Choice and Burton meet the media


Ramblin' Wreck
A LOT of what you said is true.

There are few VERY vocal posters on BOTH sides that are making it difficult to enjoy what the new coach is trying to build.

On one side there are people who can't let go of CPJ and are afraid that past narratives that built up over the years are being threatened. For some reason those few guys keep taking cheap shots at the new coach before he even coaches a game.

On the other side, there are fans that can't appreciate CPJ and talk about him as if he ran our program into the ground. Sure CPJ wasn't perfect, but as you alluded to, his record is nothing to be ashamed of.

IMO, EVERYONE just needs to move forward and embrace the direction CGC is trying to move the program. It's not an insult to CPJ, it's just natural progression in a time of change. There should be no "CPJ side" or "CGC side". It should just be GT. That's it.
I have consistently delineated my discontent with the CGC hire. I am equally disappointed in TStan, for what I think is a bad hire. Notwithstanding my discontent, I will support CGC, and I hope to be proven wrong.

Can we dispense with the notion that concerns about the CGC hire means that someone is worried that CGC is "threaten[ing]" past narratives? Why is only blind support acceptable? This is a message board to discuss Tech football; not a propaganda site for CGC.

Moreover, I like Choice, but there are valid concerns regarding his hire. Those that wish to delineate their concerns with the hire should not be dismissed as being afraid that new coaches are "threaten[ing]" old narratives. Strive to address the criticisms instead of assigning, and often misconstruing, intent.
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Helluva Engineer
I have consistently delineated my discontent with the CGC hire. I am equally disappointed in TStan, for what I think is a bad hire. Notwithstanding my discontent, I will support CGC, and I hope to be proven wrong.

Can we dispense with the notion that concerns about the CGC hire means that someone is worried that CGC is "threaten[ing]" past narratives? Why is only blind support acceptable? This is a message board to discuss Tech football; not a propaganda site for CGC.

Moreover, I like Choice, but there are valid concerns regarding his hire. Those that wish to delineate their concerns with the hire should not be dismissed as being afraid that new coaches are "threaten[ing]" old narratives. Strive to address the criticisms instead of assigning, and often misconstruing, intent.

Dude, read what I wrote. Not saying ALL people who like/dislike CPJ/CGC fit into one box or another. There's nothing wrong with being concerned with a coach or an issue, but the fact of the matter is there are a FEW who keep pounding their position on each side of the line that it's obvious what narratives they're trying to protect. It's divisive.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out who the CGC/CPJ haters or dissenter are. You see them posting the same BS in every thread. Don't take this as an insult, but the fact that I can't even point to any one of your posts tells me you don't fit the FEW I'm talking about.

The point's OK voice concerns or voice optimism. What gets old is the same FEW people trying to split this into Anti CPJ/Pro CPJ/Anti CGC/Pro CGC narratives in every thread. The reality is, we're all GT fans (hopefully) so we all should really be 100% PRO GT.


Helluva Engineer
Part of the reason he was let go was how he kind of wasted the most elite guy we've ever had. That Wake game still haunts me.
That Wake game almost cost me my marriage. I told my wife we would leave when we scored a touchdown and we never did. Then I was too sick to go to dinner and we ate snacks in our room.

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Helluva Engineer
That Wake game almost cost me my marriage. I told my wife we would leave when we scored a touchdown and we never did. Then I was too sick to go to dinner and we ate snacks in our room.

Sent from my ASUS_Z01RD using Tapatalk
True Fan


That Wake game almost cost me my marriage. I told my wife we would leave when we scored a touchdown and we never did. Then I was too sick to go to dinner and we ate snacks in our room.

Sent from my ASUS_Z01RD using Tapatalk
Bet you’re still married. Those kinds of choices set the table for long term happiness. Marrying a GT man comes with certain responsibilities, foremost among them is frequently patience before, during and after games.


Ramblin' Wreck
I have consistently delineated my discontent with the CGC hire. I am equally disappointed in TStan, for what I think is a bad hire. Notwithstanding my discontent, I will support CGC, and I hope to be proven wrong.

Can we dispense with the notion that concerns about the CGC hire means that someone is worried that CGC is "threaten[ing]" past narratives? Why is only blind support acceptable? This is a message board to discuss Tech football; not a propaganda site for CGC.

