Election Day


Helluva Engineer
To be clear, I’m not in favor of making voting hard. Anything that makes our nation more representative of our electorate the better even if I don’t personally like what they’re voting for. It’s everybody’s country after all. We get the leadership we vote for, not necessarily the one we want or deserve and typically too few decide for too many.
It's an interesting question, in reality. If there are tons of people who are disinterested in politics, and do not understand the issues that they are voting on, do you really want them in the polling booth casting a vote? They certainly have a right to do so, but is that really the best answer for any society? I question that assumption. One can make a relatively intelligent argument that while we should remove impediments to voting, that we should be cautious about making it TOO easy because you want only those who have a genuine interest to cast their votes. Further, one should always guard against electoral fraud.

Or, we could just say to heck with it and take Italy's approach. They have more adults on the electoral roles than they have alive in the country, and have for years.....


@MWBATL I believe that it starts at an early age and that education belongs in the home and the classroom. We should teach Civics. We should encourage vigorous debate in schools not the lopsided political garbage that has infested our schools.

Teach our Constitution, teach about our government and what it should do, teach about different political philosophies.

Kids should understand you get jailed in some places for speaking out, become political prisoners, there’s real slavery abroad not the farcical crap promoted by the media, homosexuals get executed in other countries, women really have no rights in some not these idiotic contrived rights that are fashionable, etc. There’s real consequences in these countries for things we take for granted.

If they understood these things, we’re not constantly lied to and deceived by our media and these assbags in power, maybe people would look forward to casting their ballot and get involved. That’s the way it should be.