For Thack to get out of dog house


Helluva Engineer
I think he's out of the doghouse now. He emerged from it the day The Former Guy left town.
On side line at Mid season last year TFP yelled at Thack. He immediately got on the head phones and then paced the sidelines.

Maybe It could be that TFG yelled a slogan like " combine the relentless effort coverage w the lb showing maximum heart blitz - u know what i mean".

Maybe Thack was too beholding to TFP who gave him his big break.
Looking on his wiki history
4 years as a ga, then 2-3 years position coach S and the 1 year pc LB before hired by TFP at Temple- lb and then DC. TFP brought a rookie into run our defense while he frittered around looking busy.

We may as well look at it like we have given him OJT for 3 years and hope he gets it now.


Helluva Engineer
I agree. I have been trashing Thacker since he got here, but I'm beginning to think that he might have been a victim of poor leadership. That said, the D has to keep it up or there's zero chance of him getting out of the sh** house. You can't total erase the previous 3 years, but if the D keeps this up, one can only assume that the changes in leadership allowed him to finally flourish.

Honestly, even with good results, I think the only chance he has to be retained is if CBK gets the HC gig. A new HC (not CBK) would likely want to bring in his own DC. So he's likely fighting to be a DC elsewhere vs a demotion to a position coach somewhere.
I'm with you. Rooting for him to succeed, as it's great for GT. It will be awesome if the vast majority of our issues were attributable to Stansbury and Collins completely sucking.


Ramblin' Wreck
Seattle, WA
Wow......We have not uttered that particular phrase since the Tenuta and Gailey days a decade + ago!!! It's refreshing for a change. I love seeing good defense!!
I started watching when I became a student during the CPJ years. It feels so strange saying that our defense is good but our offense needs work. Two things I’ve been missing since he left are efficient red zone scoring and the ability to run out the clock when needed. I hope we figure those out.


Ramblin' Wreck
The fact our defense (with the help of drops) played as well as they did with the offense they have to carry? Amazing job tonight.


Helluva Engineer
Thacker seems like an employable guy. I would not be surprised to see him land on his feet. Good energy. Young. Recruiting. Coaching Pedigree.etc


Helluva Engineer
Thacker seems like an employable guy. I would not be surprised to see him land on his feet. Good energy. Young. Recruiting. Coaching Pedigree.etc
Still gave up over 400 yards but I blame that on lack of our offense. We had poor field position several times last night without much from either QB. One injured and the other just not up to the moment.


Helluva Engineer
Atlanta, GA
I do not think our defense played great yesterday. They were constantly put in bad field position by the offense and given no time to rest. They did hold up when they needed to, but they also missed a bunch of tackles and allowed UVA to move the ball down field. Compared to our offense they were spectacular. Compared to how they played against Duke and Pitt, they were meh.


Helluva Engineer
I highly doubt Thacker will be the DC here next year unless Key is hired. However, he is coaching his way into a solid job next year. Then again, maybe if the D continues to play well a new HC will want him to stay for consistency.


Helluva Engineer
Still gave up over 400 yards but I blame that on lack of our offense. We had poor field position several times last night without much from either QB. One injured and the other just not up to the moment.
Going to begin by saying that total yards is the most irrelevant stat you could possibly use when stating whether a team did well. Even if the stat mattered, 400 yards per game of offense would only be good enough for 60th place in fbs. Giving up 400 yards isn’t a big deal. They had the ball 15 times and only found it in themselves to score 16. Even if we give them the two missed FG that 22 points in 15 drives. That’s an incredible performance by the defense.