Game 1 Media #FSUvsGT

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
I can’t quit posting. I am so excited about this game! And it’s not just the game. It’s the international spectacle of it, the attention of the entire world, the Guiness and the blood pudding, Oscar Wilde, James Joyce and WB Yeats, and all my other favorite sports figures 🤪 and the whole Irish vibe and the fact that Seminoles don’t thrive outside their native habitat and the media hype which, for the first time in a long time, feels like more than just hype.

I’m about to explode with excitement.


Jolly Good Fellow
why do I have a feeling something good will happen tmw?

am I crazy?
What has me most excited is how high Key is on this team. Key is not the type to blow smoke up your behind like the previous regime. Likewise Norvell seems conscious there are problems on his team, but the FSU fans just aren't listening. Well, we'll see how they feel in about 30 hours.


Helluva Engineer
Here's an interesting sports trivia fact for future reference. Isn't GT tied to CFB Gameday in some other way?



Helluva Engineer
Ken visited Shanahan's home town and meet with his parents and rugby coach.

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I'm thinking Shanahan being on the team will spur the local crowd to pull for Tech.
FSU might have brought more fans, but we'll have the Irish on our side!