Coaching Staff Changes and Thoughts


McCollum would be one that comes to mind for me. Pelton and Owens are possibilities as well. (This is with no info btw, just a complete guess.)

I know one of his CAM's childhood friends. His friend told me two years ago or more that Andy wanted another HC'ing gig.


Helluva Engineer
I wish young had gotten some better coaching,a Sr shouldn't look like that
How do you know when a players bad performance is on his coach or on himself or on nobody (he reached his peak and his peak wasn't good enough)? Not trying to be argumentative, just curious on how you know who is to blame?


Helluva Engineer
How do you know when a players bad performance is on his coach or on himself or on nobody (he reached his peak and his peak wasn't good enough)? Not trying to be argumentative, just curious on how you know who is to blame?

I agree. Looking at Winston in the first half last night, he looked like he had never been coached. But he made Jimbo proud in the 2nd half.


Helluva Engineer
Vad's issues had zero to do with coaching. As stated over and over- he couldn't read the option to save his life and he was scared to take a hit. As for coaching- if one of the moves i think could happen happens, then look for Joe Hamilton to be a position coach


Staff member
I admit it, I'm still tweet stalking Vad a bit.

Not surprisingly, guess who recently followed each other:

So if he goes to JMU, he doesn't have to sit a year out. Can he jump back into an FBS/ACC team after a year at JMU? I know Vad is a pretty big fan of Cam Newton who went from UF->Blinn->AU. I wonder if Vad's road will turn into GT->JMU->Duke.


Ramblin' Wreck
I admit it, I'm still tweet stalking Vad a bit.

Not surprisingly, guess who recently followed each other:

So if he goes to JMU, he doesn't have to sit a year out. Can he jump back into an FBS/ACC team after a year at JMU? I know Vad is a pretty big fan of Cam Newton who went from UF->Blinn->AU. I wonder if Vad's road will turn into GT->JMU->Duke.

Ding, ding. I think we have a winner.

I've thought all along since I heard he was leaving that this was going to be the route. I think the timing works as well. Doesn't Boone graduate after next year?


Helluva Engineer
I admit it, I'm still tweet stalking Vad a bit.

Not surprisingly, guess who recently followed each other:

So if he goes to JMU, he doesn't have to sit a year out. Can he jump back into an FBS/ACC team after a year at JMU? I know Vad is a pretty big fan of Cam Newton who went from UF->Blinn->AU. I wonder if Vad's road will turn into GT->JMU->Duke.

His OC at JMU will be Brad Davis who came from Portland St. Portland State ran a spread Pistol offense that ran a lot of zone read as well. Withers has said he wants his offense to be up tempo...80-90 plays per game. Withers will probably be influenced by his years with Urban Meyer. Honestly, sounds like an offense that Vad has always wanted to run if you remember his comments from recruiting. Can't fault a kid for wanting to be in an offensive system that plays to his strengths.


Helluva Engineer
I admit it, I'm still tweet stalking Vad a bit.

Not surprisingly, guess who recently followed each other:

So if he goes to JMU, he doesn't have to sit a year out. Can he jump back into an FBS/ACC team after a year at JMU? I know Vad is a pretty big fan of Cam Newton who went from UF->Blinn->AU. I wonder if Vad's road will turn into GT->JMU->Duke.

That is a dangerous game for Vad to play. He would have to learn two new offenses and beat out all other QB recruits to win the starting job.


Helluva Engineer
Vad is a really good guy who didn't fit the system, at least he wasn't a natural fit. Who knows if he could have worked off his square edges and eventually became round enough to fit the round hole or not. I wish him all the best even if that means going to a division rival, except when playing us, of course. Normally I'd never do that, but in Vad's case, I'd make the exception.


Staff member
That is a dangerous game for Vad to play. He would have to learn two new offenses and beat out all other QB recruits to win the starting job.
Next year, both Boone and Connette will be RS Seniors so unless Duke has some star QB recruit waiting in the wings, another RS Senior in Vad wouldn't be such a bad thing for them for the 2015 season. We all know that Vad and Cutcliffe are "friends". So if the intention is for Vad to look toward Duke/Cutcliffe, I would have to imagine that they have already discussed this.