Film Study Defensive Breakdown vs. Pitt pt. 1


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
LOL @ "pt 1". Something tells me this thing could get up to Encyclopedia Brittanica levels depending on how much time ibee has on his hands.

Hey, gotta laugh to keep from crying.

All I want to know is, did things get better in the 2nd half. That's my general impression.

Deleted member 2897


Some good, some really BAD!!!

It’s too much experience in the front 7 to make the mistakes we are making.

Thank you for spending so much time on this. Yes we don't know the play calls, so your analysis (or anybody's) may not be perfect or on point all the time, but your commentary offers tremendous insight and I learn something every time I watch.

I didn't even make it to 5 minutes into your analysis (second play from scrimmage) before noticing something that already startled me. On their 2nd down, if the QB had run play-action, both of our LBs were already committed to crashing into the line and their WR on the boundary side was wide open to just run a curl or an in. The middle of the field was left wide open. So much to work on.


Deleted member 2897

Yup, those 2 late hit calls when the runner was still clearly in the field was just absolutely disgusting. You have to be able to review those if you can review non-calls where someone was suspected of targeting. Those were both drive sustaining momentum gaining calls that served to make our defense play more tentative unnecessarily.


Im a 3*
LOL @ "pt 1". Something tells me this thing could get up to Encyclopedia Brittanica levels depending on how much time ibee has on his hands.

Hey, gotta laugh to keep from crying.

All I want to know is, did things get better in the 2nd half. That's my general impression.

Probably just one more vid.

I think we did but it’s not saying much bc i don’t think Pitt is any good


Jolly Good Fellow
I believe it was Pitt's first possession in the 3Q where they had a 3rd and long and Woody blitzed only 3 originally and then even Cerge-Henderson dropped back as well. Completed an out pattern for an easy first down. WTH is the point of dropping 9 (!) men back and giving the QB all day to throw when we don't have great DBs?? It just boggles my mind how we were all excited to see this downfield attacking defense, and I have seen very few 5-6+ man blitzes when we all know that it works!


Milwaukee, WI
I believe it was Pitt's first possession in the 3Q where they had a 3rd and long and Woody blitzed only 3 originally and then even Cerge-Henderson dropped back as well. Completed an out pattern for an easy first down. WTH is the point of dropping 9 (!) men back and giving the QB all day to throw when we don't have great DBs?? It just boggles my mind how we were all excited to see this downfield attacking defense, and I have seen very few 5-6+ man blitzes when we all know that it works!

It's not the dbs fault on that play, it was the coverage called. It was dropping beyond the sticks a la Roof which is what I saw the entire game vs SoFla it feels like.


Jolly Good Fellow
Overall though, we're not that great in the DB department IMO. It'd be nice to have a DC that made things easier for them by putting more pressure on the QB.


Helluva Engineer
Defensive breakdown was a good thread title. Although, I think we will continue improving on that side of the ball.


Ramblin' Wreck

I’m gonna ask this question and you may not wish to answer it but,

The breakdown you have done indicates we have issues that’s certain. What I’d like to know is whose responsible ?

Those of us on this blog can get argumenative over blame but to me it’s important to know if a coaching change will cure the issues or if more intense coaching, in particular harping on deciplined play, will cure the issues.

I see a lot of soft playing the ball, missed assignments, bad angles etc.... Coach took a lot of heat for the fake punt but the play was there to make.

Any problem has to be evaluated to be fixed and like it or not evaluate is another word for responsibility, Who is responsible for what you see as the problem ? And how is it fixed ?


Helluva Engineer
Blame should always be placed at the feet of the coaches, but the players bear some responsibility in there own lack of growth as well.
Would you say you like this D so far better than last years? Correct me if I’m wrong but most of the issues is not getting mad handled, but it’s not being assignment sound? If we would just be more assignment sound we would see a huge difference? Hanks for the breakdown.


Helluva Engineer
Is defense harder to learn and/or takes more time than offense? Does it require more homework, filmroom time?could it be that the rigors of being a true student-athlete at GT are whats making our defenses mediocre to bad year after year, coach after coach? Why every D coord has the same issues and winds up having to simplify their scheme?


Ramblin' Wreck
Blame should always be placed at the feet of the coaches, but the players bear some responsibility in there own lack of growth as well.

For the sake of the program I hope these issues can be fixed without wholesale change. I see talent on this team and I see growing depth down the strings ( as proven by our back up QB scoring 3 TDs essentially behind the 2nd string o line ).

Wholesale change destroys this depth in my view. I would like to see if Woody can change the mindsets and yes that may take more time, very frustrating time.