Collins says players have 'chip on their shoulder'


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
collins has proven to be a poor gameday coach and has lost games. i do not think he is a great coach and frankly some of the results are indefensible. that being said some of these kinds of criticism just really come down to opinions and assumptions ...
I think we can almost all agree with this portion of the post 🙂


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
I have not witnessed a single practice during CGC’s tenure, so I cannot speak with authority. All I can attest to is the fact that the guy who sits next to me at games has a son who was on the team the past 2 years. He said his son had expressed the opinion that if CGC spent more time at practice coaching the team up and less time trying to be everyone’s buddy, the team would be better. Hopefully this is the year that happens and we all forget the past 3 years!
Quoting this only so folks can read it again or for the first time if they happen to have skipped it earlier!


Helluva Engineer
+1 ... We'll up until "voting with my feet". We can't stop supporting GTAA if we want to see improvement. W/o $ we will even be worse.
I've continued to up my support the last 3 years even though I've disliked a great deal about how Stansbury and Collins have acted. GTAA keeps calling asking for more. I listened to Stansbury laugh about how pathetic our football team was this spring when I was on campus. I just can't continue to enable them if they can't ever get their crap together. GT has an abundance of youthful & exuberant fans that can fork over the $$ to continue this experiment. We got the new coaches, so I continue to hope for the best. To me there's 3 more that need to go, but that's just my opinion. I guess it could be earlier, but 11/27 is circled on my calendar. We have way better talent, significant financial resources have been provided to Collins far in excess of any coach that preceded him. Bad coaches in 3 key spots & a weak AD are the 4 elephants in the room. It shouldn't take 3 years to figure out you're wasting talent & failing in epic fashion unless you're completely naive and way over your head.


Helluva Engineer
Hartselle, AL (originally Rome, GA)
I have not witnessed a single practice during CGC’s tenure, so I cannot speak with authority. All I can attest to is the fact that the guy who sits next to me at games has a son who was on the team the past 2 years. He said his son had expressed the opinion that if CGC spent more time at practice coaching the team up and less time trying to be everyone’s buddy, the team would be better. Hopefully this is the year that happens and we all forget the past 3 years!
This was what I always thought - he just seems so thin-skinned and looking for friends and affirmation, but maybe I am wrong. He kind of reminds me of the Matt Foley of head coaches. (Matt Foley was the motivational speaker category brought to life by Chris Farley)


Im a 3*
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt because of your extreme youthfulness, but you really can't be following the team if you believe any of the above.

Year 1: Easter bunnies and dancing at practices. Focus on fun. DJ running non-stop.

There's not a meeting you don't walk into there's not blaring music. Coaches jumping around, coaches dancing with you.

They ran 45 plays in 11 mins. That's a play every 15 secs. That's not coaching. They had a one-man dance off with student volunteers. DJ's, game of thrones crowns, etc.

Waffle House, Morpheus and the awakening of Georgia Tech
Geoff Collins is determined to use the fertile recruiting ground of Atlanta to bring Georgia Tech back. And he's going to have a lot of fun doing it.
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This was 2 years ago- dodgeball & kickball.

This is football, not some Google gaggle of pointy headed nerds eating fudgesickles and munching on chicken nuggets to concot some internet app. These guys need to play physical, smart football not perfect their favorite dance move.

Boomers: No dodgeball at practice!!! No other coach is doing that.

Other coaches in yr 1
Johnson also surprised his team during the preseason with an impromptu game of dodgeball. The team reveled in the break from work in pads and heat.


Im a 3*
I have not witnessed a single practice during CGC’s tenure, so I cannot speak with authority. All I can attest to is the fact that the guy who sits next to me at games has a son who was on the team the past 2 years. He said his son had expressed the opinion that if CGC spent more time at practice coaching the team up and less time trying to be everyone’s buddy, the team would be better. Hopefully this is the year that happens and we all forget the past 3 years!

Must’ve been the days i missed or when GT fans complained about he and Key cursing at players at the open practice


Helluva Engineer
Boomers: No dodgeball at practice!!! No other coach is doing that.
Like the nutlicker coach cited above, nobody's gonna complain when Saban-Smart-Johnson, etc take a single day off & do something recreational instead. I do it with my teams. We go to the local brewery, we've gone to Top Golf, etc to let the team blow off some steam & do some less formal team building. There's a massive difference between that & what's transpiring on The Flats. There's no discipline, the lack of structure is evident in our execution. I hope that's changed with the new coaches & they're not tainted by the ones still here.

It must be some weird cultural thing these days when video evidence is required to prove everything. What's that Dirty Harry line- "if some naked guy's chasing a woman down an alley with a butcher knife and a .... I figure he's not out collecting for the Red Cross".


Ramblin' Wreck
I have not witnessed a single practice during CGC’s tenure, so I cannot speak with authority. All I can attest to is the fact that the guy who sits next to me at games has a son who was on the team the past 2 years. He said his son had expressed the opinion that if CGC spent more time at practice coaching the team up and less time trying to be everyone’s buddy, the team would be better. Hopefully this is the year that happens and we all forget the past 3 years!
Are the pratices open to public? Always wondered this


Helluva Engineer


Helluva Engineer
College football will die with the boomers. With all the NIL, semi-professional, two top-tier leagues, and the rest being relegated to the side. My interest in college football has gone down drastically.

It's funny because I find myself supporting other sports now. Such as volleyball, or men's golf. There seems to be a collegial spirit that still exists in the minor sports that is being removed from the revenue ones.