Christian Malloy has Entered the Transfer Portal


Helluva Engineer

Not trying to be argumentative or disrespectful, but do you actually believe that?
Well … yes. By that I didn't mean that he would turn down an Orrin Smith or an Anthony Allen when one came his way; far from it, he went after players like that every year. However, he was willing to take some backs to play AB - Green, Searcy, Peeples, and others - that could play that role on offense, but that were overlooked or neglected (Green) by other programs. He was quite willing to take a flier on a player who could perform, but didn't fit a pro profile. That's one reason why analysts who talked to the Tech coaches during his time often found his staff very satisfied with what looked to them like mediocre recruiting classes. And when we struck gold, it really showed.


Helluva Engineer
I think CPJ was great at optimizing his players. As a result, he could use guys like Embry and Marcus Wright that other schools couldn't.

Fwiw, IIrc, Embry wasn't one of our top 2 A-Backs (plays, carries) during any season.
True and I can tell you one reason why: Peeples was the best blocker for his size on the field in almost every game. He ended up leading the runners more often then not.