Glenw; I wish:


Helluva Engineer
Personally I think our defense has kept us in most games. Our offense has been downright putrid based on eye test alone.

Correct. Stats don't tell the story.

Has anyone out there watched us on third and 3 this year at any point and thought, "we are totally going to pick this up!" ...if so then you're much more optimistic than I am.

Our offensive line just moves out of the way on some passing plays. There was a play in the VT game where there were literally five defenders in the backfield right after the snap. No one was blocked on that play. How does that happen?


Helluva Engineer
Look, I love our offense and I love our coach. The offense is just bad this year, and I don't think you can simply blame injuries and bad luck

B Lifsey

Helluva Engineer
Barnesville, Georgia
This is from the ND website for play-by-play recap for the final 2 GT scores. I've compared the ND player names to their D starting line-up from same website. I placed a * in front of starters and - in front of non-starters. 14 of 15 plays were made are starters.

Newsome, Tyler kickoff 65 yards to the GT0, Marshall, M. return 21 yards
to the GT21, out-of-bounds (Baratti, Nicky).
V 1-10 V21 GEORGIA TECH drive start at 06:58.
V 1-10 V21 Lynch, C. rush for 8 yards to the GT29, out-of-bounds (*RUSSELL, K.).
V 2-2 V29 PENALTY GT false start (Messick, A.) 5 yards to the GT24.
V 2-7 V24 Skov, P. rush for 5 yards to the GT29 (*Schmidt, Joe).
V 3-2 V29 Skov, P. rush for 4 yards to the GT33, 1ST DOWN GT (*Schmidt, Joe).
V 1-10 V33 Thomas, J. pass complete to Jeune, R. for 11 yards to the GT44, 1ST DOWN
GT (*Luke, Cole).
V 1-10 V44 Skov, P. rush for 6 yards to the 50 yardline (*Smith, Jaylon).
V 2-4 V50 Thomas, J. pass incomplete, QB hurry by *Martini, Greer.
V 3-4 V50 Skov, P. rush for 2 yards to the ND48 (*Schmidt, Joe;*MARTINI, Greer).
V 4-2 H48 Skov, P. rush for 4 yards to the ND44, 1ST DOWN GT (*TILLERY,
Jerry;-ONWUALU, James).
V 1-10 H44 Thomas, J. pass incomplete to McClellan, A. (*Smith, Jaylon), QB hurry by
*Day, Sheldon.
V 2-10 H44 Lynch, C. rush for 17 yards to the ND27, 1ST DOWN GT.
V 1-10 H27 Thomas, J. pass incomplete to Messick, A., QB hurry by *Martini, Greer.
V 2-10 H27 Skov, P. rush for 3 yards to the ND24 (*Smith, Jaylon).
V 3-7 H24 Timeout Notre Dame, clock 00:55.
V 3-7 H24 Thomas, J. pass complete to Skov, P. for 24 yards to the ND0, 1ST DOWN
GT, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:48.
Lynch, C. rush attempt good.


--------------- 13 plays, 79 yards, TOP 06:10 ---------------

Butker, H. kickoff 22 yards to the ND43, on-side kick, recovered by GT Gray,
A. on ND43.
V 1-10 H43 GEORGIA TECH drive start at 00:48.
V 1-10 H43 Thomas, J. pass complete to Lynch, C. for 28 yards to the ND15, 1ST DOWN
GT, out-of-bounds.
V 1-10 H15 Thomas, J. pass incomplete to Stewart, B. (*Shumate, Elijah).
V 2-10 H15 Thomas, J. pass complete to Skov, P. for 15 yards to the ND0, 1ST DOWN
GT, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:22.
Butker, H. kick attempt good.


--------------- 3 plays, 43 yards, TOP 00:26 ---------------


Helluva Engineer
I never said they weren't starters. I just said they played differently on those drives. They weren't as let us move down the field.

No matter who we've played this year, when they send that MLB to the edge and stunt the D line, we have no answer. That game was over. We needed a miracle to win...didn't get one.

B Lifsey

Helluva Engineer
Barnesville, Georgia
I never said they weren't starters. I just said they played differently on those drives. They weren't as let us move down the field.

