Never forget!!!
Friggin Avenatti is not the hero we deserve but he may be the hero we need.
He's the only one questioning the Tobacco Road Mafia.
Makes you wonder if someone is working on a HUGE story behind the scenes. You gotta know Duke and UNC are big stories waiting to explode...especially Saint Coach K. What's better than a story of a hero? The story of a hero gone bad. There's way too much out there to overlook, and there's gotta be a young writer looking to make a name for himself/herself.
Nah, sadly, Kryscaslksski has enough Duke sympathizers in high places that it'd be career suicide to even approach that story. That's gotta wait until after he's retired where a lotta folks'll be all, "Meh whatever, he's gone now anyway."
Don't be a Coach K sympathizer, KG. Ratface is going down.
If someone quotes you without attribution is that the sincerest form of flattery?
In fairness, I wasn't sure you'd be flattered or horrified by me quoting you.
You're fine. As long as that SOB Mike Self doesn't quote me all is well.
Did I do it right?Mike gets around, apparently.
Maybe @CuseJacket can sober up long enough to manipulate the thread title to properly credit BSPNJ?
Did I do it right?
He's a great source of quotes:No one can rest until Mike feels the wrath of justice for his malfeasance.
Just keep in mind that in addition to our own share, we’ll be expected to pay either (u)NC’s or Duke’s share...or both, given the (college sports pretend-governing body)’s attitude towards our program.I'll assume when Duke and UNC finally get busted, the NCAA will want their money back. Since the ACC splits the cash among the members, we'll be on the hook for millions.