CPJ is a hot head on the sidelines?


Helluva Engineer
I agree that is all NCAA coaches should worry about. However, I think you are missing my point. How do recruits and their families gain a perception of him before they allow him to walk in their house? I think you all are vastly underestimating the power of the media in 2016. You don't think recruits look at coaches' interviews and think, "Man, I would go to war for that guy." Whether or not it should matter is beside the point. The fact is it does matter.
I seriously doubt prospects decide before even meeting any coach whether they want to play for him or not. If you think it matters, then it might matter. To you. Just be a bit careful speaking for the great unwashed who as always will make up their own minds, sometimes over things many of us think inconsequential. That wouldn't matter to me at all. What would matter is that the head ball coach of a major football team was coming into my house to see me. I'd deal with the perception later.


Helluva Engineer
Can't worry about this sort of stuff. I work at a private company with a very passionate president. Sometimes he can get really intense...similar to what you see from PJ on the sidelines......very similar, actually. Is he a bad boss because of it? Absolutely not...in fact, he's the best boss I've ever had. He's just passionate about what he does...similar to Johnson. So I like to think of it this way...this might be the sort of stuff these kids are going to have to deal with in the real world some day. Perhaps it's preparing them for life after football?
On the sidelines:
Coach is teaching during the game because our offense can afford very few errors. I sit near bench and after almost every bad play coach is getting to player he feels made a mistake. He then is talking some one on mike followed by saying something to coaches on sideline. Very frequently he will get with player that made the mistake and visit with them during a pause. Early last year I saw him correct MLD who over run a back shoulder pass. (We missed a key a first down). Coach was not gentle with the initial correction, but a few plays later he was waiting to send in MLD and he encouraged him. You never see the second conversation . Also when MLD made the catch a few games later - the smile they shared was why players like him.
Word gets back to high school coaches.

With reporters:
Gosh I wish he brought that guy Brandon from his Monday night show. Coach could listen to the generally (Imo) stupid questions and then make a crack about Brandon and give an energized response. In addition to Brandon we need the guys like doc jacket and wife there. Same basic questions but the energy level of the response is so different. That show is a must listen.

I like coach because he is genuine.


Helluva Engineer
Yeah, right.

All I need to know about Coach Johnson was captured in the recruiting of the North Carolina quarterback last year who suffered the serious head injury. Ratliff (sp?) His high school coach put it something like this: "Tech never wavered from their offer" Says something about character and honor don't you think?


GT Athlete
You are pretty much on target, particularly as regards TV. They have airtime to fill and "we got to block better" or tackle better or play defense better won't do it. It's odd that in Annapolis he was well liked and respected by the reporters, maybe because he and his offense made Navy respectable again. But to me the biggest factor seems, at least to me, is that those whines are coming from people who don't like him anyway. He could do a Nelson Eddy on the sidelines and they would demand Janet McDonald. I am guessing just based on my own experience, not at this level, that if a player needs constant reassurance or pampering, the warm fuzzies all week, then Tech and Johnson is the wrong place for them from the get-go and if they come anyway and then transfer, it is better for both.
You have just dated yourself. Nelson Eddy and Jeanette McDonald were before my time. and I have been around since The Good Old Days myself. I think you are right about the whiners just not liking him anyway. I always sit up front at the coaches show and occasionally speak with him. He is not the ogre some of these imagine him to be. He is very competitive and I want that. The players love him. Have these folks ever seen him partying with the players in the dressing room after a win.He is just like one of them. And I hate the media myself. They act like they can do anything because they are "the press".


Helluva Engineer
You have just dated yourself. Nelson Eddy and Jeanette McDonald were before my time. and I have been around since The Good Old Days myself. I think you are right about the whiners just not liking him anyway. I always sit up front at the coaches show and occasionally speak with him. He is not the ogre some of these imagine him to be. He is very competitive and I want that. The players love him. Have these folks ever seen him partying with the players in the dressing room after a win.He is just like one of them. And I hate the media myself. They act like they can do anything because they are "the press".
Would you buy that I saw them on TBS?

As for "the press": Part of my career is dealing with the media, the good,the bad, the indifferent. Not surprisingly, the media has its share of all, as does every vocation I have dealt with. I don't know, for instance, that from reading the AJC online, and there only, that it has been harsh or wrong about Johnson. A columnist, Bradley I think it was, once wrote after another loss in '15 there had been enough talk about being so close and just one play this and that, critical no doubt, but since I agreed with him it was fine with me. I did think it was fair.

I recall some dustup on the board about him being angry that its reporter had not cleared a question or something him, which if true was just ignorance on his part. They're not supposed to. I have read that radio stations have hammered at him, but I don't hear any of them so I yield to those who do.