No matter who we've played this year, when they send that MLB to the edge and stunt the D line, we have no answer. That game was over. We needed a miracle to win...didn't get one.

You didn't, but @stingyoa$$ made statement that we scored twice against their walk-ons. It's odd we scored twice against walk-on when starters are making all the plays on those 2 drives.

We scored 2 late TD's against their walk-ons.


Helluva Engineer
I'm not ripping into D.J. White or saying he morphed into something else...same guy made one play and didn't make the other. Is it luck when I make a mistake at work, or did I make a mistake? He didn't make the play. It sucks, and he's a good player, but he still didn't make the play. Nothing lucky or unlucky about it
I dunno, call it what you want. Mike Trout is the best player in baseball and he'll get on base 40% of the time. Sometimes he strikes out and sometimes he hits it right on the nose but right at the CF. It happens. In that particular case, D.J. White hit it on the nose but the CF caught it. Just bad luck. But you can call it randomness or chance or whatever. The nomenclature is irrelevant to me.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
D.J. White didn't morph from a guy who saved the UGA game to a guy who bungled the UNC game. He probably makes that play seven out of ten times. That he didn't that one time is just bad luck to me.
While I agree with most of this post, I would say he makes that play a lot more than 7 out of 10. Probably more like 19 out of 20. Just ask him, if you don't believe me.


Helluva Engineer
Notre Dame had 432 Yards of Total Offense against Clemson (to Clemson's 296 Yards of Total Offense) and lost. In fact, Clemson was petty much blowing them out until late in the game and then the Irish came on late and almost won at the end because THEY didn't give up (AT Clemson).

Whether people want to admit it or not, the fact that we have been forced to play a ton of young guys, we have lost physical battles, we have had missed assignments, and we've lost our poise at time and lost concentration and it cost us games where we would have very likely won them in the past.

The fact is, though, in SPITE of our inexperience and our players not being physically ready, we have had a chance to win EVERY game we've played EXCEPT against #1 Ranked Clemson, and that's because our guys have NEVER quit, they're fast learners, and they have some skills. I think this bodes well for us in the future.


Helluva Engineer
Good grief.

A few things...Yes, DJ White is a great player. He didn't catch the ball. That's not bad luck, he just didn't make a play. I'm not trying to bash the guy, just saying he didn't make the play. Maybe we will win the other 19 games where he does...

Everyone says it's youth, but can someone please point at all the young offensive linemen blowing assignments that are killing plays? It looks like a bunch of juniors and seniors to me.

Yea, we've been in position to win every game but one...and we have three wins. Optimism is great guys, but don't lie to yourselves. We are not very good. Good teams don't lose every close game.

Look at the NFL. Most games are decided by 10 points or less, but every year someone wins 4 out of sixteen games...most of the rest were close.

Good teams win close games. Bad teams lose close games. Which are we this year?


Helluva Engineer
Good grief.

A few things...Yes, DJ White is a great player. He didn't catch the ball. That's not bad luck, he just didn't make a play. I'm not trying to bash the guy, just saying he didn't make the play. Maybe we will win the other 19 games where he does...

Everyone says it's youth, but can someone please point at all the young offensive linemen blowing assignments that are killing plays? It looks like a bunch of juniors and seniors to me.

Yea, we've been in position to win every game but one...and we have three wins. Optimism is great guys, but don't lie to yourselves. We are not very good. Good teams don't lose every close game.

Look at the NFL. Most games are decided by 10 points or less, but every year someone wins 4 out of sixteen games...most of the rest were close.

Good teams win close games. Bad teams lose close games. Which are we this year?

We're a YOUNG team. That means we have players who aren't as physically developed as guys they are lining up across because they didn't get a chance to red shirt, or have only been in our strength and conditioning program for a year versus players who may be juniors or seniors (or 4 or 5 Star players who were already deemed much better "athletes" from the get-go) and they aren't as familiar with our offense and defense as they haven't had time to practice it or play it in a varsity environment like their opponents. This means they make mental mistakes (they don't make proper blocks, fakes, run wrong routes, miss coverages, lane assignments, etc.) and are more easily fooled than experienced players. That's just common sense. It hurts and sucks THIS season but if there's a silver lining, at least the kids are getting some great experience going into next year. Let's just call 2015 a Mulligan...

