Fan Day


Helluva Engineer
@buzz_wiser© allright, I'm jealous of your son. I wanted to have my picture taken with the players. :oops:

Need to make that picture of your son with JT into a poster!
Oh the boy would love that!
Might look into that :)

It's no fun being behind the lense all the time I'm sure.
Just hand the camera off on occasion.
I would've let you have your turn no doubt!

Thanks for the poster idea.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
A few good men csn ..........
Well I was there at the same time in the parking deck. We all met in the lower level. Were you upstairs? Maybe since you are NAVY you have a little trouble with land nav. Nuk Nuk.

I was there in the sun .... after spending time in propulsion plants and on subs, I tend to stay in nice places as much as I can. Didn't think to check the basement.


Staff member
Augusta, Georgia
"Go get me a bucket o' steam, swabbie...."

The only one I ever fell for was going to ask the Damage Controlman for a "DC Punch." In fairness, it sounded like a tool.....

The funniest I've ever seen though was when we convinced a midshipman to go out on the fo'c'sle with a tinfoil hat and holding wire coat hangers in each hand so we could calibrate the radar. Wish we'd had smartphones with video back then....


Ramblin' Wreck
Don't forget "here. take this hook and report to the fo'c'sle. You have the Mail Buoy watch" (in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, on an Aircraft Carrier". :D


Helluva Engineer
Don't forget "here. take this hook and report to the fo'c'sle. You have the Mail Buoy watch" (in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, on an Aircraft Carrier". :D
As a middie, an enlisted guy on the sub I was on told me a bunch of big guys in the engine room decided to f%^& with the newbie ensign OOD who was trying to keep the boat level at depth. When off duty, they'd run as a group to the bow then back to the stern over and over. Some buddies of mine got taped to the engine room passageway, not me.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
A few good men csn ..........

I was there in the sun .... after spending time in propulsion plants and on subs, I tend to stay in nice places as much as I can. Didn't think to check the basement.
Well, the Lower Deck is what you suggested on page 1. Don't blame you for staying on the top deck whenever possible though. I remember sleeping in a safety net over the water one night on ship. Under the stars with a nice tropical breeze all night. It was like the worlds greatest hammock. I just got stir crazy down below. It was one of the most peaceful memories of my life.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
You're right. I went back and looked. Where I was was where I tailgate - I knew there was a deck above the tailgate area and forgot about the one below. Sorry. Maybe we can meet before a game. I plan to go to the Miami game next.