Clemson Postgame


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
Even some Clemson fans made a remark about how poor our showing was at the beginning of the game with a lot of the stands empty till the end of the first quarter

A Clemson fan told me that at Clemson, they have to arrive an hour and half before the game. Tech, by comparison, is so much easier to get into and get to your seat. He said it's well known in the ACC that Tech fans don't fully take their seats until seven or eight minutes into the game.

However ... what is with the Lower East Stands! How embarrassing that the most visible seats in the stadium are so empty. Good grief!


Helluva Engineer
My head hurts this morning. Tried to use bourbon to make the game look better. It didn't help last night and the residual effects this morning suck.

That was Iowa level physical domination or better. And their players made us miss in space while their players were tackling machines in space. Had some false hope that we might steal one early in the fourth but that got swatted away pretty quickly.

With that though even with a bad head, all is not lost. Clemson is simply that good - and we are not. Our season now rests on how quickly we can put this behind us and not let it affect our play next Saturday and beyond. Miami is good - but they are not Clemson. UNC can't stop the run, Duke can't win, and VT is beatable. Or we can let this one be a hangover (I hate that word today) and get on a negative roll like last year.

I think we are better than last year but no where near as good as 14. We will find out over the next several weeks if we are better than last year or not.


Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
On to next
Miami's defense ain't Clemson's, yet. It's coming though.

BC defense is stout but Clemson has a 300+ lb DE that's bigger than any of GT's Oline that not named Devine.

They just better. Kudos to Dabo for letting up on the gas.
I respect anyone's opinion. But Dabo is a head coach he does not call the plays on offense or defense. Dabo is a CEO of Clemson football he hires the offensive and defensive coordinators and does a very good job picking them. If you want to say the Clemson players got a little complacent that I could buy. But no way did Dabo back off, if you do you don't keep your starters in the game. I don't see any college coach backing off he may put in his backups but he is not telling them not to score. Yes you may run a little more than you want to keep the clock running.

I would like to think the difference was our players on defense got embarrassed in the first half and played better in the second half. Maybe not it could be the Clemson players did get complacent, I like to think we did better on defense in the second half.

As for offense I have no idea what happen. I wait and see what Longestday and or Boomergump have to say this week. They know more who is to block who than I do.

What did I learn after yesterday is that we will not finish 14-0 , and the DOT should not block a ramp on I-75 went we have a home game. ( I was in road construction for 40 years and if we had a job within 50 miles of uga the DOT would not let us work on the road during their home games )


Helluva Engineer
My thoughts:
1) We were used to that slow SEC defense, and not ready for ACC speed :)
2) got whooped with screens(shocking right?) bc our db's play so far off like they are courtside at Phillips Arena
4) ^ thanks to number 3, I was able to get a clemson's girls number during the downtime
5) we will beat Da U next week, and finish 9- 3.....mark it down

That is all. For now.
You need to change your name to ChasonPlaya!


Helluva Engineer
BFE , south carolina
imo we looked flat. REAL FLAT coming out of the gate. clemson did not. it almost looked like we expected exactly what we got in the first half. we are at the point as a team where we need some confidence. we didnt get any help in that regard last night.

i guess the only thing to take from this game is we held them to 3 points in the 2nd half and scored 7. unfortunately fb has two halves.

if we needed any more proof that the fb gods were not on our side last night that interception was it. that was at least a 9 point mistake . w/o that gaff we are only down 14 zip.

lets hope we can make up for this against miami.


Helluva Engineer
This Jelyl and Hyde thing we have going on offense is strange. Some games it looks like a lot of those guys don't even want to be out there. Maybe the tape will change my mind, but I think it will just confirm my thoughts.
When the guy in front of you physically dominates you play after play, it's a little hard to execute. No Jekyll and Hide, imo. We got are arses beat, almost to a man, almost every play. I'm tired of JT saying, "it was nothing new.... we just need to execute." BS. The new part is the dudes staring at you from across the LOS are bigger, faster, stronger and quicker than you and anybody we have faced so far. It's funny how a defensive scheme that fails against you with lesser players works against you with better players.


Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
I'll start by stating I haven't read through this entire thread, so some or all of what I'm about to write may be covered by others. But, after a night's rest and reflection, here's my thoughts...