Moreover, I like Choice, but there are valid concerns regarding his hire. Those that wish to delineate their concerns with the hire should not be dismissed as being afraid that new coaches are "threaten[ing]" old narratives. Strive to address the criticisms instead of assigning, and often misconstruing, intent.

Maybe some of us could use a good dose of Zen Buddhism. It speaks of living in the Now and practicing acceptance. Why can we not accept what has been done and enjoy it for now and not grumble and whine way before there is something to whine and grumble about.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
I am looking at this board now. I therefore cannot look at any posts that were made before now. Would ruin my zen. If you want to post zen posts that can be read by us zen practitioners,post them now. so they can be read.;)


Ramblin' Wreck
I am looking at this board now. I therefore cannot look at any posts that were made before now. Would ruin my zen. If you want to post zen posts that can be read by us zen practitioners,post them now. so they can be read.;)

That we will do, Grasshopper. Please allow young Geoff to follow his Zen on the fields of glory and coach Dodd.


Shoot, what about WAKE F ? talk about patience
Disgusting game. Only saving grace was I bought tickets in the beer drinking section. We didn’t use Choice enough, nor Calvin.
I am looking at this board now. I therefore cannot look at any posts that were made before now. Would ruin my zen. If you want to post zen posts that can be read by us zen practitioners,post them now. so they can be read.;)
It will be now later. Have no fear.


Georgia Tech Fan
The thing I got with Choice is he is genuinely appreciative of what GT means to him, and the opportunities he's gotten from it. He's honest that GT isn't easy, but he's also sincere that the work you put into GT will mean more when you graduate. He's going to absolutely kill it in with parents in living rooms across the Southeast.

CGC for some reason is getting labled "car salesman", but the guy is passionate about his job. You're not out taking advantage of every interview opportunity, every public appearance opportunity, every recruiting opportunity...and he's busting his butt to reposition the narrative on GT. You don't do that if you're not passionate about GT or the job he's undertaking.

He's done more to change the perception of GT in his short time than the previous staff did in 10 years. I'm not saying that to denigrate CPJ's tenure, I'm saying that because no one blamed CPJ for not being passionate about GT and he didn't put himself and GT out there like CGC is doing. My point is, why are so many negative about the way CGC is trying to change the narrative about GT?

Also, one thing I'm also getting after hearing the coaches talk is everyone is relaying the same message: GT means high standards, high work ethic, relentlessness on and off the field, higher caliber SA, not being afraid of "elite", our SAs will get every opportunity they could dream of off the field (professionally and personally) and on the field (NFL), etc. THAT is branding, and it's starts from the top and everyone is on the same page. That is how you change the narrative about GT.
Thank you Techster!! SPOT ON MY FRIEND.


Helluva Engineer
I’ve been hoping for that for years, having ATL rappers associate with GT would really help our image and recruiting imo.

Honestly, I am not in the loop as regards rappers and what or who 19 y.o. S/As think is cool.

But I would ask, without judging it as bad, is what you are suggesting reek a little of the old Miami?

And as regards recruiting that may not be a bad thing.

Just curious.


Helluva Engineer
I was at a Tech game and Big Boi came riding out in a yellow corvette roadster that looked like a yellow jacket at halftime. It just made total sense being right in Atlanta where you have all these musicians. Tech should've been begging them to come perform for the fans!


Helluva Engineer
The difference between collins and johnson so far is mentality when it comes to scheme and personnel. Collins is a jimmys and joes guy which means recruiting HAS to take precedence.

Either way it looks liek Collins is getting the buy in radokovich originially gave CPJ. And hopefully it works. If we can raise our spending to even 3 quarters of a clemson or bama and spend a lot of it on academic aide. We can at least have a 9 win floor.


Helluva Engineer
Beautiful Ducktown Tennessee
The difference between collins and johnson so far is mentality when it comes to scheme and personnel. Collins is a jimmys and joes guy which means recruiting HAS to take precedence.

Either way it looks liek Collins is getting the buy in radokovich originially gave CPJ. And hopefully it works. If we can raise our spending to even 3 quarters of a clemson or bama and spend a lot of it on academic aide. We can at least have a 9 win floor.
If GT gets to the point where they win 9 games every season CGC very well could attract the interest of bigger schools with more money like South Carolina,Auburn or Ole Miss who could be looking for new head coaches in 2020 or 2021.