Game 3 Syracuse Postgame Press Conference


Ramblin' Wreck
Brown is so sensitive and whiny! The whole toughness quote was BS. Key never said they were not tough, he said that Tech needed to play tough cause that is what he expects from HIS team. He took something personal that has NOTHING to do with him personally. That seemed like all he could focus on in his post game, which is just plain pathetic.

Also Key spent barely a season as a GA (IIRC) on the other side of the ball from him as a player. They were not in meetings together, they didn't spend time on the field together, and I am sure Key was focused primarily on his role and players. The media was trying to play up that relationship so Key was honest and said that he didn't really get to have time to know him well. Yet he was SOOO personally affronted that Key would say they didn't really have a chance to get to know each other in the 5 months they were affiliated with the same team.


Helluva Engineer
Brown used that to motivate his team. I thought it was clever. Turned the tables on Key and helped him reinforce the image of toughness he wants for his team.

I think Brown was being real. I just think he chose to take it that way because it helped him win a football game, and because he felt his team lacked toughness the week before.

The real story is the D Cuse came up with to stop our run game. If teams have the kind of athlete they used to replace MLB Wax I'd expect to see that defense a lot vs us until we show we can consistently have success against it.


Ramblin' Wreck
Brown used that to motivate his team. I thought it was clever. Turned the tables on Key and helped him reinforce the image of toughness he wants for his team.

I think Brown was being real. I just think he chose to take it that way because it helped him win a football game, and because he felt his team lacked toughness the week before.

The real story is the D Cuse came up with to stop our run game. If teams have the kind of athlete they used to replace MLB Wax I'd expect to see that defense a lot vs us until we show we can consistently have success against it.
I mean I'll give you credit that he did, but I think saying the stuff after the post game presser wasn't warented at all. I mean if he lost would he have said anything about that?


Helluva Engineer
Brown used that to motivate his team. I thought it was clever. Turned the tables on Key and helped him reinforce the image of toughness he wants for his team.

I think Brown was being real. I just think he chose to take it that way because it helped him win a football game, and because he felt his team lacked toughness the week before.

The real story is the D Cuse came up with to stop our run game. If teams have the kind of athlete they used to replace MLB Wax I'd expect to see that defense a lot vs us until we show we can consistently have success against it.
I wish this victim mentality crap with everyone taking massive offense at everything would go the way of the Edsel. It's what you do when you have nothing else to back up your BS.


Ramblin' Wreck
I mean I'll give you credit that he did, but I think saying the stuff after the post game presser wasn't warented at all. I mean if he lost would he have said anything about that?
This 100%! If he was just fishing for bulletin board material to motivate his team, he would not have spent half his press conference bringing it back up sometimes even unprompted. He seriously let Key's comments get under his skin, when they had nothing to do with him or his team. In fact Key has said earlier this week and in the post game that he knew they were a tough team. If Brown has paid any attention to Key, he would know that Key always preaches being the toughest team on the field. He obviously doesn't follow Key at all, so I guess they didn't get as close as Brown says during the 5 months at Western Carolina.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
SU's coach is a good coach and his staff came up with a good scheme to harass our offices, but on a personal level he is a crying biotch. Take the win, congratulate the opponent and move on. Quit the crying you won a$$ hat!!
Yeah, he’s a good coach but he definitely has some kind of over developed sensitivity or insecurity about his place in the coaching fraternity. He didn’t make a fan out of me. I want to see him lose now to see if he handles losing better than winning.


Georgia Tech Fan
Brown just showed his hand. I’d find a way to use his sensitive emotions against him and his team in the future.


Jolly Good Fellow
Brown just showed his hand. I’d find a way to use his sensitive emotions against him and his team in the future.
His smirk tells me he’s maybe not so much sensitive as he cleverly used Key’s words to motivate his team. Key never said Syracuse wasn’t physical. That was purely spin on Brown’s part. It sounded to me like Key was expecting a physical game from Syracuse.


Helluva Engineer
I’m not sure this mattered. His team was going to play physical either way. We didn’t play physical despite Key’s insistence that me must. Puff Daddy just needs to just chill out and enjoy his win.


Helluva Engineer
I wish this victim mentality crap with everyone taking massive offense at everything would go the way of the Edsel. It's what you do when you have nothing else to back up your BS.

It's politics, and yes it's lame. I also question how often you can do this with your team before they realize you are full of it.

In this case raging against something your opponent didnt actually say appeared to have his team hyped and playing hard. Deon frequently says things are personal to fire up his team.

My guess is with all the $$$ in CFB and the "winning is more important than truth" attitude in our decaying society we will see more fabricated bulletin board material, not less.

I can't see Key ever doing this and I'm glad.


Ramblin' Wreck
the loss is on us. he's a nobody pansy, and so are his players.

ok, just playing his game there.

TBH, I am not watching the post-game pressers from either side. Don't want to hear our side of we got manhandled, and don't want to hear little girlies with their panties bunched up whining.