
Wrecking Ball

Ramblin' Wreck
I am also glad I was wrong. I was really relieved we broke through the slump this year, as I am a CPJ fan but was getting tired of being close but no cigar. I definitely didn't think the team had it in them; Eric said they had an "us vs. the world" mentality. Maybe that's what it takes!

Wrecking Ball

Ramblin' Wreck
There are no "naysayers" or "real fans" there are only Tech fans. With BDS not selling out a 55K stadium, I think we're in no position to start factions like it's the next episode of Desperate Housewives.


It's posts like Declinometer's that are utterly pointless. Sometimes I swear half of this fanbase gets delight only out of attacking the other half.
I gotcha! I swear some, not half, get delight in seeing the glass as half empty and their post are pointless on a Tech message board.


Jolly Good Fellow
Toccoa, Ga
I gotcha! I swear some, not half, get delight in seeing the glass as half empty and their post are pointless on a Tech message board.
Well if your referring to me I don't see it as half empty sorry to disappoint. I actually think we have a good team and I've been very entertained so far this season. I have been a little disappointed with our D but it was to be expected. I didn't think we would go to Blacksburg and win, glad I was wrong. Sorry to get you stirred up pal. ;)

Wrecking Ball

Ramblin' Wreck
@Declinometer Some folks get nervous and express a stream-of-consciousness type deal that's just honest anxiety. Nothing wrong with that. Unless you predicted we'd come from down two scores, avoid a late rally, and then score twice in the last 2:03, I bet you had some of those moments yourself.


Southeastern Michigan
I get that. Just jumpy on my part.
I too am a refugee from another forum (as are several others here) There are a few people here that that things way to personal, and respond with "you're ignorant" etc, and there are a few anti CPJ and doom and gloomers......but for the most part, people here are very positive and there is a wealth of information posted.....from Eric's insider info to Boomer's post game analysis. I look in occasionally on the former site I posted in and just shake by head at the nonsense.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
A lot of us are in the same category, techman. Happy we were wrong. I'm just hoping I am also wrong about how bad I think our D is against the pass. If not, I am not sure we will be as fortunate with other QBs as we were with VPI's on Saturday. No pass rush without blitzing can be a recipe for disaster with a decent QB. Miami usually has tight ends and RBs that can catch the ball short and make you pay for soft/little coverage. Ted Roof will once again have a monumental task trying to work some magic against daU. Go Jackets!!

Chill, I didn't predict but pointed out that based on all the services we had a 10% chance to win. Just makes the victory sweeter.


Jolly Good Fellow
Toccoa, Ga
I too am a refugee from another forum (as are several others here) There are a few people here that that things way to personal, and respond with "you're ignorant" etc, and there are a few anti CPJ and doom and gloomers......but for the most part, people here are very positive and there is a wealth of information posted.....from Eric's insider info to Boomer's post game analysis. I look in occasionally on the former site I posted in and just shake by head at the nonsense.
Is Jim's site still up and going? Haven't been over there in close to a year. I was on it for about 3 years myself.


Southeastern Michigan
Is Jim's site still up and going? Haven't been over there in close to a year. I was on it for about 3 years myself.

Yes it is running......a cesspool of miserable cranks for the most part.......the common thread is they want CPJ fired, his brand of football is boring,
This is typical of the mindset there.....
"Saturday,at home,after a loss, division opponent, VT will be a scoring landslide machine against Tech. There will be nothing that Tech can do to stop it. Unfortunately Justin will not be able to counter their defense. I really hope he doesn't get hurt!"


Jolly Good Fellow
Toccoa, Ga
Yes it is running......a cesspool of miserable cranks for the most part.......the common thread is they want CPJ fired, his brand of football is boring,
This is typical of the mindset there.....
"Saturday,at home,after a loss, division opponent, VT will be a scoring landslide machine against Tech. There will be nothing that Tech can do to stop it. Unfortunately Justin will not be able to counter their defense. I really hope he doesn't get hurt!"
Wow!! Something's never change over there lol So who all is still posting? Haven't been there in so long I imagine there's some new gloom and doom....


Georgia Tech Fan
Wow!! Something's never change over there lol So who all is still posting? Haven't been there in so long I imagine there's some new gloom and doom....

I am sure Jim and les miserables had a meltdown when GT pulled it out on Saturday.


Southeastern Michigan
I am sure Jim and les miserables had a meltdown when GT pulled it out on Saturday.
funny follow up to the above post.......
Another poster responded after the game with.....

"Nice call."

To which he got the response.....

"I was looking for your prediction that we'd go up there, fall behind, hit the upright with chip shot field goal, give up 200+ passing by halftime, get a pick six to go ahead, force a fumble, then fumble it back to VPI who runs it for a score, only to come back, convert a fourth and 15, score ten points in the last four minutes, booting the game winner as time expired. I couldn't find it"

Hey......I made fun of the VT forum having a it is only far to make fun of a Tech one doing the same thing after a win. :D


Helluva Engineer
We are lucky that Miami has a green quarterback, and that they have to play a decent Duke team this week. They will also be wondering what we have in store for them. The triple option, yes, but they now have some passing to prepare for. And every minute of practice time taken away from option prep is good for us. On a normal week coaches get about 18 hours to prepare the team. Miami has to travel to Atlanta, so take a few more hours off of that.

if you check the schedule doook has the week off before our game to turn the tables, luckily we are at home