1. As cliche as it is, I truly believe this year is going to be a "it's never as good or bad as it seems" year.
2. Clemson is a team of talented kids who appear to be getting good coaching.
3. I absolutely think we got Clemson's best shot last night, both offensively and defensively. This is a team that played for the championship last year, so their best shot is going to be pretty good.
4. Their players were bigger, faster, stronger than ours at most positions, so getting their best shot put us behind the 8-ball from the get-go. Clemson had something to prove.
5. Clemson will be the best team we play this year. I don't think there's another team with comparable talent/experience on our schedule. So, I think we have a fighting chance for what's left.
6. We've played 4 games. We're 3-1. We have 8-10 games left. Our team will get better as the season progresses (barring key injuries). I don't think we'll be man-handled like this again this season, so I give us a fighting chance in the rest of our games.
7. Although we have guys who gained experience last year, we're still a relatively young team. These guys have a lot to learn still and we'll get better.

8. Either the scheme for the O-Line is too difficult to execute consistently, we have woefully inadequate coaching, or a combination of both. When we are playing against elite DLine talent, we don't seem to be reading from the same script. Too many times the wrong guy is turned loose or guys are flat out missed. It's obvious the guys are busting their butts out there. There's not doubt the effort is there. If 2 of our 5 OLine miss their block or block improperly every play (that's what it seems like), what does that say about the complexity of the scheme and/or the coaching? These are the brightest kids on the team. If it takes 4-5 years to understand the blocking schemes well enough to execute consistently and to be able to make adjustments on the fly, then we'll never be truly successful with this system.

I am cautiously optimistic about the remainder of the season. I think there's no one else on our schedule that will play at Clemson's level last night. After the first half, our defensive adjustments were enough to keep us in the game. I don't think we ever really identified an answer on offense. Look for some of the better defenses we'll face to try to emulate Clemson. I don't think any of them will be as successful.

There's more, but that's enough for now.


Im a 3*
I finally just finished watching the game and whew that was horrendous. I cant find my quote, but I stated this game was going to come down OLine vs. Clemson's Alabama-esque DL. That is area where *s do matter and its two or three 5* on that line. I would say they manhandled us but we barely touch them the whole game. This was a total annihilation for our offense. We looked very soft and ill-prepared. As for the defense, Im still trying to figure what exactly are we looking at during the week and what are we teaching during 7 on 7 with our zone drops. TEs and slots will continuously have field day onus because we LBs that look clueless at times and refuse to close down the air between them and the receiver. And yes that will be the BEST DEFENSE we will face. But i don't care what anyone says, giving up 26 points to Clemson offense should equate to more competitive game. Im not buying they let of the gas when they still passing at the end of the game

But whats so great about this it is just one game. Im praying Mark Richt continues his power football approach and not decide to spread us out and force us into to make a play 1on1. Every goal is still in front of us but we have to decide to we want this bad enough because I saw some guys play like they were lost.

Also Punt Return competition should be open


Helluva Engineer
Clemson has bigger, faster, better athletes. Their DL dominated our OL, creating pressure on Thomas, rushing our pass opportunities. That allowed their CBs to cover us tightly. Our DL could not create pressure, giving Watson all the time in the world and our DBs had to give large cushions to keep from getting beaten on deep routes. 8 -10 yard cushions on short yardage situations won't get your defense off the field against teams with QBs who can pass and WRs who can catch.


Helluva Engineer
8. Either the scheme for the O-Line is too difficult to execute consistently, we have woefully inadequate coaching, or a combination of both. When we are playing against elite DLine talent, we don't seem to be reading from the same script. Too many times the wrong guy is turned loose or guys are flat out missed. It's obvious the guys are busting their butts out there. There's not doubt the effort is there. If 2 of our 5 OLine miss their block or block improperly every play (that's what it seems like), what does that say about the complexity of the scheme and/or the coaching? These are the brightest kids on the team. If it takes 4-5 years to understand the blocking schemes well enough to execute consistently and to be able to make adjustments on the fly, then we'll never be truly successful with this system.
Great post. I agree with most of it and only a nitpick on #8. Complexity is an issue, but is it too complex is debateable. We were losing ground even when we got the target right. There are mental errors and there are physical errors. Being dominated physically causes both. I think that's what was going on along the LOS, both sides, for the most part.

The good news is we are still relatively young on the OL. Our two deep is loaded with underclassmen. A true frosh got a bulk of the work at our most important OL position. Man I miss Shaq.


Helluva Engineer
442 to 124. Dabo called the tigers off. Yes a few individual played okay for the Jackets but they best get their heads on straight or duh u will humble them even worse as st mark won't call them off.
This is probably the second time Dabo has called the dogs off on us. I wonder why? To be sure, this is the best Clemson team I have ever seen especially on their defensive line. Fast and strong with an attitude. This is what happens when 3 stars go up against 4 and 5 stars when the ahem stars are aligned if you get my drift. The talent differential is very wide and we will not be able to compete unless recruiting is addressed. It is just that simple.


