Cj leggett gone?


Ramblin' Wreck
I see a move back from receiver to B-Back by Lands-Davis who will provide another tough inside runner. I'm glad Mills was an early enrollee as he has an opportunity to garner some PT as a true frosh.


Helluva Engineer

Goes to show you recruiting really is a crap shoot. You've got a guy like Demaryius Thomas, who if you do not know the story by now came from as f'ed up a situation as an SA can come from, but worked hard during his time at GT and became a 1st round NFL pick. He was not a highly recruited SA at all.

Then you have CJ Leggett. Came from an affluent background where his father is a cardiologist and an Ivy league graduate. Was a pretty sought after recruit from a good school. Signed with us because of our top tier academics. Now he's dismissed.

Doesn't matter where you're from. If you're not willing to follow the rules and do the work, you're just another statistic.

Wish him well though. Will always have a soft spot for guys who chose GT even if things didn't work out here.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Oriental, NC
Usually guys who get kicked off the team for "violation of team rules" get caught smoking weed, drinking underage, or doing other things that college kids do multiple times by the school. Typically nothing that's all that bad.
I am not sure of the offense, but he signed a contract that outlined the rules. I am sad to see him go, but he knew the rules and decided the rules did supersede his desires. There are consequences. He made a choice.


Ramblin' Wreck
Marietta, Ga
I couldn't get the link, but he tweeted this out a minute or 2 ago


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Ramblin' Wreck
This doesn't add up. Usually a player is given a 2 game suspension before they are dismissed from the team. I do not recall Leggett getting a 2 game suspension in the past; unless he served his 2 game suspension while hurt, and it was not made public. So, either he made an egregious violation of team rules forcing a straight dismissal or someone from the department misspoke and said "dismissed" to Ken.


Helluva Engineer
Flint Michigan
You know what. Keep your head up, eyes open and mouth shut and you will make it at what ever to do in life. Words from my uncle who coached magic johnson in high school and is a Michigan sports hall of fame member. He also told me that there's millions of kids who would kill to be in my spot. And that was playing D2 basketball on scholarship. I can't feel sorry for a kid given every opportunity to make something better with his life and threw it away. I don't care where you came from. Trust me I came from nothing. Took every bit of that advise, graduated from college after 2 ankle surgeries and had to stop playing ball and now make well over 400k a year in real estate and property management. I wish the kid luck but feel no sympathy for him. He had it all laid out for him and pissed it away.


Helluva Engineer
Loganville, GA
Sounds like he decided to transfer instead of face punishment. This one stings a bit because he was one of my favorite recruits. Hopefully, he can find a place to go where he can flourish. We won't know the details, and I'm fine with that. These kids have to grow up fast, as long as there isn't a runin with the law, I think they deserve a chance to learn from the situation. In this case, it will be somewhere else.


Helluva Engineer
This dismissal/transfer (I don't care which it is) just really drives the point home about how snakebit we've been in recruiting to the BB position. In the 5 years between Laskey/Days and Marcus Marshall, we had two 4*s who never played a down for us and one guy (Allen) who bounced around positions for 3 years before getting a legit shot at BB. I really like what I've seen so far from Marshall and it looks promising for Mills, so maybe we've turned a corner in recruiting the position (never mind the other guys we haven't seen yet who have reason for optimism too). Our offense is so much better when we have a threat at BB, if these new guys can be a step up we should have some good years ahead of us.
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decatur jacket

Jolly Good Fellow
Decatur, GA
That list of states is going to be growing with the 2016 elections, then it'll go nation-wide within another 4 years. It will be nice when this issue finally gets put behind us.

Agree that the list of states will grow, but I don't see how it will have much of an impact on suspensions/dismissals from a student athlete's perspective. I am assuming there is an age limit to buy the stuff in the states where it is currently "legal," right? Underage possessions will still happen and a school might make it against its rules to have possession of it. Just because alcohol is legal for those over 21 doesn't mean I can show up to my office drinking. I would guess that the same rules in terms of drug tests for SA's will stay in place as a safety precaution. The issue in terms of SA's will be far from behind us.