Clemson Postgame


Staff member
Get some perspective, and quickly gentlemen. That was one of the most dominant teams we have seen in quite some time.

We all joke about clemsoning, but the underlying truth there is that the teams they field are STUDS. That they can "find a way to not win" means they deserved to. The last couple of years CDS has had them dialed in and focused. I hate taking a loss, and a public one like this was, but it is ridiculous to say the team had no heart.

I saw our defense hold fast for most of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Q; I saw our guys continue to fight for breathing room; and despite being outclassed I saw us finish the game.

Maybe we should all take a few beats to step back and remember that 30 some odd kids from the Institute just went head first into a buzz saw. I am hoping they can come out the other end stronger for having had the experience. There is a TON of football left to play, and we are 1-1 in conference.

Let's heal up, rest up, and get ready for Miami and co, because they're coming next weekend.

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Ramblin' Wreck
We actually played decent in the second half, it was the first quarter that hurt us, after that we went stride for stride with them imo. I mean honestly what did they do to out play us in the second half? We moved the ball on them, but was so far behind we had to pass more and come out of our comfort zone. Take the first quarter away and it would have been a close game. If anything I think the score reflects a game that was closer than what it was. I'm not saying we played well because we didn't on offense but I didn't think Clemson looked that good but on their D line, and that one LB.

I think clemson took their foot of the gas. For example, I'm pretty sure they didn't even run the ball a single time on their first drive. 2nd half was not their typical gameplan at all.


Helluva Engineer
Props to the D for staying strong and it sucks about that safety. The O-Line did not show up tonight and reminded me a lot of last season. I just wonder how long it will take to get our O-Line back up to par with what we had in 2014, because tonight just looked embarrassing


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
442 to 124. Dabo called the tigers off. Yes a few individual played okay for the Jackets but they best get their heads on straight or duh u will humble them even worse as st mark won't call them off.


Helluva Engineer
442 to 124. Dabo called the tigers off. Yes a few individual played okay for the Jackets but they best get their heads on straight or duh u will humble them even worse as st mark won't call them off.
Miami won't put a front 7 on the field like Clemson just did either. People you need to understand we just played arguable the best D line in the courts, they are no joke. Most teams we play won't be much better than the front 7 we saw for vandy, they will just have better offenses. We should be able to score points for the rest of the season, we will just need to play sound D if we want to have a good season. Once again that D line for Clemson is GREAT! We won't have to deal with that again unless we play them in the acccg.


Jolly Good Fellow
*** silver platter. They handed it to us tonight. We aren't competitive now or for the last two years. I don't want to hear about moral victories. They don't count with me.


Helluva Engineer
GT got whooped.
Talent wins out.
I will say I thought CPJ would have learned that against talented DlIne (Iowa, LSU, UGA, ect) this pitches work less and less and less. GT has to pass better I quick plays and line up and run straight at them. Those long drop backs not gonna work this pitches not gonna work at least not consistently. That's a big fast physical defense, I figured he'd have adjusted by now.


Jolly Good Fellow
Miami won't put a front 7 on the field like Clemson just did either. People

you need to understand we just played arguable the best D line in the courts, they are no joke. Most teams we play won't be much better than the front 7 we saw for vandy, they will just have better offenses. We should be able to score points for the rest of the season, we will just need to play sound D if we want to have a good season. Once again that D line for Clemson is GREAT! We won't have to deal with that again unless we play them in the acccg.

Didn't we say that after the BC game? Best defense we will see all year?


Helluva Engineer
Miami's defense ain't Clemson's, yet. It's coming though.

BC defense is stout but Clemson has a 300+ lb DE that's bigger than any of GT's Oline that not named Devine.

They just better. Kudos to Dabo for letting up on the gas.


Jolly Good Fellow
New here usually post mostly on r/cfb just thought I'd give my viewpoints.

Team never gave up especially the defense in the 2nd half which had to be gassed after 50+ plays in the 1st half.
Punting and coverage looked much better than in the first couple games.
Clemson D has been great for awhile. They even held the 2014 offense to 251 yards rushing and that was with their offense turning the ball over 3 times including 2 pick sixes.

Just have to get better every week and we're still in things. Need to come out strong against Miami.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Mills had a large run tonight that looked good. Got called back for shamire just being so big that he accidentally fell on a guy and it caused him to fall hard.

If that doesn't get called back we could have easily been over the 100 yard rushing mark tonight!


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
I'm proud of my team... Got beat soundly by a clearly superior team tonight but I'm proud of 'em...
Kept playing with max effort until the last play.
Defense, I saw you out there working tonight, what seemed like ALL night...
Wouldn't trade my colors for any other...

I think this sums it up. Sometimes you lose a game and others, you just get beat. Tonight was the latter. Nothing to be done.