Ironically, if you were to ask any of the schools above if they consider themselves to be a football factory, they would probably say "no". (I would support your list though.)
Alabama, as an example, has repeatedly stated that success on the football field has translated into ... significantly higher number of applications, more national merit finalists, more research dollars ... and the financial impact on the university makes the cost of a winning football team ... miniscule by comparison.
I would love to see ... state universities (like Alabama, Florida, etc) ... be limited to recruiting in their home state only. After all, as a land grant university, their mission is to education their citizenry. Require all SA's to have declared majors by the end of the first year and show measurable academic progress with a five year graduation rate. And finally, let Division 1 schools pool their vast revenues and distribute them equally so that the playing field can truly be leveled. The differences should be on what schools do in terms of coaching and development and not in terms of unmatchable financial advantages.