how to be poor.
Need to learn that don't spend it if you don't have it, and quit borrowing to live "high on the hog". Need to learn to NOT expect someone else to bail you out of debt.


Helluva Engineer
For every $100 we raise the athletic fee you basically get yourself a $1M assistant.

I know circumstances for many are different. I lived off PB&J for 4 years. Paid my own way working all summer, not possible now with how expensive it is.

It probably costs $55k/yr to attend GT out of state. The costs that have not kept up with inflation is glaring. Don’t think the BOR doesn’t understand what they’re doing to us athletically. By the way, we field athletic teams. We should be outstanding in all we do, including supporting our student athletes. We need to stop making excuses and get the job done.


Helluva Engineer
My husband co-oped, and was able to pay out of state tuition, and all his other expenses for the year on his co-op salary. Now tuition is 8x, housing seems about 4x, but co-op salary only up about 1.5-2x. My son is there now, same major, also co-ops, also out of state, but we've had to help out

Also the co-op program is not near as good as it used to be when it was on quarters.
Co-op was a sacrifice to joining almost all colleges using a semester system. Do you know what % of students were vs now are Co-op students?


Helluva Engineer
For every $100 we raise the athletic fee you basically get yourself a $1M assistant.

I know circumstances for many are different. I lived off PB&J for 4 years. Paid my own way working all summer, not possible now with how expensive it is.

It probably costs $55k/yr to attend GT out of state. The costs that have not kept up with inflation is glaring. Don’t think the BOR doesn’t understand what they’re doing to us athletically. By the way, we field athletic teams. We should be outstanding in all we do, including supporting our student athletes. We need to stop making excuses and get the job done.
This is changing under Cabrera.


Helluva Engineer
I know circumstances for many are different. I lived off PB&J for 4 years. Paid my own way working all summer, not possible now with how expensive it is.

Not to get off topic (but to get off topic even further), PB&J with bananas added. Game changer. I still eat toasted PB with banana sandwiches, but I substitute the J with honey. Great snacks before a workout.

Also, if any student is on a budget, bananas are probably the most bang for your buck in terms of nutrition. You can get like 6-8 bananas for under $2.00.


Helluva Engineer
Not to get off topic (but to get off topic even further), PB&J with bananas added. Game changer. I still eat toasted PB with banana sandwiches, but I substitute the J with honey. Great snacks before a workout.

Also, if any student is on a budget, bananas are probably the most bang for your buck in terms of nutrition. You can get like 6-8 bananas for under $2.00.
I was too poor for bananas. Sucked on Taco Bell hot sauce packets for dessert.