Some people in all vocations are better at media relations than others. This might be the case with Johnson, but again, I don't have a clue. The AJC has been fair. As has the Macon Telegraph. Others in Georgia I don't know about. His previous stop at Navy was uneventful in that regard. What I suspect is that some dustup with radio talking heads, you know, the ESPN scream at somebody model, has colored the perceptions by his supporters of all media on this board and probably others.

Lastly, maybe mine is colored because Johnson answers the way I would advise most anybody to answer: to the point, answer the question, and move on.

Compare that with Swinney. He is just as intense and focused as Johnson, but ask him a question and you get a filibuster. Two different styles, I think both work. From what I gather each respects the other and perhaps for eight months of the year, even like each other.

Sometimes our views of "the press" or "media" mirror those on, say, entitlements. It ain't our entitlements that should be cut. That would be your entitlements.


Helluva Engineer
Imo, the sports talk radio market is a bit saturated so many of these guys who have little real knowledge or expertise have to make extreme comments to feel relevant and create a buzz. To them it's just off the cuff commentary but to the fans and some coaches, CPJ in particular, it's crossing the line. CPJ doesn't take it lying down and he doesn't forget, he's gonna have his say, eventually, and make them look stupid in the process. Looking stupid is the last thing these morons want and they paste him for it.


Helluva Engineer
Whenever CPJ has a planned appearance that is not at Tech (not his Pressers) such as radio interviews and ESPN interviews he is completely fine and open. His ESPN Car wash days show him completely in line with other college coaches being interviewed.

As for time spent on his interview I think you have to blame his shorter interviews on networks thinking Tech doesn't need a lot of time and devoting more of it to FSU/Clemson/Louisville


Helluva Engineer
I also have heard he's very funny and entertaining when doing banquet/guest speaker events.

He's at his worst after practices and losses and especially when coming on radio shows where he's been criticized unfairly in his eyes or when he gets repeatedly dumb questions. He doesn't suffer fools very well and it hurts his perception.


Helluva Engineer
I also have heard he's very funny and entertaining when doing banquet/guest speaker events.

He's at his worst after practices and losses and especially when coming on radio shows where he's been criticized unfairly in his eyes or when he gets repeatedly dumb questions. He doesn't suffer fools very well and it hurts his perception.
So you're saying most people who perceive him are fools.

None of us though! Everyone else is a fool not me!
I like having a Coach who really gets into it on the sidelines. Heck, I really get into it in the stands. I really take the game seriously. Some of my friends get on me for being for over doing it. One friend gets into it as much as I do. My wife says I am a total Jekyl and Hyde at ball games, a rtotal different person than I usually am.

Tom Landry says hi.


Helluva Engineer
I also have heard he's very funny and entertaining when doing banquet/guest speaker events.

He's at his worst after practices and losses and especially when coming on radio shows where he's been criticized unfairly in his eyes or when he gets repeatedly dumb questions. He doesn't suffer fools very well and it hurts his perception.
Truth is that if he wins I don't care if he holds seances, burns incense and acts like Attila the Hun on the sideline. And the way coaches are if he started doing that and winning big 75% of the coaches would follow next season.


Ramblin' Wreck
Would you buy that I saw them on TBS?

As for "the press": Part of my career is dealing with the media, the good,the bad, the indifferent. Not surprisingly, the media has its share of all, as does every vocation I have dealt with. I don't know, for instance, that from reading the AJC online, and there only, that it has been harsh or wrong about Johnson. A columnist, Bradley I think it was, once wrote after another loss in '15 there had been enough talk about being so close and just one play this and that, critical no doubt, but since I agreed with him it was fine with me. I did think it was fair.

I recall some dustup on the board about him being angry that its reporter had not cleared a question or something him, which if true was just ignorance on his part. They're not supposed to. I have read that radio stations have hammered at him, but I don't hear any of them so I yield to those who do.

Some people in all vocations are better at media relations than others. This might be the case with Johnson, but again, I don't have a clue. The AJC has been fair. As has the Macon Telegraph. Others in Georgia I don't know about. His previous stop at Navy was uneventful in that regard. What I suspect is that some dustup with radio talking heads, you know, the ESPN scream at somebody model, has colored the perceptions by his supporters of all media on this board and probably others.

Lastly, maybe mine is colored because Johnson answers the way I would advise most anybody to answer: to the point, answer the question, and move on.

Compare that with Swinney. He is just as intense and focused as Johnson, but ask him a question and you get a filibuster. Two different styles, I think both work. From what I gather each respects the other and perhaps for eight months of the year, even like each other.

Sometimes our views of "the press" or "media" mirror those on, say, entitlements. It ain't our entitlements that should be cut. That would be your entitlements.
Skeptic, you lost me after the first paragraph.