B Lifsey

Helluva Engineer
Barnesville, Georgia
I agree we are bad this year. Why? Youth, injuries, ball bouncing wrong way, OL effectiveness dropping to basically 0 and likely several other things. But you can't discount that youth and injuries have had a negative impact on our "goodness."

And, as bad as we have been, we've not been get blown out by 30 every game.


Helluva Engineer
Good grief.

A few things...Yes, DJ White is a great player. He didn't catch the ball. That's not bad luck, he just didn't make a play. I'm not trying to bash the guy, just saying he didn't make the play. Maybe we will win the other 19 games where he does...

Everyone says it's youth, but can someone please point at all the young offensive linemen blowing assignments that are killing plays? It looks like a bunch of juniors and seniors to me.

Yea, we've been in position to win every game but one...and we have three wins. Optimism is great guys, but don't lie to yourselves. We are not very good. Good teams don't lose every close game.

Look at the NFL. Most games are decided by 10 points or less, but every year someone wins 4 out of sixteen games...most of the rest were close.

Good teams win close games. Bad teams lose close games. Which are we this year?
False. Good teams play fewer close games.


Helluva Engineer
It's been said before but I think it should be restated that our roster isn't filled with 4 and 5 star prospects, and it's not because we don't want to recruit them but because our Coaches are pretty much hamstringed from getting them because the Georgia Board of Regents refuses to allow GA Tech to expand its Majors so there might be more "appealing" options for many of these "elite" athletes, as well as we have much tougher admission requirements (the "Hill") than most programs in the Country that play at our level. Couple these two hurdles together and our "pool" of "elite" players we can START to recruit is very small.

I agree with you about lack of depth. But please explain something. Gregory has signed five 4 stars (Rivals) since he became coach in 2012. That's not counting at least one transfer that was a 4 star in HS. Because of fewer scholarships, he has only signed what, 10 HS players?

In the same period, Johnson has signed three 4 stars (Rivals). How many scholarships has he given to HS players in that same time frame? 70 or so?

Does the Board of Regents allow basketball players to have lesser academic qualifications than football players? Or, do you maintain that basketball players are better students than football players? Why can Gregory sign a relatively high percentage of 4 stars and highly rated Ga players, but Johnson can't? Do you really believe that academics are the reason?

Nook Su Kow

Ramblin' Wreck
Good grief.

A few things...Yes, DJ White is a great player. He didn't catch the ball. That's not bad luck, he just didn't make a play. I'm not trying to bash the guy, just saying he didn't make the play. Maybe we will win the other 19 games where he does...

Everyone says it's youth, but can someone please point at all the young offensive linemen blowing assignments that are killing plays? It looks like a bunch of juniors and seniors to me.

Yea, we've been in position to win every game but one...and we have three wins. Optimism is great guys, but don't lie to yourselves. We are not very good. Good teams don't lose every close game.

Look at the NFL. Most games are decided by 10 points or less, but every year someone wins 4 out of sixteen games...most of the rest were close.

Good teams win close games. Bad teams lose close games. Which are we this year?
This is the truth. We are just not a good football team right now. It sucks. It what it is.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Stats are just that stats. Is there a correlation with them and a won loss record... yes. With that, they don't always tell the "real" story.

Bottom line - the only stat that matters at the end of the game is the final score.


Helluva Engineer
I agree with you about lack of depth. But please explain something. Gregory has signed five 4 stars (Rivals) since he became coach in 2012. That's not counting at least one transfer that was a 4 star in HS. Because of fewer scholarships, he has only signed what, 10 HS players?

In the same period, Johnson has signed three 4 stars (Rivals). How many scholarships has he given to HS players in that same time frame? 70 or so?

Does the Board of Regents allow basketball players to have lesser academic qualifications than football players? Or, do you maintain that basketball players are better students than football players? Why can Gregory sign a relatively high percentage of 4 stars and highly rated Ga players, but Johnson can't? Do you really believe that academics are the reason?
Ga Tech is in the supposedly the elite basketball conference. While the football team is in a way lesser power conference. This the main reason as of why the difference in the star difference in the 2 sports!