Coaching Change not cheap


Helluva Engineer
So GT is paying CPJ a little for the next 4 years (why if he stepped down?) And Collins got a much larger staff budget than CPJ. I guess the truth comes out now. It was definitely time for CPJ to step down.

When CPJ got his most recent extension, they added a clause where he would get 1 million if he retired early. Probably made his decision a little easier.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
11 new off field staff and a considerably larger salary pool for assistants. It is nice to get confirmation that we are indeed increasing our investment.

On another note: Anyone hoping for a coaching change on the basketball side can forget it. Lol

Anybody expecting a coaching change in basketball haven't payed attention to the fact it is only year 3. Come back and talk in Year 5 when a extend or release decision will have to be made (and Pastner's contract won't be 100% guaranteed anymore). But this certainly cements that.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
Beat the hell out of the Brainless/ Hewitt Clause.

CPJ could have made it more or made it ugly, but he didn't.

+1. I think how CPJ left is something that should be appreciated more as time goes on. I was more than ready for a change; CPJ did it as gracefully and with the minimum impact to the program as he could.

We need more money for the baseball program.:whistle:


Ramblin' Wreck
Beat the hell out of the Brainless/ Hewitt Clause.

CPJ could have made it more or made it ugly, but he didn't.

Not sure if you think I was taking a shot at CPJ or not (I'm not I like CPJ a lot), but, things like this are oddities of contracts that seem weird to me. It seems like they're really meant to be a way to step down from a position without the nastiness of being fired, similar to hush money. Otherwise they don't really make sense. I agree with the statement that CPJ did GT a solid by stepping down.


Jolly Good Fellow
Remember CPJ’s comments from a couple years ago about financial commitment? This is a bit of what it looks like. In his retirement presser he noted that TS seemed to understand that and that it’d be a few years before the effects could really be felt, and alluded that that was a factor in his retirement decision. While I have no direct evidence, I suspect that MBob effectively starved the football program of funds.

A big challenge now facing Stansbury is getting the donations and sales to pay for this new commitment.


Helluva Engineer
Remember CPJ’s comments from a couple years ago about financial commitment? This is a bit of what it looks like. In his retirement presser he noted that TS seemed to understand that and that it’d be a few years before the effects could really be felt, and alluded that that was a factor in his retirement decision. While I have no direct evidence, I suspect that MBob effectively starved the football program of funds.

A big challenge now facing Stansbury is getting the donations and sales to pay for this new commitment.

Lots of money came in once collins was announced. Essentially we are ramping up a year early vs prior coach. This woulda happened to some degree but more like 2020 once rev came in. Do not underestimate the impact GOL has had on the new guy. Both not only talking to todd but alot of his boys are supporting the program more. Its funny. Gol and fridge genuinely care about tech. So does paul. One guy in the middle probably already forgot he worked here. He could care a less.

So. I am not pitting anyone vs anyone. Its just a reality of the transition and timing with tv revenue. As I understand more will be hired soon as well.


Jolly Good Fellow
Lots of money came in once collins was announced. Essentially we are ramping up a year early vs prior coach. This woulda happened to some degree but more like 2020 once rev came in. Do not underestimate the impact GOL has had on the new guy. Both not only talking to todd but alot of his boys are supporting the program more. Its funny. Gol and fridge genuinely care about tech. So does paul. One guy in the middle probably already forgot he worked here. He could care a less.

So. I am not pitting anyone vs anyone. Its just a reality of the transition and timing with tv revenue. As I understand more will be hired soon as well.

How much $ are we talking here?

I keep hearing that a lot of money is coming in, but have not heard any amounts. It worries me regarding the fiscal year deficit and dipping into the endowment.