Wait - what about the question "What are you wearing"?
Although I am an avid sci-fi fan, I suspect a 68 year old would be a bit out of place at such an event. I will live vicariously through others who go....
Actually, I do make a decent Obi-wan Kenobi (the elder)I think that's reasonable, but I think you'd be surprised at the all ages crowd.
For the Trekkies out there, Shatner & Takei will be guests this year.
I think that's reasonable, but I think you'd be surprised at the all ages crowd.
For the Trekkies out there, Shatner & Takei will be guests this year.
I’d go to dragoncon if those two have a cage match during it.
Given the indication that you enjoy comic books, they have a pretty solid lineup of writers & artists on that front.
That said, I don't think you're getting that cage match.
True but it would draw the biggest dragoncon crowd ever. My money would be on Shattner.
It wouldn't move the needle that much and Dragon Con isn't hurting for a draw that they need two octogenarians putting on a cage match to settle their feud. Star Trek just isn't a significant driving factor and they're doing really well without it.
Still doubting that moves the needle.Everyone I know that likes dragoncon would love to see it
I know some of the planners in different areas. Not sure if they’ll have the biggest crowd ever, but they’re expecting huge crowds and a lot of excitement. Tennant is one of the reasons.
One thing to keep in mind is that they flood the downtown hotels and conference rooms, year in/year out. They’re at (or very near) capacity, unless there’s other room around them that they can start taking on.
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Last year I think you had dragoncon and a big concert downtown Alan’s black gay pride weekend...along with a Tech football game. Midtown was a mess of pedestrian and auto traffic.
Been like this for a while. 75,000 people flooding downtown for Dragon Con the past few years and that's without accounting for the parade influx.
Tennant's high on my list, especially given 2 companions.
Key cast from The Boys, including Karl Urban were just announced, so I'm binging that this week.
I'm also looking forward to the comics programming. They really stepped that up this year.
DBF changes date = problem solved. They can’t compete with dragoncon.