FEI ratings


Helluva Engineer
Sports analytics is becoming somewhat of "new industry", I think. My daughter's beau (an IE), who's graduating in the spring with her, is trying to get hired by one of these companies here in ATL. There are more than one of analytics companies are recruiting GT IE's, I understand. I think by changing their methodologies, they are trying to bring something "new and fresh" to the market.
Wish them the best of luck, but if those numbers people mess up another sport the way they have baseball we are going to be suffering. But the other day on some football telecast I heard something about some team scoring more points in the last three or four minutes of the first half when they trailed by X number and there was something else. And my eyes, ears, and hands glazed over. That Alan Turing should be ashamed of himself. Or maybe I am alone in thinking it was a much more enjoyable time without all the computer-generated numbers.


Helluva Engineer
Do we really need to look at FEI to know we stunk last season?
Actually, yes. Because we have these computers and they spit out numbers, without which we cannot function, and as we evolve over the eons our eyes will disappear and our fingers will grow very long and large. But I am ranting again.


Staff member
I saw CS students do some work for the Falcons way back before analytics were as hot as they are now.


Staff member
Do we really need to look at FEI to know we stunk last season?
There are some arguments about whether it was the offense or the defense or special teams. Defense didn't get much worse, but it didn't get better. Offense got much worse. I guess you can argue whether the problem was offense degrading or defense not improving, but at least you've got a better yardstick.
Both numbers were mediocre though--neither was 3-9 bad and even both together weren't. I'm not saying this year's execution didn't stink--it did. The kids could have gone 6-6 or so and made a meaningless bowl, which would still stink but not quite this bad. Between a tough schedule and repeatedly doing just enough to lose made things look really bad. Going 3-9 took a bunch of baffling losses. We lost to Virginia. In some ways, it makes interpreting the season even weirder or harder.

Nook Su Kow

Ramblin' Wreck
Does anyone watch the golf channel. Charlie rhymer blows everyone away right now.

But i get it. That is sport specific.
Yea Charlie hates the dwagz and is a good follow on twitter. Now Duval is doing work with Golf Channel as well. So thats 2 Tech guys on the same network.