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
I finally just finished watching the game and whew that was horrendous. I cant find my quote, but I stated this game was going to come down OLine vs. Clemson's Alabama-esque DL. That is area where *s do matter and its two or three 5* on that line. I would say they manhandled us but we barely touch them the whole game. This was a total annihilation for our offense. We looked very soft and ill-prepared. As for the defense, Im still trying to figure what exactly are we looking at during the week and what are we teaching during 7 on 7 with our zone drops. TEs and slots will continuously have field day onus because we LBs that look clueless at times and refuse to close down the air between them and the receiver. And yes that will be the BEST DEFENSE we will face. But i don't care what anyone says, giving up 26 points to Clemson offense should equate to more competitive game. Im not buying they let of the gas when they still passing at the end of the game

But whats so great about this it is just one game. Im praying Mark Richt continues his power football approach and not decide to spread us out and force us into to make a play 1on1. Every goal is still in front of us but we have to decide to we want this bad enough because I saw some guys play like they were lost.

Also Punt Return competition should be open

I think I agree with most of this. I almost tore my hair out with the "option's been figured out" nonsense from that pencil-neck BSPN announcer. I'm like, "are you not watching the trenches?" It's men against confused boys out there. Offensive scheme did. Not. Matter. They whupped us up front. CPJ (seemingly) had to dip into the Navy playbook just to get us some air.

Holding them to 26 points was a miracle IMHO considering how anemic our O was. D still has problems but they held up their end last night.

That punt return comment will get you heat but you ain't wrong. Our guy 83 has sure hands, but he let a few punts hit the ground that absolutely killed field position. Does he struggle to pick up the ball like an outfielder misjudging fly balls? (And yeah I know he's a WR, but the flight of the ball is different on a punt.) I'd almost sacrifice some of the "safe"-ness for a jitterbug type that can make good decisions and make guys miss when he does catch it.

ETA: @nod is right. If we had FSU's character we would've lost by fiddy.


Jolly Good Fellow
The Island of Relevancy
Bunch of negative f'ing nancies here. Get over it. You can say the score doesn't reflect the game because Clemson let off the gas but Lance was one move without fumbling away from us going into half down 14-7 and it could've been a different game. They're a beatable team no matter how talented. 2014 vs Duke was one of the worst offensive performances I've ever seen under CPJ and we turned it around that year.

The talent argument can go out the window. We have talent we just need to play better. All it takes is some damn confidence and execution. If we pull the same crap this year as last year and keep losing then I would serious question the leadership on this team.

A ) the talent is not there, our talent level is closer to Virginia than it is to Clemson
B) your argument holds no water. You thought we were going to drive 98 yards after the interception to score and close the half 14-7 ? Not sure what you were drinking when you posted this but I would like some to help me get through next weeks *** whipping that we are going to receive from St. Mark and the U


Helluva Engineer
How does anyone think Dabo "took it easy" in the second half? Other than letting the playclock run down, the playcalling stayed aggressive and downfield.


Helluva Engineer
If it wasn't for that safety and the crap holding call in the 3rd quarter we could have been back in it, but I saw the same last year when the team gets down or flat the captains don't seem to do much in getting the team pumped back up. JT especially


Jolly Good Fellow
Again this is a type of game where our limited offense hurts us. We just have to accept the fact when a defense has our number, we get beat. If Lance takes a knee or doesn't fumble the interception, we have a closer game. Our defense played not to give up the big play and Clemson took their time and was fine with short passes and drove down the field. Take those 9 points of the board from the end of the first half and it looks more respectable. Plus, Clemson is just a damm good football team.


Helluva Engineer
Again this is a type of game where our limited offense hurts us. We just have to accept the fact when a defense has our number, we get beat. If Lance takes a knee or doesn't fumble the interception, we have a closer game. Our defense played not to give up the big play and Clemson took their time and was fine with short passes and drove down the field. Take those 9 points of the board from the end of the first half and it looks more respectable. Plus, Clemson is just a damm good football team.

Agreed that we are feeling a little different without that wild swing at the end of the first half. Still probably get beat 17-7 or 24-14 or so, but it would look better on the box score. I haven't seen us so snakebit in a game since VT '12.


Helluva Engineer
Loganville, GA
If it wasn't for that safety and the crap holding call in the 3rd quarter we could have been back in it, but I saw the same last year when the team gets down or flat the captains don't seem to do much in getting the team pumped back up. JT especially
That was a good holding call. Shamire can't whiff on his block then grab ankles from the ground...