Congrats to Trey Braun


Ramblin' Wreck
That sucker just graduated with honors in Mechanical F'n Engineering ... AND is getting married Jan 17.

That's on top of paving the way for the most efficient offense in history, beating (re: owning) the dwags, and playing in the Orange Bowl. That's a GT man, right there.
Totally agree, and thanks for posting this. I was worried he might be considering leaving after I saw that he'd graduated. STRONG OL next year!


Ramblin' Wreck
Trey Braun has a nice little write up on the AJC website.

Ken Sugiura -AJC said:
After earning the (offense's) effort award Friday, he graduated Saturday with a degree in mechanical engineering. Dec. 31, he’ll play in the Orange Bowl. Jan. 17, he’ll get married.
Prior to the season, Braun intentionally set the (wedding) date to make sure it would not conflict with the College Football Playoff.

Talk about mind rite!

He got his ME degree with a 3.14-3.16 GPA in eight semesters.

Braun was quoted: “That’s one of the main reasons I came to Georgia Tech – they’ve got a great program.”

Brothers and sisters, this young man is going to go far.

DC Bee

Ramblin' Wreck
Springfield, VA
Class act and a damn fine representative of the institution's version of the student-athlete. I don't mean to highjack the thread from Trey's accomplishment, but a few years ago on another site, a UGA grad/Tech dad posted that he was more proud of his son playing for Tech than he was of himself going to UGA. He said that GT needs to do a better job of selling what we've got. I think this year has reminded everyone that GT has the juice. I'm proud that we're NOT a football factory for "hut-hut heads," but a place for quality student athletes. I hope the program and institution continue to build on this recently repaved foundation that 2014 has become.


Helluva Engineer
Loganville, GA
That is the type of guy we want as a Tech SA. Come to Tech for the sports and education. Love it!

Getting a degree in ME is not easy, especially when you throw in football practices/games.


Ramblin' Wreck
There is ZERO reason for someone who is engineering and football oriented not to want to come to GT first an foremost. Any time we lose out on such recruits should be cause for concern. We have the best of both worlds. Bar none. I also think its better for the team to have more engineers and just team members that interact with students as well as student athletes in their classes. It brings a better appreciation to the team IMO and is an unfortunate byproduct of the Management Major being a lot of athletes and slightly off campus. I think sometimes the athletes can feel like they're not really a part of GT.

Bruce Wayne

Helluva Engineer
There is ZERO reason for someone who is engineering and football oriented not to want to come to GT first an foremost. Any time we lose out on such recruits should be cause for concern. We have the best of both worlds. Bar none. I also think its better for the team to have more engineers and just team members that interact with students as well as student athletes in their classes. It brings a better appreciation to the team IMO and is an unfortunate byproduct of the Management Major being a lot of athletes and slightly off campus. I think sometimes the athletes can feel like they're not really a part of GT.
I recall the article on Michael Johnson when he was back taking classes to complete his degree. He commented on how much more he appreciated what Tech had to offer than when he was a player here as well. He said he was blown away by the interesting people he was getting to meet from all over the world in his classes and finally felt like he was taking full advantage of what Tech has to offer in the way of formative cultural and educational experiences. I think he pinpointed less the having taken classes with higher athlete enrollment before he went pro than the aspect of living, eating, training, practicing, and studying with teammates.


Helluva Engineer
Columbia, SC
Candidly, I don't see how you can 1) excel in such a difficult degree 2) excel in D1 football with all its requirements and 3) somehow keep a successful relationship going at such a young age. I was able to handle several number 3's but not the other 2 ;)

If I were his dad I would be bursting with pride! He is a Helluva Engineer!


Helluva Engineer
Damn fine job and only a redshirt junior.
I was ME and it was very interesting and very hard. After getting through with senior classes was ready to get into world.
Wish I could have stayed and gotton some business classes.

Hope he stays - adds about 30 lbs @ 6-5 -325 he may really really suprise next year.
Damn good jacket!


Jolly Good Fellow
True. He didn't go management or some computer science major. He did GT, not AE but GT.

When an institute's sham majors are computer science & management (b.s.b.a) . . . and both schools are nationally ranked ~ 25th, well that's just impressive. When I started grad school, the first two people I met had a b.a. in "history of dark ages" and "history of linguistics". & that's when I finally understood the argument about modern day college being a waste of money.

Congrats to Trey Braun. If collegiate sports were at all related to collegiate academics, Trey Braun would be an invited guest at the Heisman Trophy presentation - that's how impressive his GPA & early graduation w/ an ME degree is, IMO.